What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Procrastication is the definition of my life.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I'm the biggest procrastinator ever... There's no reason for me to not comment on this, and no reason for me to not start on the solo fan-fic... and yet I just go around doing... nothing. Just thought I'd share that.

  • Your comments would be appreciated, since like...

    Aaron May or May not die.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I'm the biggest procrastinator ever... There's no reason for me to not comment on this, and no reason for me to not start on the solo fan-fic... and yet I just go around doing... nothing. Just thought I'd share that.

  • btw Zyphon can you add Lauren Phoneix's friend to the character list?

  • Aaron

    Aaron saw the people gathering around him. He was losing a lot of blood, both from his arm and (mostly) his leg. He had protected Ivy. That was all that mattered... but... The pain was excruciating. He just couldn't handle it.

    He looked at Theo in an expression that told him everything.

    "I... I'm sorry Ivy." he managed to say. The pain was getting worse, and he blacked out.

    "NO!" Was the last thing Aaron heard before he passed out.

  • Phoenix

    "What the hel-" Phoenix stops, looking down at the slow man, rethinking instead of swearing. "What is wrong with you? Why would you leave your little brother here, all alone? I had to protect him while you were gone..."

  • Han

    "I had him boarded up pretty good, I never knew there was a back door. But the reason I left him was because, he is safer in here. He wont be able to shoot, he might get lost or not catch up fast enough. I cant keep up all the time as I have to kill the zombies making sure he doesnt get killed. The last time we were out on the road, there was a horde of around 15 zombies, I had to shoot them all with my revolver. I didnt notice Hal, he was was calling a zombie asking it why it wasnt talking, he than saw it frown and thought it needed a hug, he went to give the zombie a hug! But with no hesitation, I shot the zombie before it could bite Hal."

    Han pauses to get some breath. "You see, he needs someone to watch out for him, but its just too hard for me to do that when I need to keep him away from zombies.. I hope you understand.

    While waiting for a reply, Han goes to pack up some syringes, a bunch of pills, rubbing alchohol and other stuff for the camp. "Well off you go, I hope you guys make it through this, Hal wonders if he should ask the camp group if he could come, and than that means that Hal, the man, the lady and the tied up guy would also have to come and he remembers that the group has it tough, so he resides from asking.

  • Lauren

    "Wait! Why are you packing? Are you leaving? Do you have a group we can join maybe?" Lauren asks the man.

  • edited February 2014


    Molly and Kieran quickly follow in. "The packing is for us. Thanks. You know, I... appreciate this. I'm sorry for the way the kid acted, he's hardened. But, you guys could come back with us for a while if you want to...?"

    Molly's offer was serious, but she was worried about Aaron. She took the meds and prepared to leave. "I need an answer though, a kid in my group is bleeding pretty badly. I'm not gonna wait forever."

  • Han

    Han looks at the others. "I accept your offer, Hal might freak out to the new people at first, but I am sure he will fit in nicely." He takes another glance at Pheonix, will and Lauren. "I will only join if the others can come too, I dont know about the other 2..but that man with the hand, he was protecting my brother and I owe it up to him."

  • Yes, I'll do that and also update the story.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    btw Zyphon can you add Lauren Phoneix's friend to the character list?

  • Phoenix

    "I just.. don't know.." Lauren gives him a haunting stare. "I mean... you guys are the first people me and Lauren have even seen out here... with a big group I just don't know.. conflicts will happen along with arguments.I just don't want that...." Phoenix thinks while catching his breath. "I'm sorry..." Phoenix looks at Lauren. "Are you with me?"

  • Molly

    Molly is happy with some acceptance, but she has to go. "Listen. I need your final answer NOW. I can't wait any longer. What's it gonna be?"

  • Will

    "Hey what about me? Can I come with you guys?" Will asks. "Oh and can someone untie me... I swear I'm not a threat!"

    edited March 2014


    "I'm not passing on this offer!" Lauren says, "Don't worry Phin, if they seem out of the ordinary, I'll act.. fast. We're coming! You can come too uhh.. what's your name?"

  • Will

    "It's Will... I've been traveling for days looking for a group. So ah can you cut these?" Will says and he holds out his hands so that someone can cut the rope.

  • Lauren

    Lauren cuts the rope with her katana "I hope I didn't make a mistake just now.."

  • I gotta go now I'll see you tomorrow

  • Phoenix

    "Lauren... I'm sorry... I'm not going." Phoenix says, as he packs some food, and leaves the cabins.

    I had been walking for a while, when he came across an RV. I opened it, and sure enough the keys were inside. "Is it just me, or am I the luckiest man in the world..?" I said as I start it up.

    "Maybe some of the other want to come with me now that I have a vehicle!" I said aloud, trying to remember the many turns of roads I came across.

  • We definitely need some progression. It's kinda tricky to write now, we should just leave the Camp, get the RV, and maybe do a time skip. Possibly be in another state as well.

  • We can't though. The Aaron thing hasn't been resolved.

    Do you guys think we should do a vote of whether or not to kill Aaron?

    Twistee posted: »

    We definitely need some progression. It's kinda tricky to write now, we should just leave the Camp, get the RV, and maybe do a time skip. Possibly be in another state as well.

  • No... dude... you can't do that...

    We've been planning with the RV for such a long time, and you're just taking it...

    Phoenix "Lauren... I'm sorry... I'm not going." Phoenix says, as he packs some food, and leaves the cabins. I had been walking for a w

  • Aaron has one arm, and a big chomp in his leg. IMO he's dead weight now lol. It's ultimately up to you in the end but I'm just saying we're 50 pages in and are still at the Camp. We should leave ASAP.

    We can't though. The Aaron thing hasn't been resolved. Do you guys think we should do a vote of whether or not to kill Aaron?

  • I'm fine with Aaron dying. It should be a mercy shot though. Should we vote or just do it?

    Twistee posted: »

    Aaron has one arm, and a big chomp in his leg. IMO he's dead weight now lol. It's ultimately up to you in the end but I'm just saying we're 50 pages in and are still at the Camp. We should leave ASAP.

  • The camp needs to leave but now Molly and Kieran and co have left to the cabins, maybe walkers attack the camp causing the camp to go along the road and then the camp find the RV? Something across those lines after they've have dealt with the Aaron fiasco.

  • Maybe you can have him faint, and die while fainting so that he turns into a zombie through the night and possibly kill one of the camp members, than we can all move out and find the RV?

    I'm fine with Aaron dying. It should be a mercy shot though. Should we vote or just do it?

  • I think Molly and Kieran should be on their way back. I'll write about it.

    The camp needs to leave but now Molly and Kieran and co have left to the cabins, maybe walkers attack the camp causing the camp to go along

  • We could just do it I guess, I don't think Zyphon would care. But who should mercy shoot him?

    I'm fine with Aaron dying. It should be a mercy shot though. Should we vote or just do it?

  • Molly

    "Alright, anyone who's coming with us, follow Kieran and me. It's not too far. I promise, your uh... brother. Will be safe with us."

  • and Han, Hal, will and Lauren.

    I think Molly and Kieran should be on their way back. I'll write about it.

  • I would say Ivy, but she couldn't. Maybe Theo could, since you said he regretted everything. Should we wait for Molly to get back?

    Twistee posted: »

    We could just do it I guess, I don't think Zyphon would care. But who should mercy shoot him?

  • edited March 2014


    Han grabs his stuff and gets Hal to carry most of it since Hal is a pretty big guy. Han clutches his rifle in one hand and holds Hal with his other while staying quiet and following Kieran and Molly.

  • I dunno, the group isn't stupid. As much as Ivy would want it, if he passed out they wouldnt leave him without a gun to his head.

    Maybe you can have him faint, and die while fainting so that he turns into a zombie through the night and possibly kill one of the camp members, than we can all move out and find the RV?

  • Ivy did kill Eric, I don't think she could handle something like that. I honestly think Theo should do it, and have Molly next to him when he does. Fits better if Theo did it.

    I would say Ivy, but she couldn't. Maybe Theo could, since you said he regretted everything. Should we wait for Molly to get back?

  • Yeah. Let's go with that. Wait til Molly and co return.

    Twistee posted: »

    Ivy did kill Eric, I don't think she could handle something like that. I honestly think Theo should do it, and have Molly next to him when he does. Fits better if Theo did it.

  • Ivy

    Ivy's eyes filled with tears. She saw the boy who was taking care of her slowly slipping away. "You promised you'd always protect me..." she managed to choke out.

    "I'm sorry Ivy. But you're... strong." Aaron managed to mumble.

    Aaron looked back at Theo, with pained eyes. It told him all that he needed to know. I can't recover from this. You know that.

  • edited March 2014

    woops ignore this

    and Han, Hal, will and Lauren.

  • Theodore

    Theo's arm was starting to hurt more and more, Elizabeth aids Theo's and Anton's wound. "I think... We should shoot Aaron. Put him out of this Misery." Elizabeth stayed silent after his words. "Look, I know you all probably hate me. My little confession earlier doesn't make things better either. But I wanna stay. It was Trina's idea to come here to begin with... I can't just leave." Theo said to Elizabeth, but it wasn't her call in the end.

    She eventually fixes up their wounds, and Theo's walks back outside, and goes to check on Aaron.

  • edited March 2014


    "Don't go. Please. Please Aaron. You saved me! Don't die!." Ivy was quietly talking and crying at the same time... she knew Aaron couldn't be saved but she refused to believe it.

    "You promised..."

    "Molly will take care of you, Ivy."

  • Daniel

    "We can't just kill him. I mean... Maybe he'll pull through," Daniel didn't sound convinced. He looked to Elizabeth, "I mean, you can fix him up, right? You know how?" Dhe didn't say anything, but the answer was clear. Jack was the only one who could've saved aaron, and he was dead. the kid didn't have a chance, even if he did live, with one arm and a now fucked leg... The walkers or other people would get him eventually.

  • Molly

    Molly and the others had finally returned to camp. "Hey guys, we have the medical stuff and some new peop-"

    Molly's face turned from happy to horror. "No."

    She sprinted to Aaron and looked at him. "What the fuck? Why did you let this happen to him?" Aaron tried to reply. "It's.. not their faul-"


    Molly cared for Aaron. Not as much as she did Ivy, but Aaron was still like a little brother to her... after she lost her sister to Crawford. "Why,,," And then she saw Ivy...

    "It'll be okay... no matter what... it'll be okay..."

    Aaron and Molly shared a look. They both knew Aaron wouldn't make it... but they didn't make it any easier. She was still furious and walked quickly to Theo. "WHY? WHY DIDN'T YOU KEEP YOUR FUCKING DOG UNDER CONTROL? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?" Molly screamed furiously.

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