The Walking Dead: Season Two continues this week with Episode 2 - 'A House Divided'
The Walking Dead: Season Two continues this week with the launch of Episode 2 - A House Divided!
Here are the confirmed release dates:
- PC/Mac (worldwide) - Tuesday, March 4th
- PlayStation 3 (North America) - Tuesday, March 4th
- Xbox 360 (worldwide) - Wednesday, March 5th
- iOS (worldwide) - Thursday, March 6th
- PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, March 12th
The wait is almost over!
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Awesome! What time/timezone is it releasing for PC? PST?
Are you fucking kidding me? What about the European dates? Sooon? Like Super Soon or something like that?
So I wake up this morning thinking I seriously need to get my walking dead fix, but I log onto steam and jumpstart the game. What do I get "unavailable at this time". Ok it was 7am so I check when I get back in at around 10am still nothing.
It is 3.25pm still nothing. Telltale seriously its 11.25am in the states please can you tell me do you even have a clue when your going to release or should we be expecting next week?
Can you guys at least give us a hint of when the time of it will be out? like 1+2= ?? Pm
I brought the game from the tell tall website. its ironic that the stream users get it first instead of the telltale website. also t the marketing that the tell tale dose it bendfit some people and others aren't that lucky. I live in Australia, and depending when the pc version is release I still steal have wait to 7th to be able to play. Telltale please don't say 4th of March "world wide" because it not. sorry but its not.
It's Tuesday March 4th EST 5:50 PM. You announced the game would be available today. I'm here to download Season 2 episode 2. Where is it ? The download page still says coming soon.
Now the coming soon has disappeared but when you try to download it all you get is episode 1 again. What gives ?
You need to download Episode 2 from within the in-game menu. If you're having trouble with that, send an email to - they should be able to help you out!
I am royally upset right now. After problems with nearly EVERY installment of TWD, TWD2, and The Wolf Among Us, I had hoped that downloading A HOUSE DIVIDED would go smoothly.
And yet, of course, it hasn't. I have the same problem as RickyRod70 above -- I open TWD2 and am told that Episode 2 is "Coming Soon." I cannot force it to download and re-downloading the game from the Telltale website doesn't fix the problem.
What gives, Telltale? This is crazy! I prepaid for a season pass and yet can't download the new episode on the same day as the rest of the US?
The rest of the World has played it, and PS3 Europe doesn't even have a release date announced...not happy!
Telltale you're really starting to piss me off, are you going to release the episode in europe in 2014? No professional game company releases a game before giving atleast a release date for everyone -_-
I'm still not able to download the Mac version of episode 2. Pre-ordered the season pass here @telltale shop. Game says "coming soon". Why?
does anyone know for sure when I can play episode 2 season 2? I bought the season pass for 15 bucks last night and couldn't even play the game, which appeared to be available! It seems a bit misleading and I'm kind of choked.... still I hope to get back to zombie slaying soon.... hopefully somebody could tell me whats going on?
Bloody telltale. Why do you always forget PS3 Europe?!
Update for PlayStation 3 players in Europe:
Shut up lily, they will find u, the will release it and none of this will fucking mater
But right know we trapped here with one of those things, She is Hating thats how you turn
Grieve lilly it's okay to be scared
I'm just happy cuz I play TWD2 on IOS WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM!
It's 6th of march , I woke up this morning and ep2 was released on IOS I downloaded it and everything went so smoothly
not like the angry comments above
Episode 2 is please concentrate on episode 3 episode 2 their is less gameplay and more talking with group..and its also same in duration like first episode was 1:30 episode 2 of season 1 their is equal gameplay and equal talking so now in episode 3 please give us more gameplay and less talking...telltale give two episodes to nick breckon to write ..he is very boring and disappointed writer..they have to give at least two episdos to dark marin because he was awesome writer and awesome designer...he know how to shape game and in this season interactive story is by dark marin but give him at least two episodes to write please..if u read this PUZZLE BOX THEN PLEASE SAID TELLTALE PLEASEover all this episode is good but less gameplay thats all the problem so also said them about that..please dont mind my friend .SPECIAL THANKS TO PUZZLE BOX.
I think he did perfect on Ep.2 tbh. I like the talking and getting to know the characters more than the action.
STILL no release date for Episode 2 on Eu PSN. I am pissed. What an utter disgrace!
Yeah, but think about our shorter waiting period for episode 3.
Ok, that was sarcasm. I'm pissed too.
Jeez, could you please stop spoling on the only discussion platform, where we can complain about the ps3 europe delay? Thanks a lot.
Dear Telltale. Do we , customers, from Europe look like a bitch? No? So why you want to fuck Us. World already have Episode 2. They played it. Finish it. And on every god damm corner there are spoilers. How the hell you want to get trust from Us? This is Last time i bought game from your studio. I feel like a 2nd grade customer..
Why do we not get it though. At least everything else gets a release date
the world is enjoying it out there, who cares about us
Can a telltale member at least tell me what is the hold up for Europe always what can't Sony Eu do?
I have this probleme too! But for PC version. Episode 2 is still unavailable for download
Mabey next time Telltale you can take Europe to a fancy restraunt. Cause Europe likes to get Wined and Dined before theyget fucked!!
Holly shit, son of a bitch one of them is rude
He wans't rude
really annoyed now telltale! here I am sitting here waiting for you to announce the release date for PS3 in Europe trying with all my might to avoid spoilers! And yet all I see on your twitter is your fucking tales from the borderlands panel!!?!? Get your shit together and give me my episode!
When is it coming out on PS3 in Australia?
I'm just trying to sound like Larry and be like Larry, I'm his lover
Thanks to the delay on ps3 in europe, ive had it spoiled for me by my friends wtf is going on telltale?
Brenda, come on, now, you know you don't want to do this
It doesn't have to end like this
(and btw i said " he wasn't rude" => he wasn't bitten cause you changed bitten in rude so did i
UPDATE: Episode 2 will be available for PS3 via the PlayStation EU store on Wednesday, March 12.
We have to wait till wednsday
Wednsday!! we will freeze our asses of here