Haven't received any Newsletter since June

edited January 2013 in Site Support
I haven't received any Interloper Newsletter since June. I revised my options, and the box "Send me the newsletter" is checked.
Why can't I receive the newsletter?
Thanks a lot.


  • edited January 2012
    I haven't received any Interloper Newsletter since June. I revised my options, and the box "Send me the newsletter" is checked.
    Why can't I receive the newsletter?
    Thanks a lot.

    Have you checked your spam filter? Occasionally the Interloper gets sorted in there.
  • edited January 2012
    Have you checked your spam filter? Occasionally the Interloper gets sorted in there.

    Yeah, I checked - nothing in my spam folder. My Gmail account only keeps the last 30 days, but I'm pretty sure that it's not filed under spam because I made a rule that every mail that contains the word "telltale" should be automatically filed in a appropriate folder (and it works great when I receive anything from you like ordering mails or a PM notice).
    I also choosed "send me updates daily" checking evey box but I didn't receive anything.
    Nothing is happening. Can you check? What can I do? If needed contact me by PM.
    Thank you very much! :)
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2012
    A bunch of people mentioned the same issue in this thread last year. I've not received any Interlopers since then either. Confirmed they're not being spam filtered on my email account, and my ISP said they don't do automated spam filtering. Seems to have started after the sending address changed.
  • edited January 2012
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    A bunch of people mentioned the same issue in this thread last year. I've not received any Interlopers since then either. Confirmed they're not being spam filtered on my email account, and my ISP said they don't do automated spam filtering. Seems to have started after the sending address changed.

    That may be it actually. The current mailing list solution we use (started when the 'from' address changed) is very choosy about particular domains/email addresses/etc. we send to. I'm pretty sure that anybody that's ever put themselves on a do not email list is barred from receiving things from us and anybody else that sends using the same solution we do.

    We always use the most current list information on our end but as every mailing must be parsed through their database, there's a good chance that some domains/addresses do not get served because of this. We're determining the viability of alternative mailing list solutions for the future right now but don't have a definite timeline on when/if a switch will be made. We'll certainly keep you posted on developments on that front.

    Sincere apologies nonetheless.
  • edited March 2012
    That may be it actually. The current mailing list solution we use (started when the 'from' address changed) is very choosy about particular domains/email addresses/etc. we send to. I'm pretty sure that anybody that's ever put themselves on a do not email list is barred from receiving things from us and anybody else that sends using the same solution we do.

    We always use the most current list information on our end but as every mailing must be parsed through their database, there's a good chance that some domains/addresses do not get served because of this. We're determining the viability of alternative mailing list solutions for the future right now but don't have a definite timeline on when/if a switch will be made. We'll certainly keep you posted on developments on that front.

    Sincere apologies nonetheless.

    Does it means that I'm also ruled out from The Walking Dead Pre-Order Contest?
    If I'll win, I'll not receive the news in my mail? :(
  • edited April 2012
    Does it means that I'm also ruled out from The Walking Dead Pre-Order Contest?
    If I'll win, I'll not receive the news in my mail? :(

    So... I just notice that I'm in the same position.
    Is this being sorted out?
  • edited May 2012
    So since I still use Hotmail, I don't get the Interloper because someone else with a Hotmail address blocked the sender? That seems like a pretty big chunk of people not getting newsletters.
  • edited May 2012
    I'm using Yahoo. I've been talking to one of the Telltale support people, but haven't been able to confirm a fix yet.
  • edited July 2012
    I shot another email off to support@telltalegames.com today as a reminder that the issue is still unresolved.
  • edited October 2012
    Job Stauffer (Telltale's PR Manager) assures me that he'll help get the issue resolved. I've mentioned this thread, so hopefuly whatever resolution comes about will help everybody else who's experienced it.
  • edited October 2012
    I think I have the same issue (no e-mails for the blog newsletter I subscribed to and no e-mail notifications for new TWD episodes) and got some replies to my recent support request: http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=690180#post690180
  • edited October 2012
    I think I have the same issue (no e-mails for the blog newsletter I subscribed to and no e-mail notifications for new TWD episodes) and got some replies to my recent support request: http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=690180#post690180

    To be honest, I call shenanigans on the response you got there. If weekly emails were no longer being sent out, the "Telltale as it happens" weekly notification option would have been removed from the subscription settings page.
  • MattPMattP ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff
    edited October 2012
    In regards to the Interloper, we have not sent that out for the last few months, but hope to begin sending it out on a monthly basis starting this month. The other newsletters are no longer being sent out.
  • edited October 2012
    MattP wrote: »
    In regards to the Interloper, we have not sent that out for the last few months, but hope to begin sending it out on a monthly basis starting this month. The other newsletters are no longer being sent out.

    Why have the digest settings hung around? It seems awfully confusing for them to still be there if they don't exist anymore.

    I haven't received an Interloper since June 2011.
  • MattPMattP ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff
    edited October 2012
    I looked into your account and this makes sense as you unsusbscribed from all newsletters on June 14th, 2011.
  • edited October 2012
    As I mentioned via support email, this was not something I had done intentionally (if it was indeed through my own action), and the options in my subscriptions settings have been enabled the entire time.

    Regardless of why it happened, I'm more interested in a resolution so that I can receive stuff going forwards.
  • MattPMattP ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff
    edited October 2012
    I'll look into this further and see if I can re-activate these options for you. If they are set to enabled, possibly unsubscribing and re-subscribing might remedy the problem.

    EDIT: I was able to access the database that governs these options and have selected to uncheck the 'unsubscribe' box. Hopefully this did the trick. According to my records, you have now opted back in, as of today.
  • edited October 2012
    MattP wrote: »
    I'll look into this further and see if I can re-activate these options for you. If they are set to enabled, possibly unsubscribing and re-subscribing might remedy the problem.

    I've previously tried unticking and reticking the options in my subscription settings page.

    In case it ends up shedding any light on the situation, there was a time (year or two before I stopped receiving the Interloper) when I was receiving duplicates of newsletters, but it was never explained to me how that ended up happening, and I have no idea whether it may be helpful or relevant information.

    MattP wrote: »
    EDIT: I was able to access the database that governs these options and have selected to uncheck the 'unsubscribe' box. Hopefully this did the trick. According to my records, you have now opted back in, as of today.

    Great! I'll keep an eye out. :)

    Would you mind posting here when the next Interloper goes out so that I/we can know if it doesn't arrive?
  • MattPMattP ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff
    edited October 2012
    I'll try to remember, but you can understand that I might forget as it looks like it might be early to mid-November before the next one goes out (don't hold me to this date!).
  • edited October 2012
    I'm good at noticing when those Interlopers come out, so I'll post if Matt forgets.
  • edited October 2012
    Many thanks ^_^

    I'm sure I'll make some noise again if I haven't heard anything by December.
  • edited January 2013
    Still nothing :(
  • edited January 2013
    I haven't forgotten about you, Cheeseness. I just haven't gotten an Interloper, either. Hopefully they'll put out another one as soon as they announce their next game.
  • edited January 2013
    Ah, good to know that nothing's come out since.
  • Still nothing, though I did spot a notification that I could download 400 Days back in July. Have newsletters been abandoned altogether?

  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator

    I believe they have been. I haven't received one in a really long time either.

    Cheeseness posted: »

    Still nothing, though I did spot a notification that I could download 400 Days back in July. Have newsletters been abandoned altogether?

This discussion has been closed.