Can't play Episode 3

I've bought the season pass and I've been able to download Episodes 1 and 2 no problem but now I can't download Episode 3. After I click on download it takes me to a screen with 3 different options. 1 is the Overview. 2 is the TWAU- Ep.3: A Crooked Mile and 3 is cancel. No where on that screen says download and by the second option there is a red circle with a line through it. Can someone help please? this is extremely frustrating.


  • I have the same exact issue. I bought the season pass, and when episode 2 came out, I couldn't download it. It said I had to buy it separately. I got a code from Telltale that allowed me to download episode 2, but now episode 3 is giving me issues. When I click to download it I have the same three options are you do: Overview, TWAU - Ep. 3 A Crooked Mile (this option has a red circle with line through it), and cancel. Is there supposed to be a code for episode 3 as well that Telltale is sending??

  • I also Iam experiencing the same problem since Monday it says download on episode 3 when I download I get the screen with the 3 options and the red circle with the line , I don't understand what the problem is I'm assuming they might send us a code like they did for episode 2 either way as paying customers we shouldn't have to go through this's like the game and all but come on telltale you guys gotta do a better job about these bugs and other issues fix it man!!

  • Exact same issue here. Any fix to it yet?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. The Wolf Among Us Episode 3 officially released for the Xbox 360 today. (April 9th) If you are still having any issues downloading Episode 3, please try restarting your console, and then make sure you are connected to the internet, and you should be able to download the episode.

  • yeah check the day is actually the right day for release,

    it seems xbox maybe trying to over come the season pass fiasco of a previous ttg release.

    by having it 'online early' means they know it'll work on the day.

    i think maybe xbox should maybe switch this plan to beta testers or a close knit group of users not world wide to avoid confusion in the future ?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize, are you still unable to download Episode 3 of The Wolf Among Us? If so, have you tried resetting your Xbox, or internet access on your system? Also, please make sure that you are connected to the internet when starting the game, to make sure you are receiving any updates to allow Episode 3 to show as available to download.

    yeah check the day is actually the right day for release, it seems xbox maybe trying to over come the season pass fiasco of a previous tt

  • slight misunderstanding mike :)

    i got the ep just not played it until i know about the achievements.

    I apologize, are you still unable to download Episode 3 of The Wolf Among Us? If so, have you tried resetting your Xbox, or internet access

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    It seems the achievements may have not been ready to 'achieve' right when the game was available. Everything should be good to go now. If you still see any errors or issues with achievements or have any other questions, feel free to ask!

    slight misunderstanding mike i got the ep just not played it until i know about the achievements.

  • replied/sorted cheevo

    may i ask how cheevo's can not be ready ?

    It seems the achievements may have not been ready to 'achieve' right when the game was available. Everything should be good to go now. If you still see any errors or issues with achievements or have any other questions, feel free to ask!

  • being asked to pay for episode 3 of a wolf among us and I own season pass on xbox 360 pissed off FIX IT

    I apologize for the inconvenience. The Wolf Among Us Episode 3 officially released for the Xbox 360 today. (April 9th) If you are still havi

  • try redownloading the season pass/ reseting console

    laracrofty1 posted: »

    being asked to pay for episode 3 of a wolf among us and I own season pass on xbox 360 pissed off FIX IT

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