Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited May 2014
    4) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle.

    WhatTheDuck "Haha, yeah whatever, YOU MUTHAHUMPA!" I told mokonage as he jokingly said I would burn the house down. I was sitting at th

  • I hope my character meets up with WhatTheDuck or Markd4547, so we could have a Russel & Nate relationship

    What do you think will happen next, with any of the characters?

  • And get all of us killed. BTW
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    4) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle.

  • Probably not. Mark and Corn will be confused and wont pay attention to Awesomeo. Awesomeo might have a chance to grab Corn's or Mark's weapon and shot one of them?
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    And get all of us killed. BTW

  • edited May 2014
    ??You want me to give the rifle to the worst aim in the house?Stache is gonna miss and we're all gonna die.If AWESOMEO tries to do that the other one would kill him or hit him with the butt of the ak47.Plus even if they do find me funny they would still most likely kill me.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Probably not. Mark and Corn will be confused and wont pay attention to Awesomeo. Awesomeo might have a chance to grab Corn's or Mark's weapon and shot one of them?

  • Me?I'm gonna be dead. :P
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I hope my character meets up with WhatTheDuck or Markd4547, so we could have a Russel & Nate relationship

  • On the second character now. The first part had a lot of talking and I stopped to eat, lol. "Soon" guys.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Cool yes

  • I don't want you to die :c
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Me?I'm gonna be dead. :P

  • I just want to see how it would turn out. But I don't want you to die, so I'll change my vote.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    ??You want me to give the rifle to the worst aim in the house?Stache is gonna miss and we're all gonna die.If AWESOMEO tries to do that the

  • Thank you.You won't be disappointed. *whips out penis*
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I just want to see how it would turn out. But I don't want you to die, so I'll change my vote.

  • *Cuts penis in half*

    Now you wont ever whip out your penis.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Thank you.You won't be disappointed. *whips out penis*

  • *picks up penis half and sticks it up TDMshadowCP's butthole.*
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    *Cuts penis in half* Now you wont ever whip out your penis.

  • Of course he does, he's WhatTheDuck.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    God fucking dammit. You always win ;-;

  • God fucking dammit. You always win ;-;
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    *picks up penis half and sticks it up TDMshadowCP's butthole.*

  • edited May 2014

    After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat. We drove past a school that appeared to have been overrun by these zombies. We kept going down the empty, dark road until we reached the dirt road leading into the river. I made the turn and noticed a female and a young male by a tree, while the young male was holding his ankle. I saw a guy that looked like he was wearing a SWAT uniform in front of us holding a MP5. I slowed down as we got closer and then parked the car.

    He pointed his gun at us and said "Freeze! Out of the car, now!"

    "Who the fuck are they?!" Puncake asked.

    "Don't know, but we can't take any chances. Get the shotty out, Jon." Clayton told me.

    I agreed and grabbed it while everyone got out of the car."Listen, man! We just want to get to the river. Put your gun away. Let's not do this." I said as I aimed my gun at him.

    He noticed all of us getting out at once. Firedog took out his handgun and got ready to shoot. The SWAT guy turned his attention to me."Put the gun down!"

    "Put YOUR gun down first!" I yelled back at him.

    Puncake spoke up. "We're just tryin' to get to my boat!"

    I noticed three teenagers coming up from behind him."Oh shit! You're with some kids?! Come on, man. Let's not do this right now." I told him.

    "Whoa, what's going on?! Who are they?" A young lady behind him asked.

    "I don't know, but I'm not taking any chances. I'll start shooting the moment they make a wrong move." He told the three behind him.

    "Fuck you, man! Get out of the way, or we'll make you." Clayton yelled at him.

    Out of nowhere we all heard a voice coming out of the bushes next to us."Settle down assholes. Put your guns away and let's act like civilized people here, huh?" It was another young male wearing a hat and a red backpack on.

    Me and the SWAT guy both turned to him "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" we both looked at each other confused, after that.

    "Jewf!" the young lady yelled.

    "Huh? So THAT'S Jewfreeus?" The SWAT guy said.

    "Who the hell is Jewfreeus?" Clayton asked.

    "What the fuck, Jewf?!" A kid wearing an orange shirt behind the SWAT guy said.

    "Holy shit!" Said a kid next to him wearing blue.

    The young lady started to run over to this "Jewfreeus" guy. I pointed my gun at her. "Hey! Stay where you are! Don't make me shoot you."

    The SWAT guy pointed his gun at me. "Put the gun down I said!"

    This Jewf kid spoke up."Both of you dumb-asses put your guns down." He told us. "You too, guy in the hoodie." He said to firedog."As you can see, we're just a bunch of harmless teens. We don't need to kill each other over some stupid boat. Alright, so just shut the fuck up and let's talk things out!" He said while looking at all of us.

    Firedog spoke up. "I agree. We all want to survive in this new hell hole. Don't want to be making enemies right?" he said as he looked towards the SWAT guy and lowered his gun.

    I looked at the SWAT guy once more."Look. Let's put our weapons away, and we can talk."

    "As long as you put them away first. I promise, I won't shoot any of you."

    "Let's do it, guys. No need to kill some teenagers over this." Firedog told us.

    I looked over at my friends and nodded. "Alright let's put them away." I turned back to the SWAT guy. "We're putting them away. You do the same right after. Got it?"

    "Understood." He replied.

    Firedog put his handgun away in his waist and I put the shotgun back in the car. The SWAT guy noticed and lowered his weapon. He took off his helmet and mask."My name is Richmond1226. The two by the tree are PaulKenneth, and NoncyFlippledorp. The young lady next to me is AllThatRemains. The two behind me are Belan, who's wearing blue and etitheking in the orange shirt. They helped me escape when we were trapped back at the school."

    Clayton spoke up."You mean the school back down the road that was overrun by zombies?"

    The kid with the red backpack spoke."Yeah. And I'm Jewfreeus. These guys left me behind." He turned and pointed his middle finger towards Belan."Fuck you, Belan! I thought you would come back to help me!" He then looked down at the two on the tree."And what the fuck happened to you, Paul?"

    "I twisted my ankle when we jumped out, to get away. Where the fuck were you?!"

    eking spoke up. "You ditched us, Jewf! Don't blame Belan for this. We thought you left us! We thought we heard you screaming in the cafeteria, but Belan thought it was too late to go back."

    "We needed to leave, Jewf. I thought you left without us, and when I saw you run out of the cafeteria, I felt like shit." Belan told Jewf.

    "Fuck you assholes! I went into the cafeteria to get some food for us! I didn't want to waste our time explaining it to you guys, and I know you guys wouldn't have left me go by myself."

    Noncy spoke up."That was reckless and stupid, Jewf!"

    "I just wanted to do something nice for a change." He said while looking at ATR.

    ATR spoke."Jewf... we didn't want to leave you. We were worried about you. But I have to agree with the others. You should have at least told ME."

    Jewf made a shocked look. He then looked away."Whatever..."

    "Alright, guys. Let's settle this some other time." I told them."I'm JonGon, my friend to the right is Clayton_Boylan. Behind me is Puncake32, and that's his friend firedog122. They helped me and Clayton escape what used to be my gas station."

    Clayton looked over to me."Sorry again, bro." He said with a frown.

    "I know, bro. Don't worry." I said with a smile.

    "It's nice to meet you guys. I have an ice pack in my backpack that could help your friend Paul over there." Firedog told them.

    Paul spoke up and looked ecstatic. "Yes! Please! I really need it."

    "Alright. Firedog will take care of your friend. I'll go check on my boat." Puncake said with a smile on his face.

    Belan spoke up."There's a boat but... It's completely destroyed."

    "WHAT?!" Puncake yelled out. "The fuck you talkin' bout, kid?!" He said with an angry snarl.

    "It's true... we found a boat, but it has been blown up with some sort of explosion or something. There are broken parts all over the place, and written on the sand it said "Survival of the fittest" we don't know what happened." ATR explained.

    eking looked over to us."It's true. We found it like that. You can come see for yourself."

    "Shit, I have to see this!" Puncake said as he ran over to see.

    Rich let him through and then turned to us. "We can all take a look. I haven't checked myself."

    "Yeah, let's go." I said while looking at Clayton."Firedog, stay here with Paul and Noncy."

    "Damn, after everything we went through, if it's true... what a waste!" Firedog shouted in anger.

    Rich turned to Jewf. "Stay here with them while we go check it out."

    "Who the fuck put you in charge?!" Jewf replied.

    "Calm down, Jewf! Just stay here with us for now. Please." ATR said while walking towards him.

    Jewf turned to her and frowned. He then made an angry face at Rich."Fine. I'm hungry anyway." He said as he took off his backpack and sat down next to Paul and Noncy.

    "Okay, let's go." I told Rich.

    We followed him and when we reached Puncake's location, we saw Puncake knelt down on the sand, staring back at the completely demolished boat. We saw broken parts all over the place and "Survival of the fittest" was written in the sand like they told us.

    "What the fuck..." Clayton said.

    "Yeah. We found everything like this. We just got here a few minutes before you guys. We don't know who could have done this." Belan told us.

    I looked down at Puncake. "Pun... are you going to be okay? There's nothing we can do now. We have to keep going."

    He just kept staring with his mouth open and didn't say anything.

    "We have to leave, everyone. We don't know who's out there, and whoever did this could come back." Rich said and then turned to me."We can all fit in the pickup. If you're willing to stay with us, that is. The only problem is we don't have any gas left."

    I kept staring at Puncake and then I looked at Rich."I have three gas containers in my trunk, and a siphon pump. One of the containers is about half way empty though. My car is on half a tank as well. If we go in your truck, then I'm willing to siphon the remaining gas from my car and put it into the pickup."

    "That's if Puncake and Firedog are willing to go." Clayton said to me.

    I turned over to Pun. "Come on, Puncake we have to go. These guys can help us."

    Puncake got up and turned to us. "Whatever... let's just go. I don't care anymore. When I find out who did this, I'm gonna fuckin' rip their throat out. They even took the supplies that I had in my boat!"

    We made our way back and I saw Firedog taking care of Paul's ankle with Noncy. I saw Jewf and ATR sitting next to them eating some candy bars.

    Rich spoke up."Alright, everyone. We all have to leave. Someone destroyed Puncake's boat and they could still be out here somewhere. It's too dangerous to try and camp out here for the night. We need to keep moving."

    Noncy got up and made an ill tempered look."Oh that's great! First we get stuck out here and now you're telling us to leave, with these guys?!"

    "Relax, Noncy. We can trust them. If they wanted to kill us, they would have done it in the beginning." Rich told her.

    "Don't tell me to relax! You're the one that got us into this mess to begin with!"

    Jewf chuckled."Haha! whoo. Great stuff." He said while eating his candy bar.

    "Shh!" ATR said while looking at him.

    "I'm staying. I need to get some sleep." Noncy told him with her arms crossed.

    "Same here. I don't care who's out there. I'll kill 'em if they try anything." Jewf said while smiling and eating the candy bar.

    "We have to stick together." Rich told them. He turned to me."Come on, Jon. Help me out here."

    Paul spoke up."if they stay, then I am too. Jewf has food and I can't move anyway."

    "I'll stay too. I need to make sure Paul's ankle heals up." Firedog told me.

    Puncake spoke up."No, Firedog! We have to stick together! C'mon, Jon. Tell him, we stick together no matter what. I hate to leave but it's the best option for now. There's nothing left for us here."

    "I'm with, Paul. If Jewf stays. Then I am too. He's the one with the food, and we're all starving anyway." ATR said as she was eating her candy bar.

    Rich put his hand on my shoulder."Listen, Jon. We can convince them. I just need your help."

    I turned to look at Firedog, Paul, ATR, Jewf and Noncy. I looked back to see Puncake, Clayton, Belan and eking. I looked back at my car, and then the pickup. I looked Rich in the eyes and...

    1) Good luck. Me, Clayton and Puncake are leaving. I'll convince Firedog to come with us.
    2) Alright, man. I'll help you convince them all to come. Besides I want some of those candy bars.
    3) Let them stay. You, me, Clayton, Belan, eking and Puncake can go without them.
    4) Fuck this. Me and Clayton are leaving.
    5) We can all stay for the night.


    (!) Go into the woods.

    I needed to get out of here, fast! I ran into the woods and looked back at Cameron's headless corpse in the wrecked squad car, for one more time. I Had the riot shield in one hand, and the shotgun in the other. I didn't know where I was headed but I needed to get as far away as possible from those things. As I was running, I kept wishing that Cameron was still with me. Helping me through this. I didn't know what was going on in the city, but it wasn't just the escaped prisoners causing havoc. These monster things seemed like they were coming back from the dead and killing others as well. I was running for a while now, and getting tired. I looked back and saw nothing but trees and bushes. I made my way over to a small dirt road and looked around. It was dark out here and I was just running in any direction. I needed to get out of the woods and figure out what the hell was going on in the city.

    I decided to keep running until I heard a dog barking out of nowhere. I stopped and turned to see where it came from."Angel, stay back!" I heard a voice say.

    I quickly and quietly made my way over to see what was happening. I was hiding in the bushes and saw a man with what appeared to be his son, and a Husky barking at two of those monsters. They had a small tent set up with a camp fire in the middle. The older gentlemen was holding the dog back with a leash while the younger fellow had a campfire stick, that was still on fire from the top, trying to hold the two monsters back.

    "Deceptio, no!" The older man yelled out.

    The monsters were getting closer to them. I needed to think about what to do next...

    1) Leave. I don't need to waste my ammo.
    2) Help them.
    3) Wait to see what happens. And then I'll go out to them.

  • JonGon: 5) We can all stay for the night.

    Gobananas01: 2) Help them.

    Angel is okay!

    Jewfreeus and AllThatRemains eating candy bars.

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited May 2014
    JonGon- 5) We can all stay for the night.

    GoBananas01- 2) Help them.

    These stories are so good. I can't wait to see my character ;-;

    JonGon After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat

  • In WhatTheDuck we trust!

    1) Stache. Let's go upstairs and give me the rifle. Raging you stall them

    WhatTheDuck "Haha, yeah whatever, YOU MUTHAHUMPA!" I told mokonage as he jokingly said I would burn the house down. I was sitting at th

  • Yay, Angel! *t e a r s*

    JonGon: 5) We can all stay for the night.
    Gobananas01: 2) Help them!

    JonGon After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat

  • 5) We can all stay for the night.

    2) Help them!

    JonGon After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat

  • Duck, you had option 1, first. What made you change it lol.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    4).You two go out there stall him.I'll go upstairs and get the rifle. Time to take out the trash

  • 2) Alright, man. I'll help you convince them all to come. Besides I want some of those candy bars.

    My weakness is chocolate bars ;-; I also have a feeling that if we stay we will be swarmed by a herd of walkers.

    2) Help them

    JonGon After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat

  • edited May 2014
    I'd probably want to stay and sleep. But I have a bad feeling that we will wake up the next morning and end up as walker breakfast.
    So...2) Alright, man. I'll help you convince them all to come. Besides I want some of those candy bars. (<<< NO! I finally get my candy and now I have to share? Can the zombie apocalypse get any worse than THIS?)

    2) Help them.

    JonGon After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat

  • ***continued comment because of glitch*** (<<< NO! I finally get my candy and now I have to share? Can the zombie apocalypse get any worse than THIS?)

    2) Help them.

    I'd probably want to stay and sleep. But I have a bad feeling that we will wake up the next morning and end up as walker breakfast. So...2

  • I ship it.

    JonGon: 5) We can all stay for the night. Gobananas01: 2) Help them. Angel is okay! Jewfreeus and AllThatRemains eating candy bars. #TheRomanceContinues

  • Sorry for spamming, ***continued comment because of glitch*** <<< NO! I finally get my candy and now I have to share? Can the zombie apocalypse get any worse than THIS?

    2) Help them.

    ***continued comment because of glitch*** (<<< NO! I finally get my candy and now I have to share? Can the zombie apocalypse get any worse than THIS?) 2) Help them.

  • Ugh I give up. 2 and 2 :(

    Sorry for spamming, ***continued comment because of glitch*** <<< NO! I finally get my candy and now I have to share? Can the zombie apocalypse get any worse than THIS? 2) Help them.

  • >:P !!!

    JonGon: 5) We can all stay for the night. Gobananas01: 2) Help them. Angel is okay! Jewfreeus and AllThatRemains eating candy bars. #TheRomanceContinues

  • Me too. :3

    I ship it.

  • That's weird. Only seems to happen to you. :/

    Ugh I give up. 2 and 2 :(

  • Damn, I would hate to live up there, lol.

    The Upper Peninsula of Michigan! I'm a yooper!

  • >:D

    >:P !!!




    WhatTheDuck "Haha, yeah whatever, YOU MUTHAHUMPA!" I told mokonage as he jokingly said I would burn the house down. I was sitting at th

  • I boat it.

    I ship it.

  • Just came back from taking two finals!

    JonGon: 5) We can all stay for the night. (why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this?)

    Gobananas01: 2) Help them. :D

    JonGon After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat

  • NOOOO THE BOAT!!! Also you used my line. I also noticed you used my profession as a medical doctor for Paul.

    My choices are:
    2) Alright, man. I'll help you convince them all to come. Besides I want some of those candy bars.
    I feel like if we say, those ghouls would get us. The school is pretty close by after all, and that place is full of the undead.
    2) Help them

    JonGon After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat

  • Hope you did well!
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Just came back from taking two finals! JonGon: 5) We can all stay for the night. (why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this?) Gobananas01: 2) Help them. :D

  • Thanks :) Pretty sure I failed math, though (long story). But I'm sure I did alright with the other one.

    Hope you did well!

  • I suck at math too, don't worry xD
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Thanks :) Pretty sure I failed math, though (long story). But I'm sure I did alright with the other one.

  • Yeah, you just made my long story short, lol. Hope you're doing well with your exams too.

    I suck at math too, don't worry xD

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