Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Hey, thanks. I'm actually doing better than I expected. Except for chemistry. >:(
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yeah, you just made my long story short, lol. Hope you're doing well with your exams too.

  • 3: Leave them, let em' stay.

    2: Help me and my son... please...

    JonGon After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat

  • That's good. Agh, who needs chemistry? amirite??

    Hey, thanks. I'm actually doing better than I expected. Except for chemistry. >:(

  • JonGon: 5) We can all stay for the night.

    Bananas: 2) Help them

    JonGon After we left the gas station. We were driving down the road, out of the city trying to get to the river and find Puncake's boat

  • You're right, I guess I can always do odd jobs around town to make my living
    lmfao =P
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    That's good. Agh, who needs chemistry? amirite??

  • I love chemistry. 8)
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    That's good. Agh, who needs chemistry? amirite??

  • So do I. It's just too bad that I suck at it. Lol.

    I love chemistry. 8)

  • See? There you go, lol.

    You're right, I guess I can always do odd jobs around town to make my living lmfao =P


    ...ok, I admit it. I KINDA like it too, I guess. But still!

    I love chemistry. 8)

  • "Survival of the fittest"
    firedog122 posted: »

    NOOOO THE BOAT!!! Also you used my line. I also noticed you used my profession as a medical doctor for Paul. My choices are: 2) Alrig

  • Haha, I suck at physicochemical to be honest, but I guess that's because I suck at physics in general. :p

    So do I. It's just too bad that I suck at it. Lol.

  • Just don't trust me with your kids. I'd probably forget about them and fall asleep.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    See? There you go, lol.


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    BOOOOOOO! ...ok, I admit it. I KINDA like it too, I guess. But still!

  • Heh, thanks for the warning c:

    Just don't trust me with your kids. I'd probably forget about them and fall asleep.

  • How dare you?? D:

    BOO ME? BOO YOU! :3

  • Damn boat monsters, always thinking they are the most fit. In reality they are the chubbiest freaks of nature ever.

    "Survival of the fittest"

  • Mwahahaha.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    How dare you?? D:

  • edited May 2014
    You'll regret that.

    *a downvote? Geez guys, I'm just fooling around...


  • edited May 2014

    (!) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle.

    Raging was waiting for me to give him an answer."You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle." I told them.

    Stache turned to look at me."Okay, WTD. My rifle is next to my bed. Go on and get it, hurry! Me and Raging will head out there right now."

    We looked at each other and nodded. I turned and ran up the stairs. I looked down and saw Stache and Raging opening the front door, getting ready to walk out there. I turned and made my way into Stache's bedroom, I saw that one of the windows were open. I went over to his bed and checked the side with a small cabinet and lamp on it. I looked and saw the rifle on the side of the bed. It was an M1 with no scope on it. I checked the ammo and it was full. I had eight shots, and got ready. I went over to the open window and crouched. I could hear what the others outside were saying.

    "Where's the rest of your people?!" The trench coat guy asked.

    "It's just us." Raging told him.

    "Bullshit! Spider boy here didn't even recognize you when you came out!" He replied.

    PowerStache spoke up."He's new, AWESOMEO. He just came here today, while you were out on a supply run."

    I peeked out the window and saw the trench coat guy still had his gun down, and his attention on Stache and Raging. I saw the magnum guy pointing his gun at AWESOMEO, while looking over at them as well.

    "Bwahahaha! Once we kill you all, I'll make sure Spider boy here, gets a taste of his own medicine!" I heard the magnum guy say as he pulled a brick out of his back pocket.

    "I know there's more in there. If the rest of them don't come out, then we'll just have to kill you." Trench coat guy told them.

    "Yes! Let's fuckin' kill them all!" His partner shouted joyfully.

    I slowly aimed the gun out of the window and lined up a shot. I saw the magnum guy and the Trench coat guy. I just had to decide which one to shoot first...

    "Are you guys ready to LOVE ME FOREVER?!" I said to myself.

    1) Shoot magnum guy.
    2) Shoot trench coat guy.



    (!) Okay, fine. We could use the help anyway.

    "Okay, fine. We could use the help anyway." Pro told me.

    I smiled at both of them and said."Thank you! You won't regret this."

    "So you don't have a clue where TWDFan's father and brother could have gone?" He told me.

    "No. I'm sorry, but I have no idea. I wish I knew." I told him while looking down and frowning.

    "Damn it!" TWDFan shouted.

    "Let's get out of here. We'll figure something out. " Pro told us.

    We got in the car and drove out of the streets and onto a dirt road that led into the woods.

    "We can't stay in the city. We'll find a safe spot and camp out for the night. I'll keep watch, while you two sleep." Pro said as we drove deeper into the woods. He told me to sit in the middle of the backseat so they could keep an eye on me.

    I was beginning to worry for my pet Angel. I could only hope that Randomz89101 and Deceptio hadn't run into any trouble, and had kept her safe. Once we reached a quiet spot in the woods, Pro parked the car and told us to get out. He took out a tent from the trunk and set it up. He told me I could sleep in it, while TWDFan slept in the car.

    "Alright, you two. Get some sleep." He told us. He looked over to TWDFan. "We'll try to find your folks in the morning."

    I went in the tent and tried to sleep. I didn't know why the city was being overrun by the living dead, but I was hoping that Angel was still out there...


    (!) Let's go left.

    I waited for a response from tntlee2099, and then he finally spoke. "Let's go left." He said.

    "Okay then. If you think it's the right way, then let's go." I said to him.

    As we were walking down the empty road I checked how much ammo I had left in the M4. "Just three shots left, heh." I said out loud.

    tntlee reached for his pocket and took out a magazine cartridge. "Here. Keep it fully loaded." He told me as he passed me it.

    I loaded the gun with the new cartridge and gave him the one I had before. We were walking down the street and noticed a dead body on the floor, and written on the road with his blood it said "Survival of the fittest."

    "What the hell is that?" I asked tntlee as we made our way over to the body.

    "He has been shot in the head. Someone cut him open, and used the blood from his body to write that on the road." tntlee told me as he was checking the body.

    "Survival of the fittest?" I said to myself as I read the bloodied words on the road.

    I checked and saw that the blood had been dried up for a while. I went over to tntlee who was inspecting the body.

    "Holy shit! I know that guy!" I said out loud."I never knew his name, but I've seen him around the school." I told tntlee.

    tntlee got up."Very strange. Do you know who could have done this?" He turned and asked me.

    "No idea. Honestly, I've only seen him inside the library a few times. I don't know if he had any enemies. He was usually sitting down reading a book to himself."

    "We need to get out of here." He told me as he looked around.

    I looked at both sides of the road and it seemed empty.

    "Okay. So what now?" I asked him.

    "I chose which way to go last time. Now it's your turn." He said as he stared at me.

    I was beginning to get even more worried than I was before, about my girlfriend. I needed to find her fast.

    1) Let's keep going down the road.
    2) Let's head into the woods again.

  • I'm getting closer to Angel, I just know it!! =D

    WhatTheDuck: 1) Shoot the magnum guy.
    GuiltyKingOumaShu: 2) Let's head into the woods again.

    WhatTheDuck (!) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle. Raging was waiting for me to give him an

  • 3 chapters in a day? Thank you!

    What The Duck- Shoot Corn

    GuiltyKingOumaShu- Let's keep going down the road.

    WhatTheDuck (!) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle. Raging was waiting for me to give him an

  • Am I the only one who imagine the characters as the profile pictures of the users? Like WhatTheDuck. I imagine him as a grown up Duck xD
  • That's actually a hilarious visual XD
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Am I the only one who imagine the characters as the profile pictures of the users? Like WhatTheDuck. I imagine him as a grown up Duck xD

  • Yeah, haha! Letting you guys know that I might not post anything tomorrow or Saturday. Might be busy, which sucks because we're almost at the end of Ch.1. I'll try to post at least one thing tomorrow if I can. And Saturday night if I have nothing to do.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    3 chapters in a day? Thank you! What The Duck- Shoot Corn GuiltyKingOumaShu- Let's keep going down the road.

  • Is Angel actually real?

    That's actually a hilarious visual XD

  • I don't have a dog named Angel, if that's what you mean.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Is Angel actually real?

  • Hmm, I don't know if I should add my dog along with my character. It would be a bit cliche.

    I don't have a dog named Angel, if that's what you mean.

  • I think you should. The apocalypse can be lonely business, and dogs are great company.
    Too bad I only spent like 5 seconds with her =(
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Hmm, I don't know if I should add my dog along with my character. It would be a bit cliche.

  • It's ok if you don't. But I can't wait!

    Yeah, haha! Letting you guys know that I might not post anything tomorrow or Saturday. Might be busy, which sucks because we're almost at th

  • WTD: 1) Shoot magnum guy.

    GulityKing: 2) Let's head into the woods again.

    WhatTheDuck (!) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle. Raging was waiting for me to give him an

  • Lol, no! One dog is enough. :p

    I think you should. The apocalypse can be lonely business, and dogs are great company. Too bad I only spent like 5 seconds with her =(

  • NO who died?!? The suspense to find out is killing me! 1) Shoot the magnum guy and 2) Let's keep going down the road. This is also really random, but it would be funny if you did a super short POV of Angel, and she has to make a stupid choice like to run in circles or go to sleep. And the fate of humanity rests upon it.

    WhatTheDuck (!) You two go out there and stall them. I'll go upstairs and get the rifle. Raging was waiting for me to give him an

  • Pshh well fine then, dog hater.

    Lol, no! One dog is enough. :p

  • Omg, that's genius! xD

    NO who died?!? The suspense to find out is killing me! 1) Shoot the magnum guy and 2) Let's keep going down the road. This is also really ra

  • Am I still wearing the clothes with TWDFan's mom's blood on them? Can no one spare a clean t shirt?
  • Trust me. I'm writing my Walking Dead story and I had to kill the dog early because they are so damn hard to write in the story.

    Pshh well fine then, dog hater.

  • edited May 2014

    Bark bark bark babark babababark baaaaaaark. Barkbabark BABABARK!

    ARF? Bark bark bark.

    BARK! BARK! *Growl* BARK!

    1) Bark bark bark.
    2) Arf, *Growl* Bark!

    Actually just a random guy died. No one from the story.

    NO who died?!? The suspense to find out is killing me! 1) Shoot the magnum guy and 2) Let's keep going down the road. This is also really ra

  • Ummmm

    2) Arf, *Growl* Bark!

    Shit, I hope I made the right choice.

    Angel Bark bark bark babark babababark baaaaaaark. Barkbabark BABABARK! ARF? Bark bark bark. BARK! BARK! *Growl* BARK! 1) Bark bark bark. 2) Arf, *Growl* Bark! Actually just a random guy died. No one from the story.

  • 2) Arf, *Growl* Bark! - Only because of the growl, lol.

    Angel Bark bark bark babark babababark baaaaaaark. Barkbabark BABABARK! ARF? Bark bark bark. BARK! BARK! *Growl* BARK! 1) Bark bark bark. 2) Arf, *Growl* Bark! Actually just a random guy died. No one from the story.

  • Lmao, yes. Nasty as hell, go clean them!

    Am I still wearing the clothes with TWDFan's mom's blood on them? Can no one spare a clean t shirt?

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