SweetPeaClem posted: »I wasn't talking about you. :c
I wasn't talking about you. :c
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »Okay good xD
Okay good xD
TWDFan86 posted: »Guys, it's okay. Sheesh xD
Guys, it's okay. Sheesh xD
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »Don't "sheesh" me, sir. >:(
Don't "sheesh" me, sir. >:(
SweetPeaClem posted: »Boo you again! :c
Boo you again! :c
TWDFan86 posted: »They must be bored. But why these out of all comments? ._.
They must be bored. But why these out of all comments? ._.
TWDFan86 posted: »I am now free from class until August 27th! Let my summer begin :)
I am now free from class until August 27th! Let my summer begin :)
WhatTheDuck posted: »Want a Rim job?
Want a Rim job?
TWDFan86 posted: »Math is painful to me. M.A.T.H. = Mental Abuse To Humans.
Math is painful to me. M.A.T.H. = Mental Abuse To Humans.
CornPopper posted: »3.141592653589793238462643383279 I can remember that from 7th grade.
3.141592653589793238462643383279 I can remember that from 7th grade.
TWDFan86 posted: »Go away, Duck :/
Go away, Duck :/
CornPopper posted: »Its where you put your legs behind your head and have someone lick your ass.
Its where you put your legs behind your head and have someone lick your ass.
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »You sure you didn't just copy and paste it?
You sure you didn't just copy and paste it?
CornPopper posted: »lol no we had a contest to win a pie in seventh grade and I really wanted that fuckin pie.
lol no we had a contest to win a pie in seventh grade and I really wanted that fuckin pie.
TWDFan86 posted: »I know what it is -_-
I know what it is -_-
WhatTheDuck posted: »I hope you don't shave!!
I hope you don't shave!!
TWDFan86 posted: »I do.. once a week. Why? ._.
I do.. once a week. Why? ._.
WhatTheDuck posted: »Butthole.Hair
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »This thread has gone to shit.
This thread has gone to shit.
TWDFan86 posted: »We should make an "only us" thread. The cast of "Forum of the Dead" lounge :)
We should make an "only us" thread. The cast of "Forum of the Dead" lounge :)
WhatTheDuck posted: »Mad bro?
Mad bro?
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »Lmfao, I don't know if that's the worst idea ever, or the best.
Lmfao, I don't know if that's the worst idea ever, or the best.
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »Nah bro.
Nah bro.
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »Good plan. You don't want him to kill you off early, do you?
Good plan. You don't want him to kill you off early, do you?
TWDFan86 posted: »Yea, it's probably a dumb idea. Maybe we should cut down on the random posts to not make Lee mad :/
Yea, it's probably a dumb idea. Maybe we should cut down on the random posts to not make Lee mad :/
WhatTheDuck posted: »Do you even lift bro?
Do you even lift bro?
TWDFan86 posted: »He would never do that :c 2nd attempt at posting this. My comments keep disappearing ._.
He would never do that :c 2nd attempt at posting this. My comments keep disappearing ._.
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »You never know. >:) And I know, I saw. I went to reply and your comment wasn't there. It's weird, it happens to me too sometimes.
You never know. >:) And I know, I saw. I went to reply and your comment wasn't there. It's weird, it happens to me too sometimes.
TWDFan86 posted: »But I don't wanna die :( It's been happening to me all week. I thought that maybe I forgot to click on "Post", but nope.
But I don't wanna die :( It's been happening to me all week. I thought that maybe I forgot to click on "Post", but nope.
LeeTheProfessional posted: »Well, anyway. What do you guys think will happen next in any of the parts?
Well, anyway. What do you guys think will happen next in any of the parts?
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »Did you win?
Did you win?
Welcome_to_Woodbury posted: »No one wants to die, but it's TWD, death is everywhere.
No one wants to die, but it's TWD, death is everywhere.
CornPopper posted: »Nope girl got over a hundred and I only could remember like 40 or 50.
Nope girl got over a hundred and I only could remember like 40 or 50.
Okay. At Ana then :P
2nd attempt at posting this. My comments keep disappearing ._.
And I know, I saw. I went to reply and your comment wasn't there. It's weird, it happens to me too sometimes.
It's been happening to me all week. I thought that maybe I forgot to click on "Post", but nope.