Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • 4) Keep hiding behind my car.

    Gobananas01 (!) Help them. I couldn't let these people die after what happened to Cameron. I needed to help them. I got up and ran

  • I'm getting ready to say RIP ME. Lol.

    Bro, this is nothing compared to what I have planned later on in the story.

  • You're not going to die. xD

    I'm getting ready to say RIP ME. Lol.

  • I will save you.

    I'm getting ready to say RIP ME. Lol.

  • 1) Try to get in the house.
    NOOO IM FUCKING DEAD!!! Markd don't let this shit go unredressed.

    Gobananas01 (!) Help them. I couldn't let these people die after what happened to Cameron. I needed to help them. I got up and ran

  • I hope you're right. :3 Lol.

    You're not going to die. xD

  • Yay!
    Puncake32 posted: »

    I will save you.

  • Your protector is dead,SAWRRY. :(

    I'm getting ready to say RIP ME. Lol.

  • edited May 2014
    WhatTheDuck one kill that's all I'm asking quick and clean headshot i'm allowing everyone else to live but not duck only fair for Corn


    Then of course I will kill twistee killer so like to confirm you will survive anyway for now at least lol
    Puncake32 posted: »

    You better not Fucking kill me.

  • RIP bud.
    CornPopper posted: »

    1) Try to get in the house. NOOO IM FUCKING DEAD!!! Markd don't let this shit go unredressed.

  • I know. My horse too. :ccc
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Your protector is dead,SAWRRY. :(

  • Rest in pieces you psychotic fuck.When we bury you were putting you alongside the horse and position you to where your licking her death poop.
    CornPopper posted: »

    1) Try to get in the house. NOOO IM FUCKING DEAD!!! Markd don't let this shit go unredressed.

  • Not sure if sarcastic or she actually means it, haha.

    RIP bud.

  • At least I won't turn...
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Rest in pieces you psychotic fuck.When we bury you were putting you alongside the horse and position you to where your licking her death poop.

  • LOL i mean it!

    Not sure if sarcastic or she actually means it, haha.

  • Yeah,AT LEAST.
    CornPopper posted: »

    At least I won't turn...

  • Are we getting The next part today?
  • Hell yeah!
    Puncake32 posted: »

    Are we getting The next part today?

  • Yes thanks Lee *dances*

    Hell yeah!

  • Nice! :)

    Hell yeah!

  • Markd 3) Make a run for it into the woods.


    Gobananas01 (!) Help them. I couldn't let these people die after what happened to Cameron. I needed to help them. I got up and ran

  • How many more stories until chapter 2?

    Hell yeah!

  • That is a great question. Lee keeps saying he is close to Ch.2 but he isn't there yet.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    How many more stories until chapter 2?

  • 1) Try to get in the house

    Mark is crazy!

    Gobananas01 (!) Help them. I couldn't let these people die after what happened to Cameron. I needed to help them. I got up and ran

  • edited May 2014

    (!) Let's head into the woods again.

    "Let's head into the woods again." I told tntlee with a serious face.

    "Yes. It seems that it is too dangerous to keep going down the road. We find a safe spot and camp out for the night."

    "Yeah, I agree with that. I think it would be best." I told him.

    As tntlee was making his way into the woods, I kept staring at the dead body. I had seen this kid before, but I never knew him like that. I don't know who could have done this to him, but I wasn't going to stick around to find out. I followed tntlee deeper into the woods until we found a spot that we could sleep in.

    "Okay. This is far enough from the road. We should get some sleep. If you want I will stay up for a while and then you can get a turn." He said to me.

    "Alright. Sounds like a plan. I'll try to get some shut eye, wake me up when you're ready to sleep." I told him with a smirk.

    I went over to a tree and sat beside it. I kept wondering if my girlfriend was still alive out there... I was hoping that she still was. I don't know what I would do if I found out she was dead. I hope that who ever came and shot at us wouldn't find her.

    "Please be safe..." I said while looking up at the stars.

    I saw tntlee patrolling the area, and then I shut my eyes.


    I was starting to lose hope. We had been searching for three weeks with no sign of my girlfriend, all I had was her purple sneaker. Me and tntlee almost starved once, but luckily we found an abandoned super market, and we took what was left. We kept camping out and sleeping in the woods almost every night. Nothing major really happened aside from finding that corpse on the side of the road three weeks earlier, and running into some walkers that we had to kill. We also found some sleeping bags in the trunk of a car that was parked outside of the market, so it wasn't so bad, plus tntlee still had a huge guitar case full of a few weapons and ammo.

    I was roasting some marshmallows by our campfire, tntlee was walking around making sure none of the walkers would sneak up behind us."I miss her..." I said out loud.

    tntlee turned to look at me."It's okay. She may still be out there, surviving like us."

    I watched as the marshmallow was melting and slowly turning black."What if she's not?" I asked him.

    tntlee paused for a moment."I do not know, but you can't give up hope, Guilty."

    I got up and threw the stick that had the burnt marshmallow in it."It's been three weeks, tnelee! Why the fuck haven't we found her yet?!"

    tntlee's eyes widened."We are trying, Guilty. It's the best we can do for now."

    I turned to look at the campfire."Goddamn it!"

    "Just get some rest, Guilty. We will go look for her in the morning." tntlee told me.

    I sighed and made my way over to my sleeping bag."Whatever. Just wake me up if anything happens."

    I laid down on my sleeping bag and tried going to sleep. I kept having nightmares every night about my girlfriend getting eaten and torn apart by those monsters. I worried about her every day and night. She was constantly in my head. I just wanted to find her already, whether she was alive or dead. I just needed to find out.

    "Wake up" A voice told me as I was slowly opening my eyes.

    "tntlee?" I asked.

    "Hehe, guess again." I heard the unfamiliar voice tell me.

    I opened my eyes all the way and noticed someone holding a gun in my face."Who are you? Where's my friend?" I asked him.

    "Get up, maggot." The man with a green bandana on his head told me, as he moved back and kept his gun pointed at me.

    As I got up I looked around and saw two other men that I've never seen before, each of them holding machine guns as well."tntlee!" I shouted to him.

    "Stay quiet, Guilty. Just do what they say." He told me with his hands in the air.

    "Walk over to your friend there." The guy next to me said.

    I walked over to tntlee."What's going on?" I whispered to him.

    "A bit earlier, I heard a noise in the woods. I went to go check for a quick minute, but found nothing. When I came back I found a man holding a machine gun in front of you, while you were sleeping. He told me to stay quiet if I didn't want to see a bullet hole in your face. The next thing I knew, two guys came up from behind me and they told me to drop my weapon. I had no choice."

    "Shut up, maggots!" The green bandana guy shouted at us.

    "Well, well, well. Looks like we found some new people." I turned and saw a bearded man coming out of the woods, with a handgun holstered on his side. He walked up to us and smiled."Hey there, folks. How are you today on this fine evening?"

    I made an angry face and looked him straight in the eyes."Who are you?"

    "Let's just say, I'm just here to get to know you." He kept his smile while talking."I'm Tobi-is-A-Good-Boy. I'm just looking for some people to help me out."

    "By having your men hold us hostage and pointing their guns at us?" I kept my angry face on.

    "Heh, I like you, kid. You've got guts. Not afraid to say what's on your mind." He told me.

    "Be quiet, Guilty." tntlee told me.

    Tobi noticed and then turned to me."Ah, so your name is Guilty, huh? Pleasure to meet you. I think you'll love it back at my place. I'm building a community and you would be perfect in it."

    "I don't want to be part of your community." I snarled at him."Just let us go, take what you need and just go."

    He chuckled."Hehe. Oh that's exactly what I'm doing here, Guilty. I'm taking you two back with me." He smirked as he told us that. He turned to his men."Alright, everyone. Let's get the fuck out of here, and head back to the warehouse. If we leave now we can make it back by morning."

    I felt something poke me in my back, I turned and saw the two guys aiming their guns at us. I looked in front of me and saw Tobi walking away as the green bandana guy told me to get moving. Me and tntlee were going somewhere by force. We didn't know what these guys wanted with us. I just hoped I would stay alive long enough to see my girlfriend again, if she was still alive out there somewhere...


    (!) We can all stay for the night.

    I was waiting for JonGon to give me an answer."We can all stay for the night." He said.

    Puncake spoke up."Alright, fuck it. If you think that's a good idea then OK. I wanted to leave but I guess if that asshole does come back, then I might get the chance to fuckin' kill him." He said as he walked over to Jon's car.

    I sighed."Look, I know you're worried about your group and so am I. These kids helped me, so I'm looking after them. We can all try to sleep in the pick up, and eat something on our way out there as well."

    "Pssh, I ain't going anywhere. I'm staying here, it'll be too loud and cramped trying to sleep in that damn pickup of yours." Jewf said.

    "Yes, I agree with him." Noncy told me."We can stay here for the night, but I'm sleeping in one of those cars. Preferably the blue one." She said while looking at Jon.

    "Sorry, but that's for my people. Unless you want to be stuck between two random guys that you just met, then I suggest sleeping in the pickup." He told her with a smirk.

    Noncy shook her head as she walked over to the pickup."Whatever. I'm sleeping in the front, and nobody better disturb me."

    "Wish I had some weed right now." Clayton said as he made his way over to Jon's car.

    "Alright, fine. Guess we have to stay for the night if we're going to stick together. I guess I can keep watch for the first few hours and then you can go next." I told Jon.

    "Ah, great. Guess I should've expected that." He told me and then walked over to Jewf."Hey, uh... you wouldn't mind if I got a chocolate bar would you?"

    "Hell yes. Get outta here, guy!" Jewf told him with his mouth full and holding the red backpack away from him.

    ATR spoke up."Jewf! Don't be mean!" She told him with an angry face. She took out a candy bar and gave it to Jon."Here you go. Sorry about my friend." She told him with a smile.

    "Thank you so much. Sorry if I was a bother to you guys."

    "No. It's okay, he didn't mean it." She told Jon.

    Jon walked away and headed into his car. I saw Jewf and ATR arguing."Heh, teenagers." I said to myself. I turned back to look at Belan and eking."Okay you two. Looks like we're staying here for the night. Where are you two going to sleep?"

    "Are you kidding me?" eking said.

    "It's alright, man. Don't worry." Belan told him. He turned to me."I guess in the back of the pickup, if no one else will take it." He told me.

    "With my ankle the way it is, guess I'm sleeping out here." Paul told me.

    "I'll stay out here as well." Firedog said."I'll help you keep a look out."

    "Thank you, Firedog." I told him with a smile."What about you two?" I said while looking at Jewf and ATR.

    "ATR can sleep in the pickup with Noncy. I'll stay out here." Jewf said.

    "Yeah, that's a good idea." She said.

    "Okay. good. Everyone get some sleep, we'll leave in the morning." I told both groups.

    Jewf turned to look at me and took out a candy bar, and then tossed it to me."Here. Guess you'll need it, to stay up."

    I caught it and looked over to him."Thanks."

    ATR smiled at him and walked over to the pickup. Belan and eking made their way to the back of the pickup. Firedog, Paul, and Jewf were sitting beside the tree. Noncy and ATR were in the front of the pickup and the rest of Jon's group slept in his car. I grabbed my MP5 and started to walk around the area. I kept wondering if my brother cameroncr95 was safe. It was his first day being a police officer, and I remembered how I helped him train physically and mentally for everything. He always looked up to me, I remembered how he couldn't wait to make it into the SWAT team so we could go on missions together. We would always talk about that. It brought a smile to my face thinking about Cameron.

    As I was walking around Firedog came up to me."Hey, man. Paul's ankle is healing pretty well. The swelling is going down, but he probably won't be able to walk properly for a while. We need to find him some crutches, if he puts pressure on that foot, it'll just take longer for it to heal."

    "Damn. Alright we can try to look for some at a pharmacy or something. First thing in the morning, we can all go." I said to him.

    "Okay, that sounds good. I'm going to try to get some sleep." He told me and then went over to Jon's car. He slowly opened the door and sat in the backseat.

    I checked my watch and it was three in the morning. I saw Jon getting out of the car rubbing his eyes and walking over to me. He yawned and then said "Firedog woke me up. Guess we can change shifts now. I'll go get my shotgun, whenever you're ready."

    "Roger. I'll go sleep next to Jewf and Paul." I told him.

    "I noticed you're SWAT by the way. I used to be a marine, back in the day. I could so take you on." Jon told me with a smile.

    "Heh, we'll just have to see about that. OORAH, Jon" I said to him and then walked over to the tree.

    Jon went back and grabbed his shotgun. He started walking around looking out for anything suspicious. To be honest, I couldn't really sleep. It was like living a real life nightmare.

    Morning finally came, and Jon was siphoning the gas out of his car and putting it into the pickup. I told everyone that we would look for a pharmacy to find Paul some crutches. We were going to head down the road away from the city, and try to find some more supplies and food on our way out. Luckily for us, nothing happened last night and everyone else slept peacefully. Everyone was sitting in the back of the pickup, except for ATR and Noncy who were sitting in the front and Jewf who was in the woods using the "Bathroom". We got Paul in the back as well. He was taking up most of the space since he had to lay his leg down, but everyone was able to fit.

    "Alright, all done." Jon said as he filled the last bit of gas into the pickup.

    Jewf was coming out the woods."Finally, sheesh! Can we go now?"

    "Yeah just about done here. We'll be going soon" I told him.

    He made his way over to the back of the pickup."Here, assholes. Eat up." He told his classmates as he opened the backpack and took some fruit cups and milk out.

    I walked over to Jon."Alright, let's get out of here." I told him and everyone else.

    "Whoopie! Road trip." Jewf said sarcastically.

    Jon got in the back and I got in the front to start the engine. "Hold on tight everyone!" I told them in the back. "Okay, ATR and Noncy. Time to leave."

    I turned the car around and headed onto the road. We drove for a while until we finally found a pharmacy. I entered the parking lot but we all noticed there were a lot of zombies out there and only me, Jon and Firedog had weapons.

    I got out and said."Alright, guys. I'll go in there with Firedog to find the crutches and some supplies. Jon you wait here with the group, and Firedog give your handgun to Puncake."

    "I'm going too. I have a backpack and need to fill it up with more stuff." Jewf said as he emptied out the backpack.

    "Okay, fine. Let's just go in there as quickly and as quietly as we can." I said to the group.

    eking spoke up."I'm going too, I can warn you guys if anything is coming. I'll keep a look out and distract those things if they get too close."

    "I don't know. I originally wanted to just go in with Firedog..." I told them.

    "Fuck your plan, man. I'm going in there no matter what." Jewf said to me.

    eking spoke up again."Calm down, Jewf. If he doesn't want us to go then fine. But I think it'll be a lot safer if we all go. Like I said I can keep a look out."

    Fireog emptied his backpack and handed his gun over to Puncake."It's up to, Rich. I wouldn't mind the help though."

    Puncake spoke."Just take 'em with you. Me and Jon will keep a look out for anything out here, and drive over to you if you need to get out fast."

    "Just do what you think is best, Rich." Jon told me.

    I looked at my MP5 which was low on ammo. I looked over at the parking lot full of zombies. I turned to see the group waiting for me to make up my mind...

    1) Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well.
    2) Stay here, eking. I'm taking Jewf.
    3) No. Only me and Firedog are going in there.
    4) Jewf stay here. I'm taking eking with me.

  • 2 Drive the hell out of there before wtd shoots your brains out.

    Gobananas01 (!) Help them. I couldn't let these people die after what happened to Cameron. I needed to help them. I got up and ran

  • It's basically at the end for all parts. So like 1 or 2 more parts for each story.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    How many more stories until chapter 2?

  • Richmond1226: 1) Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Let's head into the woods again. "Let's head into the woods again." I told tntlee with a serious face.

  • 1) Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Let's head into the woods again. "Let's head into the woods again." I told tntlee with a serious face.

  • Rich: 1) Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Let's head into the woods again. "Let's head into the woods again." I told tntlee with a serious face.

  • 3) Jewf stay here. I'm taking eking with me.
    Have a feeling Jewf is going to mess up.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Let's head into the woods again. "Let's head into the woods again." I told tntlee with a serious face.

  • 3) Make a run for it into the woods.

    Gobananas01 (!) Help them. I couldn't let these people die after what happened to Cameron. I needed to help them. I got up and ran

  • edited May 2014
    This is getting really intense!

    Gobananas01 (!) Help them. I couldn't let these people die after what happened to Cameron. I needed to help them. I got up and ran

  • *does a little dance* I'M ALIVE!

    1) Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Let's head into the woods again. "Let's head into the woods again." I told tntlee with a serious face.

  • YES! I miss reading these! ^-^

    1) Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Let's head into the woods again. "Let's head into the woods again." I told tntlee with a serious face.

  • 1) Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Let's head into the woods again. "Let's head into the woods again." I told tntlee with a serious face.

  • edited May 2014
    so does that mean our character's stories end at chapter 1? or will we be in chapter 2?

    It's basically at the end for all parts. So like 1 or 2 more parts for each story.

  • Nah, whoever lives will go on to Ch.2!
    Jewfreeus posted: »

    so does that mean our character's stories end at chapter 1? or will we be in chapter 2?

  • Going to do one more part for today, and end those character's part for Ch.1. Tomorrow, after the votes, I'll end the parts for the others.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    YES! I miss reading these! ^-^ 1) Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well.

  • Okay =)

    Going to do one more part for today, and end those character's part for Ch.1. Tomorrow, after the votes, I'll end the parts for the others.

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