Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • me to...

    I fear of getting banned now (O).(O)

  • We still have the bullet proof vests and we found one for WtW as well. B]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Don't forget me and Pro

  • We're golden, then :)

    We still have the bullet proof vests and we found one for WtW as well. B]

  • The hype is so real xD

    Actually, for you, TDM. I have something ready for your part. It's a secret though...

  • im just kidding guys. lol. just kidding, just kidding.

  • Good. Be prepared, if anything happens I'll scream.

  • Alt text

    My comments? I'm to excited now I can't wait

    Oooo. Your comments with SweetPea just gave me an idea for a part. B]

  • Woodbury lives to protect the innocent and defend the weak.

    Good. Be prepared, if anything happens I'll scream.

  • "These lips are sealed."

    Markd4547 posted: »

    My comments? I'm to excited now I can't wait

  • edited May 2014

    (I won't make it a meme as it's to big lol)


    "These lips are sealed."

  • Markd4547 posted: »

  • Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: » (I won't make it a meme as it's to big lol) ANYWAY NOW TELL ME!!


  • edited May 2014

  • Alt text

    Puncake32 posted: »

  • Gah Dayum! dat spam. Did I miss any new stories lol?

  • Nope nothing yet Jon but might be one later

    JonGon posted: »

    Gah Dayum! dat spam. Did I miss any new stories lol?

  • I know, right? Lol, people are going insane.

    JonGon posted: »

    Gah Dayum! dat spam. Did I miss any new stories lol?

  • edited May 2014

    The first Part of Chapter 2 will be up "Soon." Going to start it right now!

  • Oh, goodie!

    The first Part of Chapter 2 will be up "Soon." Going to start it right now!

  • edited May 2014

    It's 3.30am in the morning here but I shall wait I'm not missing it

    The first Part of Chapter 2 will be up "Soon." Going to start it right now!

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited May 2014

    Alt text

    The first Part of Chapter 2 will be up "Soon." Going to start it right now!

  • edited May 2014

    "Visit to view this picture"

    Alt text

    Sorry, pic was bigger than I expected.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    It's 3.30am in the morning here but I shall wait I'm not missing it

  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    "Visit to view this picture" Sorry, pic was bigger than I expected.

  • This has my interest piqued.

    R.I.P. all =( My clothes won't be missed, however.

  • Dude, you should sleep, haha. I think it won't be up for a while.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    It's 3.30am in the morning here but I shall wait I'm not missing it

  • Oh, you devil :3

    This has my interest piqued.

  • Alt text

    lol sleep is for the weak never I have a day off tomorrow anyway actually yeah probably go to sleep now ffs. See ya tomorrow Mark better still be alive tomorrow with many more kills btw.

    Dude, you should sleep, haha. I think it won't be up for a while.

  • Who else but Noncy? :D

    Oh, you devil

  • Damn, I'm bored, lol. I'm not going to sleep for another 3-4 hours :/

    Dude, you should sleep, haha. I think it won't be up for a while.

  • Read a book.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Damn, I'm bored, lol. I'm not going to sleep for another 3-4 hours

  • edited May 2014

    Chapter Two: NOTHING LEFT


    1 Month In

    I was sitting on a log outside in the woods, just staring at the camp fire. Remembering how I ended up here in the first place. I was able to escape the city in my R.V and I took as much supplies and food that I could. I met Alive_Clem and her older sister imighthavebrokenit along the way. I was able to save them, when I found them running away for their lives after their parents were killed by a horde of walkers. We barely managed to escape that night, but somehow we made it. After that, we trusted each other and we looked after one another. I never thought I would be stuck in this position looking after two other humans while a zombie apocalypse was happening.

    Truth is, I had murdered someone just the night before all of this happened. A man came into my house while I was sleeping and stabbed my wife, when she came out of the bathroom. I heard her yelling and grabbed a baseball bat. I ran over only to find her laying dead on the floor. I couldn't believe it, I wanted to wake up from this nightmare but I realized it wasn't a dream. I saw some bloody shoe prints that led into the kitchen. I saw the bastard using the sink and cleaning his knife. I snuck up behind him and hit him over the head with the bat. I repeatedly hit him over and over until his skull was crushed. I watched as the pool of blood formed around him, and truth is. I felt no pity. I would gladly kill that fucker over and over again. I sat down on the kitchen floor all night just staring at his corpse. The next day came, and I heard screams coming from outside. I saw people running all around. I turned on the T.V and saw what was happening. I packed my stuff and said goodbye to my dead wife, I took the R.V and headed out. One month later, AC and broken still don't know that story. I wasn't sure if telling them was a good idea, after I helped them.


    "Huh?!" I looked up and saw AC in front of me.

    "I've been trying to tell you that we're going to bed now." She said.

    "Oh, sorry. I was thinking of something."

    "Yeah, you looked pretty focused staring at that campfire." She said with a smile."Anyway, me and my sister are off to bed, so see you in the morning."

    "And don't stay up too late!" broken yelled out to me behind AC."You need to get some sleep, you know. Staying up almost everyday isn't good for your health." She told me as she entered the R.V.

    AC turned her head back to me."Listen to her, Rafoli. You need to get some sleep as well. I know you like to keep watch, but you need to sleep some time." She told me with a worried look.

    "Okay. I'll try to sleep tonight. I guess you two are right. We've never been attacked before, so I guess one night of rest wouldn't hurt me." I told her with a half smile.

    "Good." She smiled."Be careful out here, and have a good night." She says to me as she started to walk away.

    Suddenly I heard some rustling in the bushes. AC turned around and noticed. I grabbed my bat and stood up."Who's out there?!" We waited but heard nothing."AC get in the R.V. I'm going to go check it out." I told her. "Don't make me come over there and bash your head in. Who's out there? I won't say it again." I waited, and then started walking over to the bushes.

    A man came out from hiding. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Relax there, friend. I'm just traveling here looking for some good people."

    "Who the fuck are you?!" I asked him.

    "Look, man. I needed to make sure you people weren't crazy first. Sorry if I scared you guys. I'm just looking for a group to join. I needed to make sure you were good people, before I decided to make my way over. My name is ClementineCultist."

    "AC get the gun." I told her while keeping my attention towards the man.

    "On it." She said and ran over to the R.V.

    "Hey, man. I'm not here to hurt you guys, I promise. Like I said, I'm just looking for a group to join. It's hard out here trying to survive on your own. You have no fucking idea." He told me with a raised eyebrow.

    I waited until AC came out with the gun."Here you go, Rafoli." She handed it to me.

    broken then came out of the R.V."What's going on? Who's that?"

    The man put his hands up."Jesus, man. Are you going to kill me?! Goddamn, I knew I should've just ran away. Shit!" The man was starting to get frightened.

    I pointed the handgun at him."Look. I don't know who you are, but if you really are here just so you can join some good people. Then I won't kill you."

    "I promise you guys! Shit, I'm just looking for a group. Please don't fucking kill me! At least if I can't join you, just let me go and I won't ever come back here!" He was scared at this point.

    broken spoke up."What do you think, Rafoli?"

    "He looks scared. I don't know..." AC said.

    I looked at the man who had a shocked look on his face as I was aiming my gun towards him.

    1) Shoot him.

    2) Alright. You can join us for now.

    3) Say nothing.


    After a month of being on my own, I was beginning to get tired of this new life. I wanted to find my sister AllThatRemains and make sure she was safe. I was at home sick, the day the apocalypse hit, while she was at school. Me and my sister never really got along and I wouldn't be surprised if she never mentioned me at school. I never really hated her, but we just argued a lot over the silliest things, now that I think about it. Even though we never really saw eye to eye on things, I wish that she was with me throughout this whole mess. I remember I was lying in bed watching T.V when all of a sudden, an alert came on and every channel was broadcasting live zombie activity all over the city. Our parents called and told me that I needed to leave the city no matter what. I packed a few things and left. People were everywhere in the streets running around and going crazy. I saw a few of the walkers eating people, and more of them coming back from the dead. I ran around and saw a man wearing a chef uniform, crouching next to a guy wearing a cap and holding his side, in an alleyway while another guy was patching him up. Police and ambulance sirens could be heard everywhere.

    I knew that trying to look for ATR at the school wouldn't be an option. I needed to get out of the city and look for a safe place to stay in. I ran down the road and tried to get as far away as possible. I kept running and running, and I never looked back. The first few nights I was scared, I couldn't sleep with those things everywhere. I kept hearing their moans and growls while I hid in an empty school bus. I almost died of starvation as well. But luckily I found a super market and took what I could. I hid in there a few times, and even saw a man with a huge guitar case on his back running around with someone I saw at the school before. Weeks went by, and I wondered if ATR was still out there. I wondered if she went to go check the apartment for me or our parents. I knew our parents were most likely dead because they told me that they were going to head into the city and then come look for me. They told me to head to the countryside and that they would look for me at my dad's old job in a small toy store, but that was a month ago.

    Luckily for me, no one entered the toy store and I was here everyday by myself. No walkers or other humans, just me. It was boring and lonely, and I was missing all of my friends and family. I was sitting behind the counter eating some cookies when out of nowhere I heard two people outside.

    "CoolStoryBro, over here!" one of the voices yelled out.

    I crawled over to see who it was, and saw a man wearing a police uniform.

    "C'mon, CoolStoryBro! Hurry!" He yelled out.

    "On my way!" Another voice said.

    I looked over and saw a young man wearing a white hoodie, a backpack and jeans holding some boxes of food in his hands. My eyes widened, I hadn't had a decent meal in weeks. I looked over to the box of cookies I had and realized I had only one left. I was still starving, but I didn't know if letting those two In here was a good idea.

    The guy in the hoodie ran up to the police officer."Where do we go, Kunny?!" He said to him while looking around.

    The only reason I stayed alive was because I was avoiding people, but this was the first time a situation like this happened. I looked around but couldn't find any weapons, just some old toys. I looked up at two guys and only the police officer had a weapon, he was using a night stick. One was a police officer and the other was just some guy, a bit older than me. I saw a small group of walkers slowly heading their way. I needed to think about what to do next...

    1) Open the front door and call them over.

    2) Run to the back door and escape on my own.

    3) Do nothing.


  • edited May 2014

    HA! Yeah, right! Lee already posted chapter 2 :D

    -finishes reading- Now, I'm sad again.

    Read a book.

  • edited May 2014

    And so it begins....

    Rafoli: 2) Alright. You can join us for now.

    Dont_Look_Back: 1) Open the front door and call them over.

    Chapter Two: NOTHING LEFT Rafoli 1 Month In I was sitting on a log outside in the woods, just staring at the camp fire. Remembering

  • Rafoli: 2) Alright. You can join us for now.

    Dont_Look_Back: 1) Open the front door and call them over. (hope they don't just kill her)

    Chapter Two: NOTHING LEFT Rafoli 1 Month In I was sitting on a log outside in the woods, just staring at the camp fire. Remembering

  • Rafoli: 2) Alright. You can join us for now.

    Dont_Look_Back: 1) Open the front door and call them over.

    Chapter Two: NOTHING LEFT Rafoli 1 Month In I was sitting on a log outside in the woods, just staring at the camp fire. Remembering

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