Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Like I said, read a book.

    It won't kill you, I promise.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    HA! Yeah, right! Lee already posted chapter 2 -finishes reading- Now, I'm sad again.

  • :( Are you suuuuuure? ...wait, I don't even have a book.

    Like I said, read a book. It won't kill you, I promise.

  • Not even a textbook?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Are you suuuuuure? ...wait, I don't even have a book.

  • Well, yeah. But, would you honestly read a textbook in your spare time? ._.

    Not even a textbook?

  • If it meant not being bored anymore, then yeah.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Well, yeah. But, would you honestly read a textbook in your spare time? ._.

  • Nevermind. I'm not bored anymore -_-

    If it meant not being bored anymore, then yeah.

  • Pansy. I think you need to catch up on your literature.

    Read this, sinner:

    Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Nevermind. I'm not bored anymore -_-

  • Ouch... :(

    Pansy. I think you need to catch up on your literature. Read this, sinner:

  • Hell hurts, doesn't it?

    jk xD

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Gosh, you really try to make me feel bad, huh? :(

    Okay, gimme -starts reading-

    Hell hurts, doesn't it? jk xD

  • 1) Shoot him.
    3) Do nothing.
    since I am dead I will try to sabotage other people from now on

    Chapter Two: NOTHING LEFT Rafoli 1 Month In I was sitting on a log outside in the woods, just staring at the camp fire. Remembering

  • No, don't do that. That's not fair. >:(

    ZackOnCrack posted: »

    1) Shoot him. 3) Do nothing. since I am dead I will try to sabotage other people from now on

  • Oh, you jerk..

    ZackOnCrack posted: »

    1) Shoot him. 3) Do nothing. since I am dead I will try to sabotage other people from now on

  • just watch some Breaking Bad dude...duh ! XD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Gosh, you really try to make me feel bad, huh? Okay, gimme -starts reading-

  • Ahh, good idea! She's crazy, man. Pfff, reading... I do plenty of that as it is :P

    just watch some Breaking Bad dude...duh ! XD

  • edited May 2014


    We're not friends anymore. >:(

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Ahh, good idea! She's crazy, man. Pfff, reading... I do plenty of that as it is :P

  • WHAT? You can't do this to me! D:

    HEY! We're not friends anymore. >:(

  • You don't read >:(

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    WHAT? You can't do this to me!

  • edited May 2014

    never call a girl crazy man...llol anyway, if you guys want to read, join my first ever thread called "Some insight on Carver's community" , it's pretty much everything I've gathered from the story so far that people seem to have overlooked or just preferred to yell "bad writing durrrr" , although there are some things that could've been done better I that whole "clementine does everything for everyone" thing...or mostly the windmill part...

    HEY! We're not friends anymore. >:(

  • I DO read! But just in school and Lee's stories, isn't that enough? :(

    You don't read >:(

  • Do you guys think Carver died too early? I think he should have at least lived on until episode 4, but it's too late now.

    never call a girl crazy man...llol anyway, if you guys want to read, join my first ever thread called "Some insight on Carver's community" ,

  • Lol.... no.

    “A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.”

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I DO read! But just in school and Lee's stories, isn't that enough?

  • Hey, I have an "edge"...right? But, I guess you don't wanna be friends anymore, anyway..... :(

    Lol.... no. “A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.”

  • well we'll see...there might have been more to it than just a man wanting his baby in my opinion...I have my own theory in the thread I made where I explain all the information I could gather from the story to actually tell what happened before the event of In Harm's Way.

    Do you guys think Carver died too early? I think he should have at least lived on until episode 4, but it's too late now.

  • Lol, we can still be friends =)

    ... just read more, and maybe you'll be as clever as me one day.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hey, I have an "edge"...right? But, I guess you don't wanna be friends anymore, anyway.....

  • yeah, honestly, I think he shoulda lived on through the end of the 4th episode. I was expecting him to live longer and be as smart as he was portrayed in episode 2.

    Do you guys think Carver died too early? I think he should have at least lived on until episode 4, but it's too late now.

  • Lol, really....? Alright fine. Who wouldn't like to be as clever as you? :P

    Lol, we can still be friends ... just read more, and maybe you'll be as clever as me one day.

  • Now you're getting it =P

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, really....? Alright fine. Who wouldn't like to be as clever as you? :P

  • edited May 2014

    Awesome, man! I checked and you made some solid points. I have to agree, the things you mentioned make sense. That's why I wanted to find out a little more about Carver before his death.

    EDIT: BTW welcome to the community!

    well we'll see...there might have been more to it than just a man wanting his baby in my opinion...I have my own theory in the thread I made

  • Yeah, but oh well. We'll have to see what TTG comes up with for the final two episodes.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    yeah, honestly, I think he shoulda lived on through the end of the 4th episode. I was expecting him to live longer and be as smart as he was portrayed in episode 2.

  • Does reading stuff on the internet count? Besides here? lol

    Now you're getting it =P

  • I guess so, but you should try to get actual books. It's better than staring at a screen. ^_^

    Just go to a library, it's free. If they even still exist.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Does reading stuff on the internet count? Besides here? lol

  • thanks haha, I read your stories, you did a pretty good job, you have impressive writing skills. It's also pretty interesting to see forum members dying in terrible ways XD keep up the good work man ! As a fellow script writer, I find your dedication admirable :)

    Awesome, man! I checked and you made some solid points. I have to agree, the things you mentioned make sense. That's why I wanted to find out a little more about Carver before his death. EDIT: BTW welcome to the community!

  • You're beginning to sound like my mom and older sister, lol. Yeah, of course they exist.

    I guess so, but you should try to get actual books. It's better than staring at a screen. ^_^ Just go to a library, it's free. If they even still exist.

  • Thanks for comparing me to your mother .-.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    You're beginning to sound like my mom and older sister, lol. Yeah, of course they exist.

  • Heh, I don't think I'm as good as you guys tell me, this is actually the first time I try something like this, but thanks! Lol, yeah, bro. So far everyone has done good with the votes, though. A lot more people could have died if they chose different options. I'm glad people are enjoying the story, it's something for us while we wait for the next episodes of TWDG.

    thanks haha, I read your stories, you did a pretty good job, you have impressive writing skills. It's also pretty interesting to see forum m

  • I didn't mean it as an insult ._.

    Thanks for comparing me to your mother .-.

  • Lol, I know, chill out.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I didn't mean it as an insult ._.

  • Okay :)

    Lol, I know, chill out.

  • Well if you still have doubts in your writing skills, I can point you in the right direction. It's mostly that you stay true to what people want and what their characters will behave like in your story. Everyone seems to agree with the direction you're taking most of them so far and the way you branch stories is impressive by itself. The only advice I could give you is "HOW" you write each character's story from their point of view...I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something in some of the stories that you wrote that didn't sit right with me...maybe it's the way you formulate sentences sometimes...I don't know... hey, you wanted constructive criticism, that's my only one XD

    Heh, I don't think I'm as good as you guys tell me, this is actually the first time I try something like this, but thanks! Lol, yeah, bro. S

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