Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Actually, I have to go somewhere, shit. When I come back and if it's not too late, I'll try to post 1 or 2 more parts.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Ha! Me too, glad I showed you guys :P (: !ti daer ot tiaw t'naC

  • I will kill you before you even will do that.

    Ehehehehe...... I like that. [Tobi shreds Puncake's face with a cheese grinder]

  • Aw, that's cool. I'll be on my PS3 and watch baseball in the meantime. Later, man.

    Actually, I have to go somewhere, shit. When I come back and if it's not too late, I'll try to post 1 or 2 more parts.

  • She seems to love her a lot, so I guess she would.

    Damn, so your character would just give up right there?!

  • You just dug your own grave :(

    She seems to love her a lot, so I guess she would.

  • That's a lovely thought...but seriously, who would kill themselves over the death of an animal ? I mean sure it's sad and all but that doesn't mean you should just...give up.It's bound to happen sooner or later, such is life. You just move on and keep them alive in your heart. My character sure wouldn't kill himself over such a thing.
    You stick it out and help the folks you care about !

    She seems to love her a lot, so I guess she would.

  • If that's the way it has to be, Angel and I will go out together, like BFFs =)

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    You just dug your own grave

  • That's deep, I respect that. But still :(

    If that's the way it has to be, Angel and I will go out together, like BFFs

  • Honestly, Angel seems like the last piece of hope for her, and if she's gone... what is there to live for?

    That's a lovely thought...but seriously, who would kill themselves over the death of an animal ? I mean sure it's sad and all but that doesn

  • I just hope I die heroically, like I go out to save a child, and Angel comes to help me and then... yeah.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    That's deep, I respect that. But still

  • You're dern sure

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    AC = Alive_Clem CC = ClementineCultist Broken = imighthavebrokenit

  • Yeah. At least it's better than the "s" word.

    I just hope I die heroically, like I go out to save a child, and Angel comes to help me and then... yeah.

  • Everyone else, the loss of anyone is bad for the group's morale. Don't give up over such a petty thing, it's kinda selfish, i'm sure that the others care about you, losing a friend isn't helping them at all. Nor yourself, you just keep going, whatever happens, just keep on living.

    Honestly, Angel seems like the last piece of hope for her, and if she's gone... what is there to live for?

  • That's a flock in my bight.

    That's a block in my fight.

  • wat?

    You're dern sure

  • I guess you're probably right. Hey, I wouldn't kill myself over a dog... most likely... but it just seems right now that she would.

    Everyone else, the loss of anyone is bad for the group's morale. Don't give up over such a petty thing, it's kinda selfish, i'm sure that th

  • I don't think she would, sure you would be broken emotionally, but eventually you'll get over it and move on, just never forget those you lost and keep them in your thoughts and in your heart.

    I guess you're probably right. Hey, I wouldn't kill myself over a dog... most likely... but it just seems right now that she would.

  • It's just sad thinking about it =(

    I don't think she would, sure you would be broken emotionally, but eventually you'll get over it and move on, just never forget those you lost and keep them in your thoughts and in your heart.

  • Indeed , but death isn't completely in our power. When our time comes, we can't really do anything about it. The only thing you can do is choose to live. Until then, live your life to the fullest i say.

    It's just sad thinking about it =(

  • Don't worry guys. As long as I'm still alive, everything will be fine :)

    Indeed , but death isn't completely in our power. When our time comes, we can't really do anything about it. The only thing you can do is choose to live. Until then, live your life to the fullest i say.

  • edited May 2014

    2) We should leave. Find another place to stay

    Jeez, my character is exactly like me. That's scary but awesome at the same time.

    2) Break his legs.

    SweetPeaClem A month ago... we were all sitting down on a table getting ready to eat dinner, at my farm house. We were attacked by two ps

  • The R.V. will live on! (maybe...)

    Rafoli posted: »

    SweetPeaClem: 2) We should leave. Find another place to stay. Thank you for all the people who are voting for me to break his legs, I can't leave this bastard without a punishment! (Nothing personal, CC)

  • I meant right. I did that on my Health test "What are STD's?" I put that STD's were an emotion...

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • You better protect Angel.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Don't worry guys. As long as I'm still alive, everything will be fine

  • 2) We should leave. Find another place to stay.

    1) Kill him. Shoot him in the head.

    It's ruthless, but he did fuck them over after they let him join.

    SweetPeaClem A month ago... we were all sitting down on a table getting ready to eat dinner, at my farm house. We were attacked by two ps

  • I will :)

    You better protect Angel.

  • Ah okay, haha :P

    I meant right. I did that on my Health test "What are STD's?" I put that STD's were an emotion...

  • That's a clock in my boat.

    That's a flock in my bight.

  • Imma fucking kill him if he touches her. Then again, I will probably have to kill him either way...

    XD. There's a first time for everything. For now I think I'm the only one who boats it, but I'm a boater, so it may not be a boat at all.

  • Hey, Pro. I have to tell you there is a flaw in the last vote. See, there is only one option to keep him alive, but 4 to kill him, meaning even if there are more people who would want to see the man dead, their votes will spread out while everyone who wants him to live will just have to take the single option, uniting them all.

    With a vote like that, the total amount of people wanting him dead could exceed the amount of people wanting him to live, yet he would still live simply because the ones who voted him off couldn't reach the majority, despite having the most amount of votes.

    SweetPeaClem A month ago... we were all sitting down on a table getting ready to eat dinner, at my farm house. We were attacked by two ps

  • edited May 2014

    Pro is an evil genius like that, he sways the votes like Emperor Palpatine sways the Senate.

    Hey, Pro. I have to tell you there is a flaw in the last vote. See, there is only one option to keep him alive, but 4 to kill him, meaning e

  • 2) Break his legs with the bat.

    You can vote for your character as well, Rafoli!

  • If they try anything I got Toxic Emu, i'll leave Tobi to you... You think you can take him?

    Imma fucking kill him if he touches her. Then again, I will probably have to kill him either way...

  • Break the bat with his legs. That'll show him.

  • Good, because if you don't, I'll push you off a building.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I will


    Alt text

    Good, because if you don't, I'll push you off a building.

  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Ok, that was pretty funny, I give you that :3

  • What's going to happen to WTD's character? Anyone heard if WTD himself is coming back?

  • edited May 2014

    "Don't worry guys. As long as I'm still alive, everything will be fine :)"

    Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Don't worry guys. As long as I'm still alive, everything will be fine

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