Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited May 2014

    WTD is dead. I'm going to his funeral next week.

    What's going to happen to WTD's character? Anyone heard if WTD himself is coming back?

  • Hey, that's not funny. I was serious :(

    "Don't worry guys. As long as I'm still alive, everything will be fine "


    WTD is dead. I'm going to his funeral next week.




    SweetPeaClem A month ago... we were all sitting down on a table getting ready to eat dinner, at my farm house. We were attacked by two ps

  • Why did that make me lol. Anyways going to start another part right now. Maybe I can get two parts done.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hey, that's not funny. I was serious

  • WTD is still here... watching... waiting.

    What's going to happen to WTD's character? Anyone heard if WTD himself is coming back?

  • No one's gonna give a shit when I die, I know it xD

    Yeah, I'll be up for another 5 hours yada yada yada, bla bla, you know the drill :P

    Why did that make me lol. Anyways going to start another part right now. Maybe I can get two parts done.


    [Tobi hops into his hole to hide]

    LOL, I think it's perfect. It's true, biting off rabbit heads is a pretty weird fetish xD

  • Don't worry, you could say.... I'm looking after her.

    Imma fucking kill him if he touches her. Then again, I will probably have to kill him either way...

  • Ooohhhh, now you're just asking for it :P

    Don't worry, you could say.... I'm looking after her.

  • edited May 2014

    Oh? Then what about a sledgehammer?

    (Just trying to stay in character. Don't get mad. Please?)

    she DID get punched. troy punches her in the comic store. it looks like a slap but its a punch. i made sure.

  • It's about the rabbit head thing, isn't it? Yeah, i know. It's strange.


    WWWAAAAAAHHHH?????? [Tobi hops into his hole to hide]

  • Heh... anything can happen my dear boy. Just be sure you have one eye open tonight, there might be a salt lick dropping down.

    Puncake32 posted: »

    I will kill you before you even will do that.

  • And people knows the truth about me, I wasn't afraid to show my colours when at the entrance. They follow me because I'm willing to go to any lengths to make things happen. The truth is the world we knew was gone, we must adapt properly or else there's no reason to live. There's a real purpose to live now.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The truth manipulated them. AH using joker quotes against me it hurts to evil

  • Ohhhhh this is gonna be good. >:)



  • "Oh heyy, you made it back. Good job. Good job! :D" -Kenny.


  • Welcome back, my sun and stars. :3


  • edited May 2014

    Oh no, it will be us going into a meat grinder. We'll be shipped to the St. Johns for dinner. Cheers as you and I will be one ReMarkdable meal.

    (Okay that sounded weird now that I think about it)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Good can't wait Tobi I confirm by Mark it will be!!

  • boop

    Welcome back, my sun and stars.

  • I have that specialty for being an dickhead.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Ooohhhh, now you're just asking for it :P

  • edited May 2014


    (!) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment.

    "Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment." Jewf asked me.

    "Um, sure." I told him. I turned to look at Belan."Excuse us."

    Me and Jewf stood up and he walked me over to the back of the house."Have fun, kids" Belan said to us as we were walking.

    I turned back to him and stuck my tongue out and smiled. Belan started to chuckle, and made his way back inside. When me and Jewf reached the back yard, he stopped and took off his cap to scratch the back of his head.

    He put it back on and looked down."I uh... I don't know how to say this." He told me and looked to the side.

    I started to smile."What is it?! Come on tell me!"

    "Uhh... you seen my candy bars around? hehe." He said to me and started to smile.

    I playfully hit him in the arm."Stop joking, and tell me what you want to say."

    "Heh, alright. Damn girl, you sure you weren't a boxer before?" He jokingly said while holding his arm.

    "Oh shut up!" I said to him while giggling a bit."Just tell me already." I had a huge smile on my face.

    Jewf looked down again."I... I got... eking died because of me."

    My smile completely disappeared after I heard him say that."What?" I said to him with a confused look.

    He looked up at me with a sad look."A walker grabbed him by the foot. I stood there, watching as the others made their way to him. He called out to me, but I ran away. I went in the security room and watched as he was torn apart by those monsters. I... I left him to die."

    I was shocked at what I was hearing."Jewf... please tell me you're joking right now..." I couldn't believe it.

    Jewf looked down again."No... I didn't know if there was enough time to save him. I left him behind, because you guys left me behind. Sometimes I can't even sleep at night because all I see is eking getting ripped apart as he calls my name to come save him. It's fuckin' driving me insane!" He snarled and then took a deep breath."I just... I needed to tell someone. I was hoping you would understand, ATR."

    My eyes widened and I covered my mouth."I... I don't know what to say." I slowly backed away from him.

    Jewf looked unhappy."ATR, please. You're the only person I trust in this group. I had to tell someone..."

    Rich came out of nowhere."There you guys are! I was looking for you two." He said as he made his way over to us. He noticed something was strange."Uh... what's going on?"

    "Nothing. Just talking." Jewf told Rich and then turned to me.

    Rich raised his eyebrow. He then turned to me."What's wrong?"

    I noticed Rich grabbed his MP5 with both hands. I looked back at Jewf who had a sad look on his face. I turned back to Rich...

    1) None of your business.

    2) Jewf got eking killed.

    3) Nothing, we're just talking.

    4) Say nothing.


    (!) It was my fault.

    Tobi was waiting for an answer to his question."It was my fault." I heard Valky say to him.

    "What?! No! She didn't do anything wrong, this was my fault." I told Tobi. Tobi was still staring at Valky, and then he turned to me. I looked him straight in the eyes. "It was me. I knocked the pallets over."

    Valky looked over to me.

    (?) Valky will remember that.

    Tobi turned back to look at Valky.SMACK! my mouth opened as I saw him hit her with the back of his hand."One of you is lying to me." He said while looking down at her.

    I clenched my fists."YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled and ran over to him. I got close and landed a right hook square on his jaw. Before I could hit him again, Emu hit me in the stomach with the butt of his rifle. I was caught off guard and fell down on one knee.

    "Holy shit..." I heard PAP say behind me.

    I looked up and saw Emu aiming his gun at me and Tobi holding his face."Oh, you fucked up now." He said to me as he picked up a pallet. I looked over to Valky who was on the floor holding her cheek. Emu kicked her gun away.

    Before I could turn around to look at Tobi, he threw the pallet right at my face knocking me back. It felt like I had ran straight into a brick wall. Tobi grabbed the pallet and slammed it on my chest. He put one foot on top of it and put his weight down. I felt it crushing my chest."You stupid sonuvabitch. What possessed you to hit me like that?!" Tobi looked pissed off.

    "Goddamn!" PAP yelled out.

    I started coughing."Heh...agh...ufgh, I hope it fucking hurt." I said to him while smiling.

    Tobi snarled at me and then proceeding to punch me in the face.

    "No!" I heard Valky yelling out.

    "Stop!" PAP was screaming at Tobi.

    Tobi held my hair with one hand, and punched me with the other."You dumb fuck!" I heard him say.

    "Tobi, stop!" I could hear Valky starting to cry."Tobi!"

    Tobi kept punching me. At this point, the left side of my face was completely, numb. I could only feel the blood coming out of my noise and mouth.

    "STOOOOOPP!!" Valky yelled out.

    I felt Tobi's hand release my hair. I had ringing in one ear, and a tremendous pain on the side of my forehead. I could barely open my left eye as I was turning to look at Tobi. He was breathing heavily and his right fist had blood on it.

    He got up and I was able to breath properly again. He turned to Valky."So... what really happened here?"

    Valky was still crying."We'll get this mess cleaned up, Tobi. Please... just..."

    "I asked you a simple question. Don't make me ask it again." He told her."Who's fault was this?!"

    I turned to look at Valky. She was staring at me. I was able to nod my head, and she looked up at Tobi."Guilty knocked it down. Like he said..."

    Tobi folded his arms."Good. His punishment has been served. As for you, Valky. You lied to me. I'm deranking you back to a peasant worker. Help these guys clean this mess up. Emu will be keeping watch on you guys, from now on."

    "Hehehe. That's right, you maggots. I'm not as kind as Valky here either." He said to me and PAP while smiling.

    Tobi turned to me."Oh... and one more thing." He said while picking up the pallet that was on top of me."If you ever try something foolish like that again. I will fucking kill you." He told me while holding the pallet up, and then dropping it back down on my stomach.

    "AGH!" I coughed up blood and pushed the pallet away. I didn't know whether to hold my face or stomach. I was in agony, but the only thing I was worried about was Valky.

    "PAP. Clean him up." Tobi asked him.

    "Uh yes, Tobi. I will." He replied.

    Tobi walked over to pick up Valky's AK47."Alright, Emu. Make sure they don't fuck up again."

    "You got it, Tobi." He said to him while grinning at us. Tobi started to walk away."Alright, maggots. Once Guilty get's cleaned up. You better get back to work!"

    Valky crawled her way over to me, while PAP checked my face."Oh my God..."

    "His cheek is swollen, but luckily his jaw isn't broken. His eye will be bruised, and he won't be able to fully open it for a while. The nose bleeds should stop in a day or two. Damn..." He turned to Emu."Could you please get us some medical supplies."

    "Only because you said please." He told him and made his way over to the medical station.

    I was breathing heavily."Uff... I think he might have cracked a rib also." I managed to say.

    "Don't worry, Guilty. We'll get you fixed. You'll be as good as new in no time."

    "Heh... if you say so..."

    Valky held my head up."We're getting out of here."

    "That's my girl...haha..." It was hard to try and talk.

    PAP looked up at her."What?! You know that won't be easy. Tobi has guards all over the place."

    "So, we get rid of them first..." I struggled to say.

    Emu was coming back."Here." He said to PAP as he tossed the med kit over to him.

    "Thank you." PAP told him.

    "Just shut up and fix him up. The faster you finish, the faster you can get back to work and clean this shit up." He said while shaking his head and walking towards a wall. Emu leaned on it and stared back at us.

    Valky looked down at me."We have to wait until you're fully healed. Then we can try to escape." She whispered to me.

    All of a sudden the announcements came on."Valky to my office. Right now." It was Tobi.

    "Shit... what does he want now?" Valky said. She turned to PAP."Will he be okay?"

    "Yeah, don't worry I'll take care of him. Don't make Tobi wait. Just go." PAP told her as he started to work on me.

    She got up and as she was walking away she turned to look at me."I'm sorry..." She said while frowning.

    "It's wasn't... your... fault..." I replied and she walked away.

    "Look, I know you want to get revenge on Tobi. But you should wait until you are fully healed. Listen to Valky."

    "I'll think about it..." I told him.

    Tobi was starting to lose it. The longer we stayed here, the more at risk we were to dying at the hands of that tyrant. We needed to make our escape...


  • Oh shit... What is Tobi going to do to Valky? T_T

    AllThatRemains: 3) Nothing, we're just talking.

    AllThatRemains (!) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment. "Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment."

  • AllThatRemains: 3) Nothing, we're just talking. (aww, she thought he was gonna admit something)

    AllThatRemains (!) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment. "Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment."

  • wheeew... I thought my digital ass was grass :)

    AllThatRemains: 3) Nothing, we're just talking.

    AllThatRemains (!) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment. "Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment."

  • It could have been much worse...

    Going to check some parts and then get one more in.

    Oh shit... What is Tobi going to do to Valky? T_T AllThatRemains: 3) Nothing, we're just talking.

  • edited May 2014

    There was a secret here. It's gone now.


  • He knows too much....

    Shhhh..... it's supposed to be a secret.

  • Shhhh..... it's supposed to be a secret.

    There was a secret here. It's gone now.

  • Dammit, you let the cat outta the bag!

    There was a secret here. It's gone now.

  • Jewf had the balls to admit his guilt to ATR, the least she can do is keep his secret for now.

    ATR: 3) Nothing, we're just talking.

    Poor guy went full Shane, but at least he has some remorse. We'll see where that gets him in the future.

    wheeew... I thought my digital ass was grass AllThatRemains: 3) Nothing, we're just talking.

  • AllThatRemains: 3) Nothing, we're just talking.

    AllThatRemains (!) Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment. "Hey, ATR. I need to talk to you privately, for a moment."

  • Yeah on your fucking head!

    Heh... anything can happen my dear boy. Just be sure you have one eye open tonight, there might be a salt lick dropping down.

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Let's go behind the buildings and find another place to stay in.

    Kunny and CoolStoryBro were waiting for me."Let's go behind the buildings and find another place to stay in." I told them.

    "Alright, cool. Come on, guys." CSB said to us while sneaking away."It's clear. We can move." He said as he leaned against the toy store's wall.

    Kunny turned to me."Lead the way, DLB."

    I nodded and I crouched over to the other side of a building. I watched as CSB kept a look out and motioned for Kunny to move. Once he reached me, CSB quietly made his way over to us. We quietly moved away from the toy store, using the buildings as cover. I peaked behind a wall and noticed more walkers in the streets. We slowly and quietly moved over to the next buildings, until we finally reached the sidewalk. I saw even more walkers in the middle of the street, making their way over to the toy store's direction. I turned back and saw a few of them in the distance, coming out of the back door of the toy store and slowly making their way to us.

    Kunny took notice of them as well."Damn. We can't stay here forever."

    "We can't go out to the right side. There's too many walkers." CSB told us.

    I looked to the left side of us and noticed about 10 of them spread out."We can try to go over there. Make a run for it." I said to them.

    Kunny looked over."Okay... but where would we go?"

    I saw a tool shop, a small bicycle shop and a clothing store. I peaked out some more and the area seemed pretty clear, aside from the few walkers. We could make it... hopefully.

    "So, where do we go next?" CSB asked us.

    1) There's a bicycle shop over there.

    2) There's a tool shop over there.

    3) There's a clothing store over there.


    Break his legs with the bat.

    I was looking down at CC."I'm not going to kill you. Get up." I told him.

    Broken turned to me."What?!"

    CC was getting up from the ground."Oh, man. Thank you, Rafoli!" He said to me.

    "What are you doing?! You're just going to let him escape?" Broken asked.

    "Here. Take it but don't shoot him." I said to her while giving her the hand gun. She had a confused look on her face.

    I gripped the bat and looked at CC."Thank you, man... I just... my--" Before I let him finish. I swung my bat as hard as I could and hit him on the side of his knee."AHHHH!! FUCKING SHIT!" CC yelled out as he fell back down and his bone was exposed.

    AC gasped and covered her face on Broken's shirt."It's okay, AC. Don't look." She told her while glaring at CC.

    "OH MY GOD! MY FUCKING LEG!" CC yelled out as he was holding his left leg.

    I swung the bat and hit his other leg on the side of his knee as well. CC looked up and let out an agonizing screech. CC was covering his eyes, writhing in pain. He started crying."AHH...why?!... Uhuh...uh..." He managed to say while looking down at his broken legs. Both with their Shin bones sticking out. He lay his head back and started to cry even more.

    "Maybe now you'll learn not to steal from us." I told him.

    We heard the RV door opening."Dad?" we saw a teenage kid walking out.

    I turned back to look at CC."What the fuck?!"

    CC looked up at him."Run, TDMshadowCP! These people are fucking crazy! Get out of here! Run!"

    The kid looked shocked."Dad... your legs?!" Tears started to roll down his cheeks.

    Broken spoke up."You had a son?! Why didn't you tell us?!"

    CC looked at her."I didn't want to put his life in danger, if we ever ran into some sick fucks like you! I know I'm a dick for what I did, but I couldn't risk it. I knew you people were fucking insane!" He yelled to us. He turned back to his son."Run, Shadow! Go, please! Get away from these people and stay safe!"

    I turned to CC."You dumb fuck! You should've just told us that from the beginning!"

    AC spoke up."Look! The boy is getting away!" she said while pointing.

    CC spoke up."That's right, Shadow. Get out of here..."

    I was irritated."Damn it, CC!"

    Broken turned to me."Calm down, Rafoli. I know this is fucked up, but it's done now. We didn't know."

    CC started laughing."You, guys... just proved... that you're... fucking crazy...I fucking knew it!" He managed to say, and then he blacked out.

    "Fuck! What are we going to do?!" I turned to Broken and AC.

    AC spoke up."Maybe we should go after his son, and explain what happened."

    "CC should have said something. But, I don't blame him for not telling us. He was looking after his son." Broken told me.

    I shook my head and walked back and forth."Damn... this is fucked up." I looked over to CC's unconscious body."Why didn't you just tell us!"

    "There's nothing we can do now, Rafoli. Let's just go." Broken said to me.

    "What about his son?" AC asked her.

    "I don't know, AC..." She looked at me again."What are we going to do?"

    I stopped and looked at CC with his broken legs laying on the floor. I turned around and saw the RV. I looked back at AC and Broken...

    1) We take the RV and CC with us. We follow his son.

    2) We leave CC here. We take the RV and follow his son.

    3) Let's just take the RV and get the hell out of here.


  • Dont_Look_Back: 2) There's a tool shop over there.

    Rafoli: 1) We take the RV and CC with us. We follow his son.

    UGGGHHH, I am so fucking mad at you guys for choosing to break his legs!! I knew something like this was going to happen :/

    Don't_Look_Back (!) Let's go behind the buildings and find another place to stay in. Kunny and CoolStoryBro were waiting for me."Let's

  • I'm sorry I voted to break your dad's legs, TDMshadowCP. Shit. v_v

    Don't_Look_Back: 2) There's a tool shop over there.

    Rafoli: 1) We take the RV and CC with us. We follow his son.

    Don't_Look_Back (!) Let's go behind the buildings and find another place to stay in. Kunny and CoolStoryBro were waiting for me."Let's

  • You didn't know, don't lie!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Dont_Look_Back: 2) There's a tool shop over there. Rafoli: 1) We take the RV and CC with us. We follow his son. UGGGHHH, I am so fucking mad at you guys for choosing to break his legs!! I knew something like this was going to happen

  • I kinda did. But I didn't choose that mainly because I'm too nice.

    You didn't know, don't lie!

  • edited May 2014

    Well...that was...unexpected...what a sad turn of event...CC's still an idiot though. That guy was just looking for trouble, but still...

    I vote : 1) We take the RV and CC with us. We follow his son.

    Damn you Tellta...I mean Pro...

    oh and DLB should definitely go to the tool shop.

    I vote 2) There's a tool shop over there.

    seriously the other choices makes it a no-brainer. Although I don't really know if by bikes you mean motorcycles or bicycles, which might make a difference. As for the clothing store...ain't nobody got time for that !

    Being fashionable in the apocalypse is the last thing on anyone's mind...

  • (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

    I feel like the biggest shithead in the whole world.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I kinda did. But I didn't choose that mainly because I'm too nice.

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