Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • What do we say to the god of death?

    I am. You killed me with your marvelous boat naming abilities.

  • I love you.

    What do we say to the god of death?

  • Not today!

    What do we say to the god of death?

  • Too late she MINE ^,..,^

    Duck, leave the poor girl alone.

  • WhatTheFlippledorp :D

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    I love you.

  • Yes,everyday.

    Not today!

  • She's Jewf's!

    Have you forgotten about SweetDuck already?

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Too late she MINE ^,..,^

  • Yes. So you can be dead. But not today.

    Not today!

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Nothing, we're just talking.

    "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich.

    Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept his hands on the MP5."Alright... anyways. I'm going on a supply run with Jon, Puncake and Clayton. I was wondering if you wanted to come with us, Jewf."

    I looked over at Jewf."Uh... why me? Why can't Belan or Firedog go?" He asked Rich.

    "Belan is still helping Firedog look after Paul. Making sure he's okay."

    "But Belan said that he can walk now with no pain. There's no need to look after him."

    "It's what Firedog insisted. You don't have to come with us, I'm just letting you know."

    Jewf looked down and sighed."Whatever then. Guess I'll go with you guys."

    "Okay, good." Rich turned to me."Noncy was looking for you, ATR. She's upstairs."

    "Okay. Thank you." I replied.

    "Come on, Jewf. The others are waiting in the pickup." Rich told him.

    "Go on ahead. I'll be there in a minute."

    Rich nodded and then started walking back. Jewf made his way over to me. "Thank you..." He said with a sad look.

    I looked down."I think you should tell the group..."

    "What?! I can't do that ATR..."

    I looked up at him."You need to, Jewf. It's the only way they'll trust you more."

    "I don't give a shit about the others, ATR. If I tell them, they might kick me out!" Jewf looked worried.

    "You have--"HONK! HONK! I was interrupted."Look the others are waiting. Just go. We'll talk about this later."

    Jewf looked down again."Alright..." He said to me and then started to walk away.

    "Jewf..." I said under my breath.

    I made my way to the front of the house and watched as the Pickup left the driveway. The roamers around the street started to follow them. I walked up the porch and went into the house. I saw Belan, Paul and Firedog sitting down on the couch.

    "Hey, ATR." Paul said to me.

    "Hey. How are you feeling?"

    "A lot better! I'll be good in about a day or two." He told me.

    "Glad to hear it!"

    Belan spoke up."What did Jewf tell you?" He asked with an open mouth smile.

    "Don't worry about it, Belan." I smiled and shook my head.

    Paul took notice."Oooo! Someone is keeping secrets, haha." He said jokingly.

    Firedog looked over."Alright, guys. Leave her alone, heh." He said with a smirk.

    Belan and Paul started to laugh. I rolled my eyes with a smile and I made my way up the stairs, and over to Noncy's room. I knocked on the door."Noncy? You needed to see me about something?"

    "Yes! Come in!" I could hear her on the other side. I opened the door and saw Noncy sitting on her bed reading a book."ATR. Come sit." She told me while tapping on the bed.

    I walked over and sat down next to her."What's up?"

    "Rich... He's going a bit crazy." She whispered to me.

    "What?! He seemed perfectly normal today, and the last few days. What do you mean?" I asked her with a confused look.

    "He keeps talking about his brother, Cameron. He told me that he's worried about him and that he wants to go out there by himself to look for him."

    "So let's just give him a few items and let him go out by himself if he wants to." I replied.

    "No. You don't understand, my dear. One day when all of you were outside in the backyard, cooking up the deer that Jon and Clayton caught for us. I was in the living room. I kept hearing loud screams coming from the bathroom. I quietly made my way over and I could hear Rich "talking" to his brother. He kept saying that he was going to find him no matter what. He said that he would kill anyone that got in his way. I heard him opening the door and I quickly ran back to the living room. I acted as if I was reading a book and I saw him going out the front door. I walked over to the bathroom, and I noticed there was blood on the floor and in the sink. I think he might have been injuring himself."

    "I think I remember that day... I was with Jewf, sitting down and talking. Rich came to the back yard and was bleeding from his hand. He used the water hose to clean the blood off. Jewf asked him what happened and he said he cut himself by accident, trying to cut some pieces off of the deer. I thought it was strange because the deer was already being cooked and Puncake had already cut it in pieces. We didn't question it though."

    "You see. He's gone mad. He might become a danger to the group. I fear for our safety around that man." Noncy told me while looking down at her book.

    I was puzzled. I didn't know what to say."Do you think we should tell the others?"

    "Maybe. But, it might not be a good idea." Noncy replied."I only told you because you seem to be capable of keeping secrets."

    I looked down."Boy, you have no idea..."

    Noncy looked confused."Do you have something to tell me?"

    I looked at her."Um... no. I just know what you mean, heh." I made a nervous laugh.

    Noncy raised her eyebrows."Well... if you say so. I'm leaving it to you whether you want to tell your friends or not. That's all I wanted to talk to you about, ATR."

    I stood up and started to walk away. I opened the door and turned to Noncy."I'll think about it, Miss Noncy."

    I closed the door and thought about what Noncy just told me. I thought about what Jewf had said to me as well. I was conflicted over both situations. Should I tell the group about Jewf and Rich? Or should I keep it to myself? I thought to myself. I made my way down stairs and into the living room. Belan and Paul were playing catch with a handball we found on a supply run. Firedog was sitting down eating a snack.

    Belan turned to me."Hey, ATR. Want to play catch with us?"

    "No it's okay. I... uh. I have something I want to say to you guys."

    They all looked confused."What is it?" Paul asked me.

    Firedog finished eating his snack."You're not planning on leaving the group are you?!"

    "No. nothing like that."

    Belan spoke up."Well, what's on your mind then?

    My heart started beating rapidly...

    1) Jewf got eking killed.

    2) Rich is going crazy over his brother.

    3) Jewf got eking killed and Rich is going crazy over his brother.

    4) Nevermind.


    (!) Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape.

    "Just go, you two! I'll distract them and then make my escape." I yelled out to Sardines and Joe.

    Joe kept looking at me."Good luck..." He told me.

    Sardines spoke up."Thank you..."

    I nodded at them and then they both started running away towards the small opening in the walker horde. A few of them noticed that they were running away and tried to go after them.

    I started hitting the golf club on the floor and shouting."Hey! Over here you dumb walkers! Come and get me!" One got close and I swung the golf club, hitting it in the head. I looked over to where Joe and Sardines ran off to and they had escaped. A few of them in the back of the small horde were moving in their direction. I couldn't see if Joe and Sardines made it out, but I had a feeling that they did. I looked over to my left and I ran as fast as I could. I tackled a few of the walkers and I rolled off of them. I quickly got up and saw them heading towards me. I swung the golf club again and killed one that was in front of me. I turned around and ran over to the sliding doors. I noticed that they were blocked from the outside by a bunch of different stuff and thaaaangs. There was no time to try and move them, I needed to make my way around. I looked over to my left and saw several walkers on that side, and some escalators leading up to the second floor. I looked to my right and it was another small army of roamers blocking the way.

    "Goddamn! Can't believe there's so many of them! Where the hell are they coming from?!" I said to myself.

    I had nowhere to go... I realized that I was done for. I was trapped and the walkers were getting closer to me. I gripped the golf club tightly and got ready to go down with a fight. The walkers were coming from all sides. At least I felt good about myself for helping Sardines and Joe. I closed my eyes and smiled... I knew I wasn't going to make it out of this.

    WRUFF! WRUFF! Out of nowhere I heard a dog barking. I looked over to my left and saw two guys and a girl with guns and bullet proof vests on, standing on the second floor in front of the escalators, the two males had duffel bags and the female had a backpack on. They had a black and white Husky with them as well. BRATATA! BRUPPA! BRUPPA! BLAM! BLAM! They started shooting at the walkers down below. These guys were getting headshots and killing those things with ease. Soon, all of the walkers were dead on the floor.

    "Up here! Hurry up!" A man with a five o'clock shadow holding a M4 yelled to me.

    I turned and a saw the walkers a few feet away from me. I turned and ran over to the three people who had just finished clearing the path for me. I made it to the escalators and started running up to them. Once I reached the top I noticed the Husky.

    "Don't worry. She's friendly." A young lady said to me.

    I looked at them."Thanks for saving my ass back there."

    "No prob." A young male told me as he was reloading his MP5.

    The older gentlemen about the same age as me, with the five o'clock shadow spoke up."We weren't intending on saving you. We just came here on a supply run, this mall used to be our spot for supplies, in the beginning. We noticed you risked your life to save your friends as we watched from above. We couldn't let you die."

    "Wait a minute. You guys just watched as my friends ran away? Why didn't you help us out earlier?" I asked with a confused look.

    "Trust is hard to come by nowadays. For all we know, you guys could have ended up being psychos. We hid in the shadows and listened in on your conversation. We saw your two friends running away and escaping the mall. We saw you getting trapped and almost surrounded by the walkers. Me and the team decided that we should intervene and help you out." The older gentlemen explained.

    "I guess that's understandable. You guys could have left me to die, but you saved me. I can't thank you enough..." I told the three people."My name is Salt, by the way."

    "I'm LeeTheProfessional." The older gentlemen said to me.

    "I'm TWDFan86." The younger male told me.

    "And I'm Welcome_to_Woodbury." The young lady said. She looked down at the dog."This is my pet Angel. Give him some paw, Angel."

    I looked down and the Husky had it's paw out. I put my hand out and Angel tapped it. "Heh, cool dog." I said.

    "Well, we should leave now." Pro said while looking behind me.

    I turned around and the horde of walkers were making their way to us."Shit!"

    "Noise attracts these things. We knew we were taking the risk by using our guns. But, what's done is done now. Good luck, Salt." He said to me. He turned to TWDFan and WtW."Alright, we have what we came for. Let's go."

    They both nodded and all of them started to run away."Wait! Can I join you guys in the meantime. I want to find my friends, Sardines and Joe. I understand if you don't want to help..."

    Pro turned back to me."Okay, but stay close."

    I smiled and made my way over to them. I followed as they led me out of the mall. They knew where to go and worked together efficiently. Every walker we came across, they would either stab it in the head or smash it's skull in with their weapons. They never fired their guns once, and Angel distracted the walkers for them. We finally reached a broken window and I saw a ladder leading outside of the mall.

    "WtW, you go first." Pro told her. She made her way over and started to climb down. He looked over to TWDFan."You're next." TWDFan started climbing down as well. Pro turned to me."You're turn, Salt. I'll carry Angel down."

    "Okay." I replied and made my way over to the ladder. I looked down and saw a black SUV parked below. We were somewhere in the back of the mall and there were no walkers around. I started to climb down and made my way to the ground. I looked up and saw Pro climbing down the extendable ladder, while Angel was on his shoulders. TWDFan and WtW got in the car, and turned on the engine.

    "Get in!" TWDFan told me as he rolled down the driver seat window.

    I watched as Pro grabbed the ladder and opened the trunk to put it in, he opened the back passenger seat and Angel sat in the middle. I ran over to the back passenger seat and got in the car. Pro got in and sat next to me and Angel.

    WtW looked back at us."Seat belts, please."

    Pro and I both looked at each other with a raised eyebrow after she said that."Heh... okay." Pro said to her with a smile.

    TWDFan smiled as he looked back at us."Alright, we're getting out of here."

    We drove out of the grassy area and I looked out the window as the mall was being overrun by the walkers. I couldn't believe there were so many of them. I wondered if Sardines and Joe made it out alive. We drove off of the street and onto a dirt road that led into the woods. I had no clue where we were going, but I was pretty sure these people weren't bad if they risked their lives to save me. At least I hoped...

    We finally reached a cabin and we got out of the SUV. I looked around and the area seemed peaceful. The sun was going down and I kept worrying about Joe and Sardines."When should we start looking for my friends?" I asked them.

    Pro turned to me."They're probably safe for now. Two of our people are missing as well. They were supposed to be back yesterday. It's getting late, we can start looking for all of them in the morning, or you can go out there and look for your friends, by yourself." He told me with a concerned tone.

    I looked up and saw WtW walking Angel inside the cabin, with TWDFan following behind. I looked over at Pro...

    1) I should go look for my friends.

    2) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow.


  • Because I love you guys :)

    y u do dis 2 meh joe

  • y u do dis 2 meh joe

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Can I be dead tomorrow?

    Yes. So you can be dead. But not today.

  • edited May 2014

    Aww shit yeah I forgot.Well then I'll cage up my heart likea dick in a noose.

    She's Jewf's! Have you forgotten about SweetDuck already?

  • But when it's tomorrow it will be today.

    Can I be dead tomorrow?

  • Like... a dick in a noose...? O_O

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Aww shit yeah I forgot.Well then I'll cage up my heart likea dick in a noose.

  • I DON'T KNOW JUST DON'T BE DEAD. I need you. ;_;

    So, what you're saying is, I can be dead inside, but I'll have to keep living, even if I'm dead? Because the god of death says I can't be dead today?

  • So, what you're saying is, I can be dead inside, but I'll have to keep living, even if I'm dead?

    Because the god of death says I can't be dead today?

    But when it's tomorrow it will be today.

  • edited May 2014


    Alt text

    AllThatRemains - 4) Nevermind.

    Gossip is bad, kids.

    SaltLick305 - 2) I'll stay and wait til tomorrow.


    ...or not because I changed my vote. Look at me! Wow! So changeable.

    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi

  • edited May 2014

    ATR: 2) Rich is going crazy over his brother.

    SaltLick: 2) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow. (Nope, he's safer with us for the night!)

    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi

  • 2 and 2

    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi

  • Because I love you guys! :D

    y u do dis 2 meh joe

  • edited May 2014

    4) Nevermind.

    1) I should go look for my friends.

    Could Sardines and Joe be a thing? I boat it if it is.

    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi

  • Alt text

    sardines posted: »

    SALTLICK LIVES!! AllThatRemains - 4) Nevermind. Gossip is bad, kids. SaltLick305 - 2) I'll stay and wait til tomorrow. THE TRIO MUST REUNITE ...or not because I changed my vote. Look at me! Wow! So changeable.

  • My thoughts are just - what if Joe and I are in trouble? And by the time Salt gets to us, we're dead if he waits. Or long gone, like we've left.

    Who knows, though, hahaha.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    ATR: 2) Rich is going crazy over his brother. SaltLick: 2) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow. (Nope, he's safer with us for the night!)

  • edited May 2014

    4) Never mind.

    I promised Jewf that we'd talk later, and it wouldn't be fair to announce what he did behind his back. As for's more of Noncy's decision if she wants to tell people. By the way Rich is acting, I'm sure the others will catch on to it soon. I know it will look weird saying "never mind" but hopefully they will think I'm just hesitant to tell them about Jewf's supposed declaration of love to me that they all think happened. Chalk it up to silly teen aged girl secrets :p

    1) I should go look for my friends.

    They might not have gotten out safely and gotten themselves in some sort of predicament. And Saltlick supposedly coming back from the dead and being the hero again and saving them would make a great scene.

    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi

  • Alt text

    So, what you're saying is, I can be dead inside, but I'll have to keep living, even if I'm dead? Because the god of death says I can't be dead today?

  • I've thought about that too and I don't want any of you guys to die :(

    sardines posted: »

    My thoughts are just - what if Joe and I are in trouble? And by the time Salt gets to us, we're dead if he waits. Or long gone, like we've left. Who knows, though, hahaha.

  • I don't want anyone to die at all. ): But there's no way to avoid that I guess, hahaha.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I've thought about that too and I don't want any of you guys to die

  • Yay! I helped save Salt! xD I told you I had your back bro. And lol, "Seat belts, please".

    AllThatRemains: 2) Rich is going crazy over his brother.

    Saltlick305: 2) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow. (Stay with us the night man, we don't bite =P)

    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi

  • Lee can! :P

    sardines posted: »

    I don't want anyone to die at all. ): But there's no way to avoid that I guess, hahaha.

  • What would that even be called? :P My name is not very convenient for boat names.

    4) Nevermind. 1) I should go look for my friends. Could Sardines and Joe be a thing? I boat it if it is.

  • Jodines?

    sardines posted: »

    What would that even be called? :P My name is not very convenient for boat names.

  • Damn, I was just going to say that!


  • You guys can! Everyone's destiny is in your hands, you're the ones voting. You just have to choose which one you think is best.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lee can! :P

  • My curiosity has been piqued. Please continue.

    Like... a dick in a noose...? O_O

  • ATR: 2) Rich is going crazy over his brother.

    Telling your friends about a insane mp5 wielding swat guy is always a good idea

    SaltLick: 2) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow.

    no use getting saltlick killed after that badass scene

    AllThatRemains (!) Nothing, we're just talking. "Nothing, we're just talking." I told Rich. Rich turned to look at Jewf and kept hi

  • ^ You heard him, guys. Don't screw up!

    You guys can! Everyone's destiny is in your hands, you're the ones voting. You just have to choose which one you think is best.

  • Interesting turn of events. ATR should probably keep their secrets for now. Now is not the time to turn on each other. They also trust her, she can keep a secret, if she were to just spill the beans right away it would look pretty bad for her. Everyone would feel betrayed in more way than one, i'm also kinda skeptical about Rich's state of mind...we'll see as the story unfolds.

    4) Nevermind

    Nicee that Salt made it out alive, he should probably stay with the group for the night, safety in number and all that jazz.
    Going by yourself in the middle of the night doesn't sound like a very good option.
    He wouldn't see a damn thing in the dark and a lurker could get the jump on him at any moment. That and if he doesn't find them, he would still have to take shelter someplace else, which isn't better.
    Might as well stick around for a while and look for his friends in the morning.

    2) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow.

  • I dunno, man. Let's just mind our own business.

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