The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Sorry again, i just tried to be the good guy...turns out i'm actually the bad guy in this whole story...feels like i walked right into it really...i won't try to prove anyone wrong from now on, i'll simply stay out of it.

    How could I not be bothered by this? It sounds like you were trying to pry into my personal life. That's not okay.

  • The Forum of the Dead lounge huh? Hmmm I'm gonna put my feet up and have a beer.

  • Get out! You're not invited.

    Haha, I'm j/k. Make yourself at home :)

    The Forum of the Dead lounge huh? Hmmm I'm gonna put my feet up and have a beer.

  • :3

    JonGon posted: »


  • Why did you feel the need to screenshot this?

  • lol good to see ya :D

    in case ya all wondering, my name's Mike :) and I'm a self-confessed TWD addict.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Get out! You're not invited. Haha, I'm j/k. Make yourself at home

  • [removed]

    JonGon posted: »


  • Isn't everyone here a TWD addict?

    lol good to see ya in case ya all wondering, my name's Mike and I'm a self-confessed TWD addict.

  • Hey Duck, whats up. Thought you got banned? Good to see ya though.

  • Alt text IAm I late to the party?Yep...

  • edited June 2014

    I won't :3 in fact with all that nonsense on the forum caused by me i'll stop backing anyone up for now just looks like a trap today...and i walk right into it.

    Like a wise man once said: Fuck that !

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Alright. I promise I won't do that again :c I hope you don't hate Matt either.

  • Yeah but I'm a SELF-CONFESSED addict. Everyone else on this forum is in denial haha :P

    JonGon posted: »

    Isn't everyone here a TWD addict?

  • Cheer up, Noncy. Things like these are bound to happen on the Internet. Just take it as didactic. I want you to keep being a sassy bitch.

    How could I not be bothered by this? It sounds like you were trying to pry into my personal life. That's not okay.

  • Happens to me too :/

    I won't in fact with all that nonsense on the forum caused by me i'll stop backing anyone up for now just looks like a trap today...and i walk right into it. Like a wise man once said: Fuck that !

  • Whats up my ninja what's up?

    Hey Duck, whats up. Thought you got banned? Good to see ya though.

  • why do you think i tried to prove him wrong ? Although i admit i went too far at the end in my attempt to do so. Just don't hate me over something as petty as this. It still wasn't any of his business though...

    Why did you feel the need to screenshot this?

  • Not much just chillin'

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Whats up my ninja what's up?

  • Yeah I'll just get rid of the picture.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Cheer up, Noncy. Things like these are bound to happen on the Internet. Just take it as didactic. I want you to keep being a sassy bitch.

  • Actually, i like helping people too much...i'll just be even more careful in my wording and actions.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Happens to me too

  • It's not anyone's business! I'm a private person, and I will tell all about myself to the people I call my friends.

    why do you think i tried to prove him wrong ? Although i admit i went too far at the end in my attempt to do so. Just don't hate me over something as petty as this. It still wasn't any of his business though...

  • Yet almost no one ordered any booze except me and some other guy ! Puuuuuncake !!! Gimme a glass of whisky ! :D

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    IAm I late to the party?Yep...

  • Ugh, I try to be private about everything, but it seems people don't like that.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Cheer up, Noncy. Things like these are bound to happen on the Internet. Just take it as didactic. I want you to keep being a sassy bitch.

  • That's good. Better to be wise on the Internet. Ya never know who could use your information.

    It's not anyone's business! I'm a private person, and I will tell all about myself to the people I call my friends.

  • Yeah, good idea. You should do it before more people see it.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Yeah I'll just get rid of the picture.

  • Wow that was a heated discussion...

    Actually, i like helping people too much...i'll just be even more careful in my wording and actions.

  • It was my fault mostly, since I started it. I just wanted to make Woodbury laugh. I then got curious and searched your name up. Password tried to prove me wrong, and yeah. I took away the picture and let's just forget this. Again, I'm sorry to make you uncomfortable. I already changed the picture anyways. This will never happen again.

    How could I not be bothered by this? It sounds like you were trying to pry into my personal life. That's not okay.

  • edited June 2014

    Haha, technically Jewf didn't murder him. He left him to die. The walkers got eking.

    Puncake32 posted: »

    The Official JewF Murder List: Eking

  • I know, i just tried to do what i thought was right for your sake but it backfired because i didn't realise i was doing the exact same thing soon enough. I know i already said it like three times but i'm truly sorry for any harm i may have caused. It wasn't my intention.

    It's not anyone's business! I'm a private person, and I will tell all about myself to the people I call my friends.

  • Yeah, I know. And just to get it out of the way, I didn't dislike your comment.

    Indeed , but TDM, next time do your research more thoroughly before posting something like that.

  • It's fine, I forgive you. But from now on, everyone mind their own damn business.

    I know, i just tried to do what i thought was right for your sake but it backfired because i didn't realise i was doing the exact same thing

  • Alt text Well gud thing I brought the tacos.

    Yet almost no one ordered any booze except me and some other guy ! Puuuuuncake !!! Gimme a glass of whisky !

  • It's okay. I get it.

    He will get rid of it so just imagine this never happened.

    You're way too Amusing. I don't want to see you mad.

    Ugh, I try to be private about everything, but it seems people don't like that.

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    Don't listen what other people say. If you don't want strangers to get into your personal life, then that's perfectly fine. You want to be safe and secure, I respect that.

    Ugh, I try to be private about everything, but it seems people don't like that.

  • Okay folks, this is a lounge. A place to chill out. So, time to get the whiskey out and have nip. What do ya reckon? :)

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    Those are american tacos >.>

    These are the REAL tacos

    Alt text

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Well gud thing I brought the tacos.

  • And let me just say it. No matter what sex or ethnicity y'all assume me to be, I can assure all of you, I definitely do not look like a fake looking Asian girl. I'm pasty white.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    It's okay. I get it. He will get rid of it so just imagine this never happened. You're way too Amusing. I don't want to see you mad.

  • So, yeah.... I just finished watching Game of Thrones.

    I think i need a fucking hug.

  • hugs
    No one else touch her. :I

    So, yeah.... I just finished watching Game of Thrones. I think i need a fucking hug.

  • You wanna have a nip? shoves nipples in face

    Okay folks, this is a lounge. A place to chill out. So, time to get the whiskey out and have nip. What do ya reckon?

  • lol

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    You wanna have a nip? shoves nipples in face

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