Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I thought he was dead!

    Damn, quite a few people have died already. slutburger... typical WTD. Did you think he was dead for a moment there?

  • R.I.P
    Raging & Mokonage

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    And WTD almost died ;-;

    2) The amusement park. There could be more places to hide, more items to find.

    Gobananas01 (!) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them. Puncake was looking down after Rich

  • Who said I trusted anyone? I always have my eyes on people, even my own, keeping note of their intentions. You don't realize how much of a monster I'm truly capable of, you've only seen glimpses of the beast inside. Just know this....


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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Like Guilty or Valky for example getting an easy ride their mistakes were accepted while Twistee owes me nothing in fact he didn't kill me s

  • edited June 2014

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    You may be a monster but I'm not I'm just ahead of the CURVE!!

    HAHAHAHHAHAHA You think the dark is your ally? You merely adopted the dark I was born in it molded by it I did not see the light of day until I was a man and by then it was nothing but a BLINDING LIGHT!!

    Your think your threats scare me admirable but mistaken read my chapter yes I can sense your fear face it I'm your only threat it's destiny for me to kill you

    Who said I trusted anyone? I always have my eyes on people, even my own, keeping note of their intentions. You don't realize how much of a m

  • You don't know everything about me....

    And you may think you're not as much as monster as me, but it doesn't change the fact that we're alike yet so different. Let me just tell you this, that monster inside you makes mine smile.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You may be a monster but I'm not I'm just ahead of the CURVE!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA You think the dark is your ally? You merely adopted the dark

  • 3)

    I choose one 1). I would enjoy seeing how he gets out this one. I would like to see how he handles getting bit by the horde approaching.

    Deceptio (!) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow. I was waiting in the living room, organizing some books on a shelf. I kept remembering

  • edited June 2014

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    It has just began your character probably my favorite character btw just so delightfully evil yet their's method to his madness ;)

    You don't know everything about me.... And you may think you're not as much as monster as me, but it doesn't change the fact that we're alike yet so different. Let me just tell you this, that monster inside you makes mine smile.

  • Thanks I wanted him be like a better version of Carver. I think he's doing a good job at it.

    Your character is cool too, interesting to see the Joker living in the zombie-verse.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    It has just began your character probably my favorite character btw just so delightfully evil yet their's method to his madness

  • What can ya do? We stepped in to protect you guys. At least you and the others are alive :)

    And you told me to guide you guys to safety :c

  • Seems like a plan to me ;)

    We go find help because we're two girls, injured, at the most, and from that there is no plan.

  • erinmay posted: »

    Using organic moisturizers are also a high idea. It is physiologist to pertain these straightaway after washing patch the wound is a short d

  • Damn, SweetPea rage mode activated in this part...

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    RIP RAGING AND MOKONAGE. :ccccc 2) The amusement park. There could be more places to hide, more items to find.

  • Hands off, pal. Unless you wnat to wake up without them someday.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Hey, Guilty. My character likes to flirt with girls. You wouldn't mind right?

  • Now, now gentlemen. I could use this to my advantage ...

    Hands off, pal. Unless you wnat to wake up without them someday.

  • does bigby really say that?

    Rafoli posted: »

  • edited June 2014

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    Nah, I'll be fine Pro. 8)

    Damn, SweetPea rage mode activated in this part...

  • 1) The zoo. There may be less walkers, and fenced areas to keep them away.

    maybe they could find a nice pet? :D
    I could totally see WTD having a pet monkey.

    Gobananas01 (!) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them. Puncake was looking down after Rich

  • 3) Go check "The Spot."

    1) Go down the street. Follow Twistee's car. I need to get my weapons back - REVENGE!

    Deceptio (!) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow. I was waiting in the living room, organizing some books on a shelf. I kept remembering

  • Pssh... if you say so.

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    Nah, I'll be fine Pro. 8)

  • Okay, I'm a little scared now.

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    Pssh... if you say so.

  • Alt text

    Okay, I'm a little scared now.

  • God, I shouldn't be laughing this hard. I'm sorry Pro, I can't handle your awesomeness. :p

  • 2) Amusement park

    Gobananas01 (!) Alright. We can take them with us for the day. It's the least we can do for them. Puncake was looking down after Rich

  • 3) Check teh spot!

    1) Go down teh street follow Twistee's car.

    Deceptio (!) I'll stay and wait until tomorrow. I was waiting in the living room, organizing some books on a shelf. I kept remembering

  • Thanks, SweetPea. You're not as mean as I thought you were, haha jk. Of course you should be laughing it up! It's what I'm here for. B]

    God, I shouldn't be laughing this hard. I'm sorry Pro, I can't handle your awesomeness.

  • Wait, what made you think I was mean? I thought I was the sweetest! Lol jk :3

    Thanks, SweetPea. You're not as mean as I thought you were, haha jk. Of course you should be laughing it up! It's what I'm here for. B]

  • You were about to beat me with a stick, lol. Oh I know you're sweet, but I know you can be mean too. :p

    I'm starting the second character for the next part."Soon."

    Wait, what made you think I was mean? I thought I was the sweetest! Lol jk

  • Lol, you know I didn't mean it Pro. I couldn't hurt a fly. :p

    Alt text

    You were about to beat me with a stick, lol. Oh I know you're sweet, but I know you can be mean too. I'm starting the second character for the next part."Soon."

  • edited June 2014


    After Kunny died, back at the tool shop. Me and DLB left the town and started running down an empty road. I kept blaming myself for his death, I knew one of us should have gone out to retrieve the tools. Maybe Kunny could have still been alive, and helping us out. DLB and I ran for a while, until we got tired and started to walk.

    "Do you still think it's your fault?" DLB asked me.

    "Yeah..." I said while looking down."Everything happened so fast. I just wish I would have done something, at least."

    "You can't keep blaming yourself. Kunny told us to go, he kept them distracted for a bit. We're alive because of him."

    "He saved me more than once... the one time I had a chance to save him..."

    "I know it's tough, but don't worry. Kunny would want you to keep going." She said while looking at me.

    "Thank you..." I said to her.

    I kept remember the night Kunny found me. I was in the city at night, running away from a couple walkers, after escaping the school. I was cutting Mr.Tobi's class and hanging outside. Suddenly, a whole bunch of students and teachers were running out of the school and heading into their cars. I didn't know what the hell was going on. I was trying to ask people what was happening, and all they kept saying was "Zombies! Zombies!" I thought it was some senior prank going on. I took the opportunity to ditch school for the rest of the day and took my bicycle to go back to my place. As I was riding my bike, I turned and saw two students fighting over a bicycle. One of them stabbed the other in the gut and then rode off with the bike, a few of the students ditched their bicycles and just ran away after seeing that. I thought that people were taking this thing to seriously, but when I arrived at the city, I knew it wasn't a prank. I saw the zombies that everyone was talking about. I made haste and got to my apartment. I saw people flooding the front of the place, so I used a fire escape and climbed through someone's window. Luckily for me no one was around, I opened the door and people were in the halls trying to escape. I heard gun shots and then an explosion going off on the floor above. I managed to get to my room, and then take everything I could in my backpack. I heard a message on the answering machine. It was my father, he said that he was trapped at his job. There was traffic everywhere and he wouldn't be able to make it home. He told me to get away from the city, find a safer place, and just try to stay alive.

    Later that night, after looting a couple stores. A small group of walkers were coming after me, I climbed up a van and stayed on top to avoid them. They were rocking the van back and forth, and just when I thought I was going to fall over, a heard a cop car with it's sirens on driving slowly next to them. It had their attention and they started to follow the car. When I saw them leaving, I jumped down and the cop car came back to get me. That's when I met Kunny. He didn't know me, but he had saved my life. We were together for a while, we made it to this town until his car ran out of gas. We ditched it and some crazy guy started shooting his gun at us from on top of a gun shop. We ran away and found a horde of walkers a while later. That's when we ran into DLB, and she saved us. Kunny kept me alive for a long time, I was worried how we would do without him.

    There was a fork in the road. I looked to the left and it seemed that there was a deserted neighborhood with very few walkers. I looked at the other side and it seemed to lead deeper into another town.

    "Which way should we go?" DLB asked me.

    "Hmm, no idea." I replied.

    "Well, then. I'll wait for you to give me an answer." She said while a smile.

    "Why do I have to pick?" I asked her.

    "Because I asked you first."

    "Oh, great..." I said while looking at both sides.

    We could either go to the neighborhood full of houses, or go deeper down the road into another town...

    1) Let's go to the right, into that other town.

    2) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood.


    (!) Make Rafoli work to the bone. Let the other two go.

    AC was hugging me, I saw Rafoli next to us, and two guys holding machine gun rifles next to Shadow and a man with a groomed beard."Make Rafoli work to the bone. Let the other two go." Shadow told the man.

    "What?! What's going on?!" I asked. I looked up at the front of the RV."Oh my God! CC!" I yelled out.

    The bearded man started talking to Shadow."Heh, I'll make Rafoli work to the bone, but. I can't let these two go."

    Shadow looked up at him."Why not?"

    "They know where we are. I'm not going to let them escape. Since you're not willing to make them work their asses off, I'll have them work in the warehouse, but not as bad as Rafoli." He said to him.

    Rafoli spoke up."Tobi, please. Let AC and Broken go. I'll take full responsibility for CC's death."

    The bearded man looked over at Rafoli and smiled."Oh I know. I'm not letting them go, though. You'll be working alone, doing what I tell you. The two girls will be together in a different location."

    Ac looked over to me."Broken!"

    I started to get up. I still had CC's blood all over me. I turned to Shadow."Shadow, forgive us. I tried patching your father's legs up, but he woke up and pushed me off. We ended up crashing, and I hit my head on the table."

    Shadow looked down."I don't care..."

    "Shadow's father died. No matter how many times you apologize, he knows that you must be punished." Tobi said to me.

    "And just who the hell are you?!" I shouted at him. I looked over at Shadow."Who is this man, Shadow? Do you even know him?"

    Shadow looked up at me. Tobi got in front of him."That is none of your business. I will be looking after Shadow from now on. I'm building a community here, and I will be keeping him safe. Rafoli will suffer the most, for breaking CC's legs. As for you and AC, you will be working for me over at that warehouse." He said while looking back at it."If you prove your loyalty, and if you work hard. I will rank you up, and you might be able to guard the other workers or I'll even let you go out with me when we find new people." He said and then smiled.

    "We don't want to work for you! Even if you are building a community here, forcing people to work for you is no way to run things!" I snarled at him.

    Tobi laughed."Haha, it doesn't matter what you think." He crossed his arms, and then his two guards aimed their guns at us."I'm taking you with me, whether you like it or not." He smirked right after.

    His guards came over and told us to get up."I'm going out hunting with, Shadow. After you bring them in, get this RV out of here and take everything that's in it." Tobi said to them.

    "Start walking!" One of the guards shouted to us. We started walking and one of them led us to the side of the warehouse. I turned to look back at the wrecked RV. I saw Tobi and Shadow walking into the woods.

    The guards pushed us into the warehouse."Heh, more people. Excellent." A man with a green bandana said while walking up to us.

    I saw a young man laying on the floor, getting his head and face bandaged up by another guy. A female who looked to be the same age as him, was crouching right next to them."What the hell happened?!" Rafoli asked.

    The green bandana guy spoke up again."That's none of your concern." He turned to the guards."What did Tobi want with these three?"

    A guard spoke up."He want's the male to work to the bone, as punishment for getting some kid's father killed, after breaking his legs. The females will be peasant workers like the others."

    "A kid? The hell?" He replied.

    "Yes, Emu. A teenage boy, Tobi went out hunting with him."

    "Ah, okay." Emu said.

    "Hey, Emu! Guilty wont be able to work for a while. Tobi really messed him up. He'll have to rest until he gets better." The man crouching beside the other two yelled out.

    Emu turned to him and snarled."Fine! I'll put him in the medical station, but you'll have to explain this to Tobi when he gets back, PAP."

    "I will, Emu." PAP replied.

    Emu turned to us."Alright, maggots. It's time to get to work! You two, go with them." He said to me and AC while pointing at the three people behind him. He looked at the two guards."Take this one to the back." He told them and they started pushing Rafoli.

    I looked over at the man on the floor."What did Tobi do to him? If he's building a community here, why is he treating his people like this?" I asked Emu.

    "Shut the hell up!" Emu yelled at me."Get your asses over there and start picking up those pallets!" He snarled and aimed his gun at us.

    AC hugged me."Broken..."

    "I know, AC... I know."

    We made our way over and the young lady stood up."Hey there... I'm Valky."

    "Hello... I'm Broken and this is my younger sister, AC." I told her.

    She nodded and then turned to the other two."That's PAP. He's working on Guilty... after Tobi nearly killed him." She said while looking down.

    I looked over at Emu, who was picking Guilty up with PAP's help and they were taking him somewhere else. Guilty had his hand on both of their shoulders. He turned to us."When I come back, those pallets better be neatly stacked up." He said before leaving.

    I turned to Valky."Did Tobi force you guys here as well?"

    She put her head down."Yes... he forces everyone to come here. He goes out "Hunting" for new people, and brings them here. After he nearly beat my boyfriend to death, we're going to plan an escape and get the hell out of here." She said.

    "I'm in. I can tell Tobi isn't a good boy. I don't care what he has going on in here. I will not be used as a slave worker for his own benefit."

    "I used to guard the other workers. I've been here for a month, he said I showed loyalty and dedication. I was giving a gun, but he deranked me today because I lied to him. Guilty and PAP got into a small fight and I broke it up. The pallets fell over and Tobi walked in a few seconds later. I told him it was my fault and he slapped me. Guilty stood up for me and punched Tobi, but then Emu hit him with his rifle. Tobi got angry and threw a pallet at his face. He started punching him, and I kept yelling at him to stop."

    "My God..." I said.

    "Tobi sounds scary." AC said.

    "I'll try to get my rank back up, so I can get a gun again. For now, let's just work. Let's get these pallets stacked before that asshole Emu comes back." Valky said to us.

    I turned to AC."Let's just do this for now, AC. Then we can escape when we have a plan, okay?"

    AC nodded her head."Okay..."

    It seemed like we had no choice for now. We needed to work for Tobi and try to gain his trust. I didn't know what was going to happen. But I needed to keep this up until we made our escape...


  • CoolStoryBro: 2) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood.

    (I knew Tobi wouldn't let them go...damn -.-)

    CoolStoryBro After Kunny died, back at the tool shop. Me and DLB left the town and started running down an empty road. I kept blaming mys

  • Lmao, like Tobi would actually let them leave. Mwuahahaha! >B]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    CoolStoryBro: 2) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. (I knew Tobi wouldn't let them go...damn -.-)

  • that's sick man. awesome!

    Heh, thanks! B] A little voice inside my head said: "Don't look back. You can never look back." Those are actually lyrics to a song. Check at 2:40. It's not the original, but I like this one better.

  • 2) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood.

    Good luck girls, do your work right and survive while I do slave work. ;-;

    CoolStoryBro After Kunny died, back at the tool shop. Me and DLB left the town and started running down an empty road. I kept blaming mys

  • 2) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood.

    CoolStoryBro After Kunny died, back at the tool shop. Me and DLB left the town and started running down an empty road. I kept blaming mys

  • 2) go to the neighborhood.

    CoolStoryBro After Kunny died, back at the tool shop. Me and DLB left the town and started running down an empty road. I kept blaming mys

  • edited June 2014

    1) Let's go to the right, into that other town.

    I want to see what's over there I NEED TO KNOW!!

    Tobi is making every character his biatch I can't wait to meet him I hope his not allegic to bullets to the head looks like I'm the only one capable of stopping him. With all his workers pissed off it would be easy to manipulate them into a revolt and Tobi would be outnumbered he would have no chance. As his community grows bigger his chances of survival grows smaller. The dark will be casting a shadow over his community soon and chaos and anarchy will rein supreme and the community will fall as ash blowing in the wind.

    Best chapter loved it Tobi will be probably my favorite kill in the future chapters I just love his character

    Tobi isn't a good boy.= lol I see what you did there

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    CoolStoryBro After Kunny died, back at the tool shop. Me and DLB left the town and started running down an empty road. I kept blaming mys

  • Alt text

    Rafoli posted: »

    2) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. Good luck girls, do your work right and survive while I do slave work. ;-;

  • 1) Let's go to the right, into that other town.

    Just because everyone is choosing 2.

  • 2) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood.

    CoolStoryBro After Kunny died, back at the tool shop. Me and DLB left the town and started running down an empty road. I kept blaming mys

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014

    CoolStoryBro: 2) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood.


    CoolStoryBro After Kunny died, back at the tool shop. Me and DLB left the town and started running down an empty road. I kept blaming mys

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