Pinball based on The Walking Dead? It's real!
We've teamed up with Skybound and the pinball masters at Zen Studios to create an all-new digital pinball table based on The Walking Dead: Season One! It's set for download soon on multiple platforms. Check out the announcement trailer below and stay tuned for details!
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so its just walking dead with pinball awesome!
wow...differently will play this, thanks telltale.
So insted of focusing on TWAU and TWDSeason 2, and getting ready for TFTB they're making a pinball game?! Geez.
What a's developed by Zen Studios.....
This IS amazing! Get Zen to do a Wolf Among Us table when it completes as well! Just an idea.
awesome Walking Dead pinball can't wait to play it
More like pinball with Walking Dead. Applying the concept of painting Superman's logo onto a lunchbox, no matter how stylish or with how many references. Basically just a reskin. I'll bet they could make a Castle Crashers pinball game and it wouldn't function any differently. How is this even news?