Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I have to say... I think that was my best one so far, as well. This is only chapter 2, lol.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Holy sh** that was the best chapter I ever read so intense and violent just how I like it as a villain Rich actually scared me that was insa

  • Even when she's wrong. Noncy is always right. :p

    Reading this made me sad....... ='( RIP Bananas. Btw you should listen to Noncy more. She's always right. ALLTHATFREEUSLIVESON

  • edited June 2014

    I mean best part of both chapters mini storys lol

    I have to say... I think that was my best one so far, as well. This is only chapter 2, lol.

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    Even when she's wrong. Noncy is always right.

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    Well my character didn't eat no candy

    For the candy bars! Jewf was like...

  • Back on page 8 or something, I replied to WhatTheDuck with the different outcomes. If the students decided to leave early, they would have missed him, and he would go inside the classroom that they were in. He would be trapped and then later escape through the window. He would have taken a car and go on by himself. From there, he would be alone in the neighborhood. Slowly loosing his mind, he would eventually find the farm group...

    Random thought coming from a random guy. When we first met Rich, back at the school, what would have happened if we voted to ignore him, and just leave him. (That WAS an option, wasn't it?) Would this whole situation even had happened?

  • Ah, Valky! We missed you, here. Don't worry, the story will always be here for you guys to read. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it! B]

    xValkyx posted: »

    2) Let's go to the left, into that neighborhood. Sorry i haven't been here in a while ^_^; i had exams previously and now i'm back at sch

  • Isn't it great?! Haha. B]

    I'm proud of what you've done with my character. Everyone just hates me so much.

  • Lee, am I going to get a POV this chapter? Just wondering. ^_^

  • Heh, I know. Don't worry Mark. Just wait until Ch.4. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I mean best part of both chapters mini storys lol

  • That was my favorite part in a way because I write stories myself and I was always scared to do any theme or part in regards to rape so interesting to see the response of users and fact they didn't give a sh** lol

    That idea was actually Tobi's. He gave me some back story for his character, I found it interesting, so I decided to add it in.

  • They hate me too much to sympathize.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That was my favorite part in a way because I write stories myself and I was always scared to do any theme or part in regards to rape so interesting to see the response of users and fact they didn't give a sh** lol

  • edited June 2014

    Okay, here's the thing. Rich was slowly losing his mind over his brother. He constantly kept wondering if he was still out there. When Bananas showed up and let him know that Cameron was dead and that he was the one that had to put him down... that was what led his final screw to get loose. From there, he wanted Bananas to come back with them because he was secretly going to kill him. You guys as the readers didn't know that. Rich acted like he was okay with the whole situation, and just waited until everyone went to bed before killing Bananas. Rich blamed Bananas for the death of his brother, while they were talking downstairs at night, he stabbed him in the neck and then cut him open to rip out his heart, he then stabbed him in the head. Rich did hurt himself, he was just lying to keep the rest of them from thinking that he was fine.

    That was one of the best chapters so far! And not just 'cause it was my POV. It was sooo intense....At first I doubted the decision to tell

  • It depends on the votes, or if I need to get some part of the story out of the way, but you might get one later on. B]

    Lee, am I going to get a POV this chapter? Just wondering. ^_^

  • Oh, okay. Good to know. =)

    It depends on the votes, or if I need to get some part of the story out of the way, but you might get one later on. B]

  • lol Then make them sympathize muahahhaa

    They hate me too much to sympathize.

  • Nope. Giraffehat asked him to record this line for his video. Adam Harrington's awesome.

    does bigby really say that?

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    Don't worry, if I'm still alive you'll be fine. 8)

  • I've been waiting to get to this thread for like forever! Lee, where did ya say i had to, err, confirm my spot or whatnot?

  • Sev, 4give meh.

    Azlyn posted: »



    Azlyn posted: »


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    Azlyn posted: »


  • Welcome Azlyn first answer these questions for your character here an example post


    Whats your personality like? Sarcastic, witty, brave, calm, cool and collective, like to joke around and make people laugh, sometimes I can be very serious though. Doesn't judge anyone, will be friends with just about anybody. Willing to help those in need.

    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect your family/friends? Yes. If I need to, I will do so.

    If you had to do something evil to keep yourself alive, (killing a friend, stealing something, torturing someone) would you? It would be hard, usually I would say no, but If the other person tells me to do it and it's what they want, then I might have to.

    What did you want to be when you were growing up? Police officer, SWAT, Hitman, lol.

    Do you think it's safer to be alone or with a group? I'm usually the Lone-Wolf, but I don't mind sticking with a team that can communicate and have each other's backs. I'm a born leader but don't really like the leadership role unless I absolutely have to do it.


    Azlyn posted: »

    I've been waiting to get to this thread for like forever! Lee, where did ya say i had to, err, confirm my spot or whatnot?

  • Yeah, I heard that you couldn't comment for a while! I hope you got the chance to get caught up in the story though.

    Whats your personality like?

    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect your family/friends?

    If you had to do something evil to keep yourself alive, (killing a friend, stealing something, torturing someone) would you?

    What did you want to be when you were growing up?

    Do you think it's safer to be alone or with a group?

    Just answer them, and I'll have you ready for Ch.3, AZ.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I've been waiting to get to this thread for like forever! Lee, where did ya say i had to, err, confirm my spot or whatnot?

  • Awesome, thanks for inviting me to participate!

    1.Me? I would say i hate myself quite a lot, but i am not blind to deny the simple fact that i'm intelligent. My teachers and family say i have a brain capacity exceeding my age or something. And it's all i got, i guess. I'm usually the leader in groups, even though i'm shy and want to hang back. I'm kinda tormented on the inside, to be honest, but i never let it show, and it's one of the only things i'm proud of about myself. I keep it tough, even when it's hard, and barely cry, except when i... I lose someone i love. I am quite silent, but when i'm asked to talk and give my opinion, like now, sorta, i use my long-ass speeches. I never speak without having arguments, and i'm always the voice of rationality between friends, and i keep 'em going, even though i wouldn't keep it going myself without them being there. I'm sometimes funny, i guess, at least i try to be, just to lighten the mood. We need that kinda people. Even though i am tough, as my close friends say, they also say i'm not a kid anymore because of that, and i try to prove them wrong. I try to be girly even though i'm not, try to adorable and frankly manage it, and i... I am 101% sincere when i say i'd take a bullet for the people i love. I'd step on a fugging lego for y'all, yo. There are about 13 people here that i am especially fond of, and if i don't have them there with me to keep me going, then i would probably just kill everything in my way, walker or not, good or evil. I'm a monster, and i have a hot temper, but i am usually just calm and cold when i'm angry. I use sarcasm a whole lot, and irony, and i am pretty sure i'm brave, since i went first on an old rickety wood bridge over a deep river, ate a bug, saved this girl from a stray huge-ass dog and all that selfless crap. I was honest when i said i would die for the people i love. I also would make up stories to tell them and maybe play them songs on my guitar, if i still had it and if it were safe. I just want to keep their sanity up. I want them to keep their morale and, well, humanity. To provide them with a safety blanket, to shelter them from the world at least for a minute, but to still keep them aware of the dangers and all. Like the books do for me. Words are MY blanket. Oh, right, i forgot to mention, i need a pencil and an agenda, or else i go shithive maggots. Well, not really, but i would prefer 'em. I like writing stories.

    2.Have i mentioned i would step on a lego for 'em?

    3.Hell no to the first, maybe to the second, you bet your ass on the third, because the truth is, people NEED me, and i sure as shit ain't going down without making sure they're safe first, and i would torture a bitch for that, and i would steal the freaking lightning bolt of Zeus for that. I keep going because i want to help, since i can't help myself any more.

    4.A researcher in genetics. And an author. Almost finished my first book. The irony, the first book is about the apocalypse.

    5.I prefer being alone. I want to help people, but i prefer doing so from a distance, where i can make sure i don't hurt them. But, if staying in a group is what it takes, then screw it, that's what i'd do. I want what's best for my pack, my pack being formed of the said people i love. But, to be honest, i think it depends on the person. I'm quite strong, and agile and fast, so i think i could make it on my own. But it would be nice to have a buddy to keep my sanity. More people slow me down.

    I just realised that all my comments end up being LOOONG as Hell, but at least i answered the questions sincerely and now everybody knows how big of an asshole i am.

    Yeah, I heard that you couldn't comment for a while! I hope you got the chance to get caught up in the story though. Whats your personali

  • Because i can. And they're "soft like cotton".


  • oh :o

    Okay, here's the thing. Rich was slowly losing his mind over his brother. He constantly kept wondering if he was still out there. When Banan

  • edited June 2014

    Alt text

    I spotted only one plothole "I would say i hate myself quite a lot" REALLY? I can't find one thing to hate about you Azlyn that was beautiful thank you for the share the honesty damn so brave ;')

    You want to kill everyone and your brave a leader your going to be a villain your on my team I see potential here YES MUAHHAHA

    Azlyn posted: »

    Awesome, thanks for inviting me to participate! 1.Me? I would say i hate myself quite a lot, but i am not blind to deny the simple fact t

  • Who the hell uses "ultra super plus" pads?

    Azlyn posted: »

    Because i can. And they're "soft like cotton".

  • Okay I know I'm not Russell but when I kissed Jewf on the cheek it totally reminded me of this, since Jewf's profile pic is Nate's creeper face:

  • LEE.


  • At first, reading your comment was like "Yeah, a lot of people care for me and i don't get it because i am a monster so maybe you don't get it, either" and then at the last bit i actually laughed. You deserve a Nobel prize. But yeah. I'm not perfect, never said i was, and there are quite a lot of things to hate about me, most of them invisible to you, Mark. But, hey, thanks for trying.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I spotted only one plothole "I would say i hate myself quite a lot" REALLY? I can't find one thing to hate about you Azlyn that was beautifu

  • Oh, and, you're one of those 13 people, FYI, so you better feel fugging grateful.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I spotted only one plothole "I would say i hate myself quite a lot" REALLY? I can't find one thing to hate about you Azlyn that was beautifu

  • Wonderwoman, probably. She has all kinds of super powers, probably has a super-period.

    Who the hell uses "ultra super plus" pads?

  • He said he might. Noncy requested that before.


  • Okay I know I'm not Russell but when I kissed Jewf on the cheek it totally reminded me of this, since Jewf's profile pic is Nate's creeper face:

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