The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • But then what would the point of you begging be if you're just gonna kill me? ._.

    sighs in relief You ever make me beg again and I'll really push you off a building. >:(

  • I'm...... a cannibal.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    But then what would the point of you begging be if you're just gonna kill me? ._.

  • Becomes relevant at 0:45.

    Hmmm... I don't know. Alberta loves its beef.

  • THAT'S why I stay away from you!

    I'm...... a cannibal.

  • Fixed it for you :)

    Rooster and Teeth is still a thing?

    Becomes relevant at 0:45.

  • What, do you think I'm some kind of savage?

    I'll cook you first, of course.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    THAT'S why I stay away from you!

  • Of course Rooster Teeth is still a thing.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Fixed it for you Rooster and Teeth is still a thing?

  • Uh... Can you show it so we could compare our dogs.... Or something?


  • Maybe.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Uh... Can you show it so we could compare our dogs.... Or something?

  • I used to watch them a lot, but forgot about them. They weren't in my suggestions anymore. But then I found TheCreaturesHub :D

    Of course Rooster Teeth is still a thing.

  • Uhuh.........BYE! -runs the fuck away-

    What, do you think I'm some kind of savage? I'll cook you first, of course.

  • Alt text

    Scary bedtime story anybody?

  • Issues:
    1. I don't have a sliding door.
    2. No need to be scared, there's a gun everywhere in Texas.
    3. Snow? In Texas? Not likely. Possible, but not likely.
    4. I keep my phone on my left.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Scary bedtime story anybody?

  • I come back with 250 new comments...


  • yeah ! anyone got any creepy story to tell ? I got some, but i warn you...those are real and actually happened to me...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Scary bedtime story anybody?

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    Has it ever happen to you guys? It happens to be a bit often, and I gotten used to it. When I'm on bed, almost about to fall asleep, I feel as if someone is on top of me. I try to move, but I can't. I try to open my eyes, but they close. The only thing I can do it breathe, but half of my face is resting on a pillow, so I almost suffocate. The harder I try to move, a "beep" is getting louder and louder until I finally get to move again.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Scary bedtime story anybody?

  • Thanks for ruining the story, Noncy -.-

    Issues: 1. I don't have a sliding door. 2. No need to be scared, there's a gun everywhere in Texas. 3. Snow? In Texas? Not likely. Possible, but not likely. 4. I keep my phone on my left.

  • Can I just hide here for awhile? '-'

  • Oh, there will be a riot, alright. B]

    Come on Pro, you know there'll be a riot if I die.

  • I got one that actually happened to me that was super creepy. I posted it in the "Would you tell your biggest secret for episode 4" thread though, and it's also kinda long...

    yeah ! anyone got any creepy story to tell ? I got some, but i warn you...those are real and actually happened to me...

  • Go ahead.

    yeah ! anyone got any creepy story to tell ? I got some, but i warn you...those are real and actually happened to me...

  • It's this thing I do.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Thanks for ruining the story, Noncy -.-

  • I hate you guys ;~;

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Scary bedtime story anybody?

  • Sure, man. I got creepy stories that actually happened too. But I rather not share. Go ahead.

    yeah ! anyone got any creepy story to tell ? I got some, but i warn you...those are real and actually happened to me...

  • Here's the post. Don't judge me! >-<

    "This actually happened rather recently. Sorry that it's so long.

    I was visiting relatives down the shore in this really rundown town with a lot of criminal activity. I was bored and couldn't sleep one night, so I decided to be rebellious since I'm normally a goody-two-shoes. I sneaked out at 4 AM to watch the sunrise on a bay a couple blocks away. The bay had this sort of rock formation right near the water, that led into a little cave. I brought a flashlight and went inside. It wasn't very deep, but there were several narrow passages that would veer off deeper into the cave. I used gum as path markers in case I got lost anyway. So I went into one of these passages which opened to a large space that was a dead end.

    I stayed in there for a couple minutes looking at the graffiti on the cave wall until I heard a shuffling sound behind me. I turned around and there was an older man (he may have been homeless, smelled like he was) at the entrance of the opening I just came from. I froze right there and all those terrible stories of abducted kids went through my head. He kept asking me where "Monty's Cliff" was or something like that. He was kind of blocking the entrance but I bolted right past him and ran like hell. I heard him chasing me and when I got out of the cave I ran and screamed my head off. He bailed when I started screaming. I ran all the way back to my relative's house and I sneaked back in bed. I just laid there until morning thinking about how he must have followed me into the cave and how incredibly creepy that was. I looked up "Monty's Cliff" on my phone and it didn't exist. I guess he was trying to lure me and just made that up on the spot.

    I was so stupid, who knows what could have happened. I haven't told anyone out of fear, shame, and the fact that they might not believe me."

    I got one that actually happened to me that was super creepy. I posted it in the "Would you tell your biggest secret for episode 4" thread though, and it's also kinda long...

  • Happened to me once. I forgot what it was about. Try looking it up.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Has it ever happen to you guys? It happens to be a bit often, and I gotten used to it. When I'm on bed, almost about to fall asleep, I feel

  • I've been told it's a spirit that it "attacks" you

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Happened to me once. I forgot what it was about. Try looking it up.

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014

    A scary story

    I was In my house playing some TWD, But then Clem says "fuck you puncake" I cried and ran like a pussy, A guy was In my house and I screamed then He danced and I danced too, then he toke out his knife and tried to kill me, I woke up and I was like "It was just a dream" then I turned around and saw that guy and he screamed PUNCAKE! Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

  • Yep. That's precisely it. It's scary as hell.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I've been told it's a spirit that it "attacks" you

  • Mine Is better!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yep. That's precisely it. It's scary as hell.

  • Yeah, but if it happens to you 2 times a week then it just gets annoying xD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yep. That's precisely it. It's scary as hell.

  • Here's one. It happened to one of my friends. He was gone for about a week, he said that he was sick as hell, so he had to stay home.

    One day he wakes up from his nap and calls out to his mom and dad, but get's no answer.

    After trying to call them for a minute, he get's up and opens his door. He tries calling to them again, but nothing.

    He walks down the stairs and checks around the house. It was empty and it seemed like he was the only one home.

    Everything was quiet, you could hear a pin drop. He went back up the stairs to check in his parent's bedroom, but nobody was in there.

    He went back inside his room and he saw a hobo standing on the other side of him.

    The man was mimicking his every move. My friend was scared for his life.

    He got closer to the hobo, and then he realized something...

    It was just him in the mirrors reflection, he hadn't shaved his beard for a week and looked like shit. B]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Scary bedtime story anybody?

  • You just left Chuck?! How could you?? Lol, but that's fucking scary! Glad you're still here posting on this forum today. Who knows what woulda happened if you just stayed there? >.<

    Here's the post. Don't judge me! >-< "This actually happened rather recently. Sorry that it's so long. I was visiting relatives

  • He was definitely no Chuck D:

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    You just left Chuck?! How could you?? Lol, but that's fucking scary! Glad you're still here posting on this forum today. Who knows what woulda happened if you just stayed there? >.<

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Has it ever happen to you guys? It happens to be a bit often, and I gotten used to it. When I'm on bed, almost about to fall asleep, I feel

  • Nope, ATR wins :D

    Puncake32 posted: »

    Mine Is better!

  • Lmaoooo! xD

    Here's one. It happened to one of my friends. He was gone for about a week, he said that he was sick as hell, so he had to stay home. One

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014

    Cool story bro now give us the next part.

    Here's one. It happened to one of my friends. He was gone for about a week, he said that he was sick as hell, so he had to stay home. One

  • "nooS"

    Puncake32 posted: »

    Cool story bro now give us the next part.

  • So are we the only people who know? I'd probably be crying of fear xD

    He was definitely no Chuck

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