The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I haven't slept, :/


  • I haven't told anyone in real life

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    So are we the only people who know? I'd probably be crying of fear xD

  • I'm pretty much done actually. I'm at the ending already. It'll be up in a little bit.

    Also there's a troll going around at the moment. IF they come to any of the threads, please just try to ignore them. They'll get banned soon.

    Puncake32 posted: »

    I haven't slept,

  • It has nothing to do with spirits, unless you believe in the "Kanashibari" another take on the sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is actually a form of psychosomatic disorder, akin to sleep walking or insomnia. Basically, it's a sleep disorder.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Yeah, but if it happens to you 2 times a week then it just gets annoying xD

  • Well, fuck. Going to sleep now. Night.

    It has nothing to do with spirits, unless you believe in the "Kanashibari" another take on the sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is actually a form of psychosomatic disorder, akin to sleep walking or insomnia. Basically, it's a sleep disorder.

  • edited June 2014

    Okay, fine. I'll share mine: This happened about 3 years ago...

    Alright, so every night after I finish taking a shower, I say goodnight to my mom before I go to bed. Well, there was this one night that I did the same thing, but after she was already asleep. So, I turned off her TV and closed her bedroom door. Then, I heard her say something to me while drifting off to sleep. I figured that maybe she just noticed that I turned off her TV and told me goodnight in a soft moaning voice. So, I went to bed with nothing to worry about. The next morning, my mom asked me if I went into her room last night. I said yeah. Then she told me she was talking to my deceased father. My dad died 2 days before I was born. She said she was having a conversation with him and that she actually felt the weight of an actual human body next to her. She turns her head and sees my father's rotting corpse right next to her. Then, she woke up...actually, I don't think she was dreaming...

    This still gives me the chills.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Scary bedtime story anybody?

  • The Clem Rule 34 threads a couple months ago made me leave the forums for awhile...I hope this won't last long :c

    I'm pretty much done actually. I'm at the ending already. It'll be up in a little bit. Also there's a troll going around at the moment. IF they come to any of the threads, please just try to ignore them. They'll get banned soon.

  • Star wars <3

    do realize i? i do yes... i do yes -yoda

  • Holy fucking fuck.

    I was going to go to sleep, but I guess not anymore.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Okay, fine. I'll share mine: This happened about 3 years ago... Alright, so every night after I finish taking a shower, I say goodnight t

  • Fish? Fish. Okay.

    No TWDFan is himself. Him, WtW, Noncy, and WTD are the main people. Here's what I think. **Forum Of The Dead ** Starring LeeTheProf

  • edited June 2014

    Alright, happened back in my childhood. I still remember it to this day...all the weird events that went on when i was young, some of them still following me to this day. That's another story though...

    I was downstairs watching TV, i must've been 7 years old, more or less. My parents were upstairs cooking dinner. Eventually they called me to go up, so i closed the tv and was about to go up the stairs when i heard some creepy noises...

    The TV had open by itself and i didn't think much of it the first time, it was an old tv that my grandfather gave us after all. So i simply closed it again.

    The same thing happened and i heard the same creepy noises coming from the TV. Like someone screaming...
    The first time i looked at the screen it was simply a blue screen, but this time, as i looked upon the old tv screen, i saw a face staring back at me...

    I remember i thought i had switched channel to some horror movies or something, but the face was just staring at was say the least...until it started speaking some gibberish that i can't that i think about it, it sounded like an omen...a warning of things to come...

    I left the tv open this time and screamed as loud as i could " MOM ! DAD ! COME OVER HERE !! HEEEELP !!! ".
    Obviously they rushed downstairs and wondered what all the fuss was about. As i said " LOOK AT THE TV SCREEN !!!! ", they said " what? what are you talking about son...there's nothing's closed...

    I said " B-But..but i swear there was a face on the tv !! i didn't touch the remote !! "
    They still don't believe me to this day. That was when it all started....

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Sure, man. I got creepy stories that actually happened too. But I rather not share. Go ahead.

  • I can sing you a lullaby.

    Holy fucking fuck. I was going to go to sleep, but I guess not anymore.

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    NOPE I GOT THIS -Pushes Noncy out of the way-

    First in Spanish:

    A la roro niño
    A lo roro ya
    Duérmete mi niño
    Duérmete mi amor.

    Este niño lindo
    Que nació de mañana,
    Quiere que lo lleven
    A pasear en carcacha.

    Este niño lindo
    Que nació de día
    Quiere que lo lleven
    A la dulcería

    Este niño
    Que nació de noche
    Quiere que lo lleven
    A pasear en coche.

    Este niño lindo
    Se quiere dormir,
    Y el pícaro sueño
    No quiere venir.

    Este niño lindo
    Que nació de noche
    Quiere que lo lleven
    A pasear en coche

    Now, English

    Lullaby baby
    Lullaby now.
    Sleep my baby,
    Sleep my love.

    This pretty baby
    Who was born in the morning,
    Wants to be taken
    For a jalopy ride.

    This sweet baby
    Who was born during the day,
    Wants to be taken
    To the candy shop.

    This pretty baby
    Who was born at night,
    Wants to be taken
    For a stroller ride.

    This pretty baby
    Wants to sleep
    But the naughty sleep
    Doesn't want to come.

    This pretty baby
    Who was born at night,
    Wants to be taken
    For a stroller ride.

    I can sing you a lullaby.

  • Also, when I was little, I was sleeping in my bed beside a window. I woke up and turned my head towards the window and I saw a tall figure just looking down at me ;~;

    I was too scared to move or scream, so I just went to sleep again xD

    Holy fucking fuck. I was going to go to sleep, but I guess not anymore.

  • Little Joe be like: OH SHIIIIIIIIIIII-Ah fuck it back to sleep.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Also, when I was little, I was sleeping in my bed beside a window. I woke up and turned my head towards the window and I saw a tall figure just looking down at me ;~; I was too scared to move or scream, so I just went to sleep again xD

  • Dammit, I hate when they don't believe you. Maybe they just pretended not to believe you so they don't scare you any more. But shit, dude :/

    Alright, happened back in my childhood. I still remember it to this day...all the weird events that went on when i was young, some

  • gay

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    NOPE I GOT THIS -Pushes Noncy out of the way- First in Spanish: A la roro niño A lo roro ya Duérmete mi niño Duérmete mi amor.

  • edited June 2014

    I think they're gone now. I hope they don't take the tools away again, because of that.

    Just try to ignore it the best you can.

    Alt text

    The Clem Rule 34 threads a couple months ago made me leave the forums for awhile...I hope this won't last long :c

  • Haha, pretty much! xD

    Little Joe be like: OH SHIIIIIIIIIIII-Ah fuck it back to sleep.

  • Lol, thanks I guess? xD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    NOPE I GOT THIS -Pushes Noncy out of the way- First in Spanish: A la roro niño A lo roro ya Duérmete mi niño Duérmete mi amor.

  • True. I'm just posting random shit now.


  • I guess I'll try to sleep, even though I'm terrified because of you assholes. x_x

  • Sleep is the cousin of death.

    I guess I'll try to sleep, even though I'm terrified because of you assholes. x_x

  • edited June 2014

    Ignore this

    Woodbury had a problem.

  • Why? :o

    Can I just hide here for awhile? '-'

  • A problem, a "problem", or a problem ;)?

    Ignore this Woodbury had a problem.

  • Sweet dreams :)

    I guess I'll try to sleep, even though I'm terrified because of you assholes. x_x

  • The second one.

    A problem, a "problem", or a problem ?

  • Alright, so you weren't wearing pants when the problem occurred then.

    The second one.

  • Alt text


    I think they're gone now. I hope they don't take the tools away again, because of that. Just try to ignore it the best you can.

  • edited June 2014

    They didn't pretend, it WAS closed by itself while i ran up the stairs...when i came back, the face was gone..

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Dammit, I hate when they don't believe you. Maybe they just pretended not to believe you so they don't scare you any more. But shit, dude

  • Still pretty fucking terrifying, lol.

    They didn't pretend, it WAS closed by itself while i ran up the stairs...when i came back, the face was gone..

  • that's kinda messed up...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Haha, pretty much! xD

  • oh it was...but that's when everything began..that was just the beginning of a series of strange messed up stuff...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Still pretty fucking terrifying, lol.

  • edited June 2014

    I guess I was so scared that I just passed out, lol.

    that's kinda messed up...

  • Does it still happen?

    oh it was...but that's when everything began..that was just the beginning of a series of strange messed up stuff...

  • that's why i always carry a weapon on me and my trusty multi-tool. :P

    I haven't told anyone in real life

  • Do a barrell roll


  • Actually, now that i think about it, she was probably just sleep talking. It happens to me sometimes, i talk in my sleep. I even screamed at the top of my lungs once...It woke my entire house and my friend who was sleeping over, yet, i didn't even realise it until they told me the morning after. I woke up everyone except my own self xD

    What your mother told you was probably just her recapitulating her old dream. My mother had similar dreams when i was a kid, but they weren't scary or anything...just plain weird and made no sense...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I guess I was so scared that I just passed out, lol.

  • My mom never sleep talked in her life as far as I know...except for that one time when something similar happened except it wasn't my dad. Something was trying to suffocate her in her sleep. Then I ran to her bed and woke her up. She was hyperventilating and it scared the living shit out of me. This happened when I was around 10 or 11 (9-10 years ago).

    Actually, now that i think about it, she was probably just sleep talking. It happens to me sometimes, i talk in my sleep. I even screamed at

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