The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited June 2014

    What games you playing?

    I always play with my mic Communication is the key to success I say. Btw, i'm getting on my PS3 right now, if anyone wants to join me :P

  • PS3.

    Nah, man. I'll probably get a headset for my birthday anyway.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You have ps4 or ps3? I could send you my ps4 headset that came with the ps4 xD

  • ok, im go online now, whata you gana play?

    I always play with my mic Communication is the key to success I say. Btw, i'm getting on my PS3 right now, if anyone wants to join me :P

  • Mics are overrated anyway :P

    Lame. Jk, I don't even have a mic, so yeah.

  • I won't be able to talk to you ;-;

    Unless I steal my dad's ps3 again.....

    PS3. Nah, man. I'll probably get a headset for my birthday anyway.

  • we should all go on and play the same game together. xD idk just a thought. I only have 2 games though...

    ok, im go online now, whata you gana play?

  • You wouldn't want to talk to me anyway, my annoying nasally voice would give you a headache.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I won't be able to talk to you ;-; Unless I steal my dad's ps3 again.....

  • What games?

    we should all go on and play the same game together. xD idk just a thought. I only have 2 games though...

  • You think you have an annoying voice ? HA !

    You wouldn't want to talk to me anyway, my annoying nasally voice would give you a headache.

  • I do. My brother always says I sound like I have Kleenex stuck in my nose.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You think you have an annoying voice ? HA !

  • You know what else is overrated?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Mics are overrated anyway :P

  • Have you heard WhatTheDuck's voice? His voice is so-

    Oh yeah... Someone gave it away >.>

    You wouldn't want to talk to me anyway, my annoying nasally voice would give you a headache.

  • Dude, I'm basically Carver with Carlos's accent. Sometimes it sounds like I have stones on my throat. And people find my voice sexy.

    I do. My brother always says I sound like I have Kleenex stuck in my nose.

  • edited June 2014

    my brother came up to me the other day saying: "Rachel, you know whenever you talk it reminds me of a girl darth vader"

    so yeah... my voice is jacked up.

    I do. My brother always says I sound like I have Kleenex stuck in my nose.

  • I see nothing wrong with that at all. x_x

    At least you don't sound like Lois Griffin.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Dude, I'm basically Carver with Carlos's accent. Sometimes it sounds like I have stones on my throat. And people find my voice sexy.

  • does he have ps3?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Have you heard WhatTheDuck's voice? His voice is so- Oh yeah... Someone gave it away >.>

  • You were going to lie to me again, weren't you? >:(

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Have you heard WhatTheDuck's voice? His voice is so- Oh yeah... Someone gave it away >.>

  • Lmfaooo a girl Darth Vader? xD

    my brother came up to me the other day saying: "Rachel, you know whenever you talk it reminds me of a girl darth vader" so yeah... my voice is jacked up.

  • WhatTheDuck? Yeah.

    does he have ps3?

  • no they're not !! It's the key to success dude :P Without good communication, you're bound to fail..

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Mics are overrated anyway :P

  • Wut?

    You know what else is overrated?

  • Lol, I communicate just fine without them :P

    no they're not !! It's the key to success dude :P Without good communication, you're bound to fail..

  • me it's the contrary, i'm the only one who thinks that my voice sucks, but everyone keeps saying I sound awesome...I can't even stand hearing my own voice...Yet everyone loves it for some reason xD

    I see nothing wrong with that at all. x_x At least you don't sound like Lois Griffin.

  • That you think mics are overrated!!!! OHHHHHHHHH!!! TWDFan is the Mute Spittah guy, lol.

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • That is so mean! >:(

    yup. he said it flat out like that. And one of my friends said that my voice is so ratched they should change your name to ratchet. all you

  • edited June 2014

    yup. he said it flat out like that. And one of my friends said that my voice is so ratched they should change your name to ratchet. all you have to do it put a line through the L in your name.

    And now that I think of it there right. Rachel --> Rachet

    but then when I talk in a British accent they take it back. And my family members say I have a slight accent, and its weird because im the only one that can talk with a British accent, and im the only one with blonde hair.

    I think im adopted. O_O

    Lmfaooo a girl Darth Vader? xD

  • It was a surprise ;-; I was so mind fucked when I heard his voice xD

    You were going to lie to me again, weren't you? >:(

  • Someone else likes my voice ?

    Meh, I'm sure you're exaggerating. There's nothing wrong with your voice.

    I see nothing wrong with that at all. x_x At least you don't sound like Lois Griffin.

  • How would you know? You've never heard my voice before. =P

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Someone else likes my voice ? Meh, I'm sure you're exaggerating. There's nothing wrong with your voice.

  • Does he sound like Morgan Freeman?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    It was a surprise ;-; I was so mind fucked when I heard his voice xD

  • -_______________________________-

    Screw Hot Fiya.

    That you think mics are overrated!!!! OHHHHHHHHH!!! TWDFan is the Mute Spittah guy, lol.

  • You're voice is not even that low xD I've seen your videos xD

    yup. he said it flat out like that. And one of my friends said that my voice is so ratched they should change your name to ratchet. all you

  • Gangsta Morgan Freeman

    Does he sound like Morgan Freeman?

  • can you tell me his psn. and by ant chance is it yunusakbay ??

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    WhatTheDuck? Yeah.

  • SaltLick knows everything. I'm never wrong.

    How would you know? You've never heard my voice before. =P

  • Lmao, you killed it though. B]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    -_______________________________- Screw Hot Fiya.

  • It's DAKING_1994

    can you tell me his psn. and by ant chance is it yunusakbay ??

  • I know I'm not adopted; I'm like the spitting image of my dad, even if I have like 0% of my mom's anything. My dad sounds like he just came straight from Mexico (which he did, like 20 years ago). Unfortunately for me, I just sound Canadian. Speaking of which, do Canadians have accents? I'm not sure they do.

    yup. he said it flat out like that. And one of my friends said that my voice is so ratched they should change your name to ratchet. all you

  • That's because I was changing it. I wasn't talking normal. But when I talk completely normal, its deep.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You're voice is not even that low xD I've seen your videos xD

  • Oh....

    That's because I was changing it. I wasn't talking normal. But when I talk completely normal, its deep.

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