Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • But.... then that would mean going to Tobi's warehouse of death, and I'm not sure that's the best idea.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    cough cough wink wink nudge nudge

  • Well, were planning to escape xD

    But.... then that would mean going to Tobi's warehouse of death, and I'm not sure that's the best idea.

  • Yeah, but those guys chose to stay for a few days, right? If we go to the warehouse in the meantime, who knows what could happen? Besides, I have a feeling that WtW doesn't bow down easily to figures of authority.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, were planning to escape xD

  • Most people still want the love boat...

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, you guys aren't going to the love boat, so yeah.

  • I have a feeling that this will be the last of your group.

    Most people still want the love boat...

  • Me too. :c

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I have a feeling that this will be the last of your group.

  • SweetPea, do you want me to change the love boat choice, for you? Because I'll do it if you want me to.

    Most people still want the love boat...

  • Nah, that's okay, you don't need to. Do what you think is right. :p

    SweetPea, do you want me to change the love boat choice, for you? Because I'll do it if you want me to.

  • Honestly, I just picked the love boat because of #RomanceReasons, but that was probably dumb to do. =P

    Nah, that's okay, you don't need to. Do what you think is right.

  • Lol, SweetPea needs something nice happening to her! That was my first choice as well, then I changed it. :p

    Honestly, I just picked the love boat because of #RomanceReasons, but that was probably dumb to do. =P

  • Who nose? I nose! B]

    Yeah, but those guys chose to stay for a few days, right? If we go to the warehouse in the meantime, who knows what could happen? Besides, I have a feeling that WtW doesn't bow down easily to figures of authority.

  • But my God, SweetPea... you just totally ruined that chick's face. .-. xD

    Lol, SweetPea needs something nice happening to her! That was my first choice as well, then I changed it.

  • She killed my friends! And tried to put the blame on me. :c

    But my God, SweetPea... you just totally ruined that chick's face. .-. xD

  • Sly Pro strikes again.

    Who nose? I nose! B]

  • It seems as though you're not so innocent after all.

    Mother Woodbury is proud. tears of j o y

    She killed my friends! And tried to put the blame on me. :c

  • How was church?

    Sly Pro strikes again.

  • It was great, thanks for asking. ^_^

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    How was church?

  • I guess I learnt with the best. c':

    It seems as though you're not so innocent after all. Mother Woodbury is proud. tears of j o y

  • SweetPea is like...

    Alt text

    It seems as though you're not so innocent after all. Mother Woodbury is proud. tears of j o y

  • Really?

    It was great, thanks for asking. ^_^

  • With great power comes great responsibility. Use your ballerina powers wisely.

    I guess I learnt with the best. c':

  • Hey, I am very good at shooting, mind you. We were doing headshots while saving Salt.

    Ok, now the second choice( yeah I need two posts to fill THAT choice... First thing first, TWDFan is a lousy teacher and probably not ver

  • edited June 2014

    No it sucked, everything sucked.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • Lol, no one can mess with me now. 8)

    SweetPea is like...

  • Yes, you only thought Deceptio a little bit. He hasn't fully learned everything. Enough to protect himself with it.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hey, I am very good at shooting, mind you. We were doing headshots while saving Salt.

  • Don't worry, I will. But whoever tries to mess with me is getting some of this.

    Alt text

    With great power comes great responsibility. Use your ballerina powers wisely.

  • Exactly, everyone's saying I'm a bad teacher or a bad shooter :(

    Yes, you only thought Deceptio a little bit. He hasn't fully learned everything. Enough to protect himself with it.

  • I know who... but it's a secret.

    Lol, no one can mess with me now. 8)

  • Luigi's death stare is better.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    This is how I want to kill @Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy

  • You're not a bad shooter, you're just not as good as me or Pro.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Exactly, everyone's saying I'm a bad teacher or a bad shooter

  • TDMshadowCP posted: »

    This is how I want to kill @Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy

  • cocks shotgun


    I know who... but it's a secret.



  • Why do you say that? I'm curious now. :c

    But will I slap him/her?

    Alt text

    I know who... but it's a secret.

  • Goddamn! Cool that girl off, she just brought the fire!

    Alt text

    She has a point, though...

    You're not a bad shooter, you're just not as good as me or Pro.

  • I think I'm as good as you guys.

    You're not a bad shooter, you're just not as good as me or Pro.

  • You'll see... hopefully. B]

    Why do you say that? I'm curious now. :c But will I slap him/her?

  • Well... ignorance is bliss. ^_^

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I think I'm as good as you guys.

  • Well, considering that my group is mostly gone and we have another choice of where to go, I'm pretty sure I'll die before I get the chance. :p

    You'll see... hopefully. B]

  • edited June 2014


    After I helped my sister and Valky stack the pallets up. Tobi walked in with Shadow, and he told Emu to take him to his office. We stayed quiet around Tobi because we didn't want him thinking that we weren't working. Both Tobi and Emu were gone at the moment.

    Valky turned to us."Alright, all we have to do is keep working and try to get on Tobi's good side. When Guilty has fully recovered, we'll think of a way out of here." She said to us as we were stacking the last two pallets.

    "Tobi has a good side?" I asked her.

    She looked down."It's... complicated. I know it may seem like he's an asshole all the time, but you just have to listen to what he says and maybe he'll start to like and trust you."

    "What about our friend Rafoli? He has him working alone. We can't leave without him." Broken told her.

    "They took him to the back of the warehouse. Tobi said he wanted to reinforce this place and build a fence around it, to keep walkers away. So far, we've only seen two walkers that have gotten close to us. As the days go by, more and more people will die. That means more walkers out there, eventually they'll have to find us. Tobi isn't taking any chances. I honestly don't know how we'll be able to get to the back without raising suspicion."

    "What if we get in some sort of... trouble? Will that make Tobi help Rafoli out with the fence?" Broken asked.

    "I don't think so... Tobi doesn't like when people screw up. He nearly killed Guilty for knocking down some pallets... we have to think of some other way."

    "It was Shadow's idea to have Rafoli work to the bone. Rafoli broke his father CC's legs because he stole our RV. When we found him a week later, we didn't know he was just looking out for his son. He came out of the RV after Rafoli had already broken CC's legs. Tobi seems to like Shadow, maybe we can convince Shadow to help us out?" I said to them.

    "Hmm, that--" Valky was interrupted.

    "Hey! Don't stand around and get to work!" Emu shouted at us.

    "Sorry, Emu. We're done with the pallets, is there anything else to do?" Valky asked him.

    Emu looked angry."We really need some damn walkie-talkies or something. Stay here, I'll go see what Tobi wants with you maggots." He told us and then walked away.

    "It seems like Tobi has very few guards around." Broken said.

    "There were more in the beginning. Some left because they didn't like the way Tobi ran things. Tobi supposedly hunted them down, and killed some of them. Others that were here, well... he killed them because of their weakness. Don't get fooled, though. There are guards on the roof top and guarding the perimeter outside. We can't just run out and leave, we'll get spotted and shot to hell by those bastards. Tobi also has people in a security room, watching the cameras." Valky explained.

    "Has anyone else tried to escape recently?" I asked her.

    "Yes... a week ago a man who was barely here for three days tried to leave. Tobi found him and he made us all watch as he cut his head off with a knife. It was sickening, he said that if he catches anyone else trying to escape the warehouse, their punishment will be worse." Valky told me.

    I looked down and shook my head."We have to leave this place..."

    Broken turned to me."Just give it time, AC. We'll think of something."

    We turned and saw Emu making his way back with Tobi and Shadow."Alright, maggots. Listen to Tobi, he'll tell you what to do next." Emu said to us.

    Tobi smiled as he approached us."I brought along two new people, Sardines and Joe. Emu informed me about the need for walkie-talkies. I have to agree with him, without communication, I can't really know what's going on. I'm glad to see that you ladies have done well in stacking up the pallets, so far so good." He said to us. He looked straight at Valky."Valky, take them to the back parking lot. The others have started to build the greenhouse. Don't mess up." He told her.

    "I'll get right on it, Tobi." Valky told him, and started walking us to the back.

    "Good." He turned to Emu."Go check on PAP and Guilty. Let me know how it's going, and then take a few people with you on a supply run. Try to find more wood and some walkie-talkies." I heard him say as we were leaving.

    "You got it." Emu replied.

    We made our way to the back of the warehouse. This place was pretty huge, it was stocked up with different types of canned food. I saw people on forklifts raising pallets full of them, on to different shelves. If we were to escape this place, taking some of that food would be a good idea. We made it to the loading dock, and we saw two people trying to build the greenhouse.

    A guard with a gun came up to us."Go over and start helping them out. We'll get some more people out here later on to help you guys. I'll tell you what to do."

    We nodded and made our way over."Hey, there. You must be the two new people Tobi brought in." Valky told them.

    They both looked up at us."You mean forced us to come here." A female told her.

    Valky sighed."Sorry... Tobi has forced all of us to come here. My name is Valky, I've been here for over a month. This is Broken and AC. They're new here as well."

    "I'm Sardines and this is Joe. Tobi found us in the woods, after we got separated from our friend Salt. We have to go look for him, we can't stay here like prisoners."

    "Tobi is a scary guy. He knocked me out and put me in the trunk when he brought us here. I wouldn't want to piss him off." Joe said.

    Sardines turned to him."He almost killed you if it wasn't for me or Shadow."

    "I just... I was scared alright."

    "I don't see you guys working over there!" The guard shouted.

    Valky turned to them."Look, we're planning an escape but we need some time. For now, let's just work and do what they tell us. I was a guard a few hours earlier, but I got deranked for lying. If I can gain Tobi's trust again, I'll be given a weapon."

    "Me and AC just got here, and we already hate it. I'm going with what Valky says, we're going to get out of this place." Broken told them with her arms crossed.

    Sardines looked down."Okay. If you guys are serious... then I want to help out."

    "You guys are crazy! Tobi would kill you all! I'm not going anywhere." Joe replied.

    "But you said you didn't want to go with Tobi when he took us in. We still need to find Salt, make sure he's alive or..." Sardines told him.

    Joe raised his eyebrows and looked down."Tobi said there's food, supplies, clothing... everything we need. I... I don't know..."

    "Get to work damn it!" The guard was getting angry.

    "Sorry! We'll start right now, I was just explaining to them!" Valky replied. She turned to us."Alright, let's just get this done. When Guilty and PAP come out of the medical station, we'll plan something out."

    We started working, and Valky explained everything to them. I wasn't sure what we would come up with, but we weren't going to stay here and work for Tobi forever. Broken was right, it was our first day here and I already hated it as well. We needed to wait for Guilty and PAP, we needed to somehow get to Rafoli. We needed to get Shadow on our side...


    The guards led me to the back of the warehouse. They opened the double metal doors and there was piles of wooden boards on the floor.

    "Start building a fence around the whole warehouse and parking lots." One of them told me.

    "Are you serious? Doing this alone will take forever." I replied

    "Then you better start working, haha." The guard said and they started laughing.

    They expected me to build a fence around the area, by myself. This Tobi guy had them wrapped around his finger, whatever he told them to do, they would do it. I didn't know whether it was because of fear, or because they respected the guy. All I know is that I had no other choice, they had their guns aimed at me while I was working. I needed to stay alive long enough to make sure Broken and AC get out of here. If I was going to be stuck in this place, I wanted to at least make sure that they would escape.

    After working for a few hours, it was nighttime. I saw Broken and AC with a couple other people working in the back parking lot. I managed to get several boards up."Why do you guys listen to Tobi?" I asked the two guards.

    "Why the fuck not? We were in school when this happened, he brought us here and provided food and shelter. We were with him from the very beginning, he taught us about survival of the fittest. We follow him because he isn't afraid to do what he wants." One of them told me.

    I turned around."Tobi may have done all of that, but forcing new people to his community and having us work our asses off isn't the way to run things." I said to them sweating."Can I have some water?"

    "It doesn't matter how he runs things around here. He keeps us safe, and no. You can't have any water."

    I sighed."If you want me to get this shit done, just give me a bit of water." I said in an angered tone.

    "Tobi said that you're gonna work to the bone. We ain't giving you any fuckin' water!" The other guard said.

    "Get back to work, or else I'm getting Tobi out here!"

    These guys were pissing me off. I was dehydrated and sweating. Why couldn't they just give me a sip of water? Was that too much to ask for?

    1) Man, Fuck Tobi!

    2) Just give me some damn water and I'll get back to work.

    3) Bring Tobi out here, then. I'll ask him.

    4) [Spit in one of the guards faces]

    5) [Flip them off]


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