Well Game of Thrones is starting soon, and then Penny Dreadful (Another show filled with nudity! I call it Penny Pornful). So I'll be gone for two hours.
I didn't see his abs, lol he was in an interview and he said that he doesn't want to be the next shirtless person because he doesn't have abs. Id expect him not to have abs, hes skinny as fuck.
same. people talk so much shit about it and I don't know why.
I called my brother a fuck nugget once because he said it was the worst show in the world... then I stepped on his face.
That's part of it, but I also liked him because he was relatable. He was just a guy who lost everything he had. His wife died, his brother died, his father beat him when he was little, and then Michonne comes along and kills his daughter, the only thing he had left. He wanted to build a community for people, he wanted to protect everyone. I don't think he was a bad guy honestly, I just think that the type of world he lived in made him that way.
YES YES YES!!! your writing on the forum again I read your other stories here and they were awesome some of the best I read so I know your talented DO IT NOW PLEASE!! I'll contribute I'm so excited SO GAH!! I'm acting I know but I need it.
Okay, so, seeing so many fanfics around, and since i'm an aspiring author myself, i thought about making another series. Any thoughts or opinions or SOMETHING?
I just wanna get my gears goin' ;-;
Then the same could be said about Bill William Carver, I don't think he used to be that drastic at the beginning of the Apocalypse, that and we don't really know much about his backstory. In fact I made a thread about it, if you want to take a look at it :P
That's part of it, but I also liked him because he was relatable. He was just a guy who lost everything he had. His wife died, his brother d… moreied, his father beat him when he was little, and then Michonne comes along and kills his daughter, the only thing he had left. He wanted to build a community for people, he wanted to protect everyone. I don't think he was a bad guy honestly, I just think that the type of world he lived in made him that way.
That's part of it, but I also liked him because he was relatable. He was just a guy who lost everything he had. His wife died, his brother d… moreied, his father beat him when he was little, and then Michonne comes along and kills his daughter, the only thing he had left. He wanted to build a community for people, he wanted to protect everyone. I don't think he was a bad guy honestly, I just think that the type of world he lived in made him that way.
Well, if you like villains and if Negan ever comes, he's probably going to be your number #1 FAVORITE.
And ya, I agree, I don't think he was like that before. The new world changed him.
Well, if you like villains and if Negan ever comes, he's probably going to be your number #1 FAVORITE.
And ya, I agree, I don't think he was like that before. The new world changed him.
Shirtless Rick is best Rick.
Well Game of Thrones is starting soon, and then Penny Dreadful (Another show filled with nudity! I call it Penny Pornful). So I'll be gone for two hours.
Try not to miss me too much
That deserves a:
I can agree with that 500%
lol you know chandler doesn't have abs! xD
OMG lol the part were there in the bush! xD
Is he like that guy TDM posted a picture of yesterday? =P
No. Chandler Riggs is carl from the show.
if you watch the show, WATCH THIS it will give you goose 'pimples'.
I know, DLB... I was asking if his "abs" are like the guys' from TDM's picture.
OOHHHHH LOL sorry, im stupid.
I didn't see his abs, lol he was in an interview and he said that he doesn't want to be the next shirtless person because he doesn't have abs. Id expect him not to have abs, hes skinny as fuck.

OMG YES! Rest In Peace Philip, I miss you. You'll always be my favorite character of the TV series.
brb, feeling feels.
Lmao, this video like one of the funniest shit I've seen related to TWD.
He was my favourite character too. He was the best. </3
c r i e s
I think this is one of the best ones.. for me.
I hated the governor so much, but I loved him at the same time. He was the shit.
I love this show so much.
same. people talk so much shit about it and I don't know why.
I called my brother a fuck nugget once because he said it was the worst show in the world... then I stepped on his face.
Love this one:
I SOMEHOW managed to contain myself when he said that, but then he said that the walking dead game season 2 is the worst because lee isn't in it.
Then I went totally nuts and threw him to the ground and THEN stomped on his face. xD
did you like him because he was a villain?!
That's part of it, but I also liked him because he was relatable. He was just a guy who lost everything he had. His wife died, his brother died, his father beat him when he was little, and then Michonne comes along and kills his daughter, the only thing he had left. He wanted to build a community for people, he wanted to protect everyone. I don't think he was a bad guy honestly, I just think that the type of world he lived in made him that way.
YES YES YES!!! your writing on the forum again I read your other stories here and they were awesome some of the best I read so I know your talented DO IT NOW PLEASE!! I'll contribute I'm so excited SO GAH!!
I'm acting I know but I need it.
Then the same could be said about Bill William Carver, I don't think he used to be that drastic at the beginning of the Apocalypse, that and we don't really know much about his backstory. In fact I made a thread about it, if you want to take a look at it :P
Well, if you like villains and if Negan ever comes, he's probably going to be your number #1 FAVORITE.
And ya, I agree, I don't think he was like that before. The new world changed him.
whispers to DLB but didn't Negan..... bash Glenn's face in?
whispers to WTW look it up on wiki. wiki is always the answer. wiki is love, wiki is life.
Okay. ^_^
Well Negan is my favorite character of the comics, yet strange enough, Clem is my favorite character of the games. I still love Carver though.
Man, Markiplier is awesome.
Mom's spaghetti.
May your marinara sauce NEVER stick to your pasta !!! >:D
gasp >:O