The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • this is so friken cool! ^-^ This just made my day.

    Okay. SO I'm like fangirling also and I need to contain mysel because I was supposed to be asleep 4 hours ago and I DONT Plan on getting cought. It's such a PAIN IN THE ASS to use a phone for the fourms.

    fangirling This is so exciting!!! xD

  • Guys. For the first time ever I fainted.

    I was waiting for my mom at my dad's house. My mom told me she'll be there in 30 minutes. My dad went to sleep and I stayed on the sofa. Apparently 30 minutes to my mom means 3 hours. During those 3 hours I was looking at youtube videos, until my mom finally called that she'll be there in 5 minutes. So, I stood up and went to the bathroom, because I needed to take a piss. As I was using the toilet my body was so weak. I could barely stand up and I heard my heart pumping and bam. I closed my eyes. I heard something fall and I woke up moaning. I apparently hit my head against the wall and hit my leg in the toilet seat. I stood up quickly, because I thought that my dad heard me and probably get mad at me. I still felt pretty weak, so I went to the sofa and I lay there for 30 seconds. I asked myself "What the fuck happened to me." So, I got my phone out and found out that if your body has been relaxing and out of a sudden stand up, your blood flows very quickly and it causes you to faint.

    So, yeah. I wanted to share this :P

  • Woah, seriously?? o_o That's pretty scary.

    I fainted for the first time when I was in grade 3.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Guys. For the first time ever I fainted. I was waiting for my mom at my dad's house. My mom told me she'll be there in 30 minutes. My dad

  • That sounds really cool! Lol what does kindred spirits mean?

    Lol at first I read kindred squirts. Stupid letters in the phone are so small!

    My mother's best friend is exactly like that too, they joke around saying they are twins, but what they really are is kindred spirits :P Same birthday date too..

  • Why did little Woodbury faint?

    Woah, seriously?? o_o That's pretty scary. I fainted for the first time when I was in grade 3.

  • two people that share a special bond on a higher level of consciousness, it can be because they experienced similar circumstances in life or because they shared the same experience together. Since you two didn't really know each other prior, in your case it's a very special bond. I believe we all have someone like that out there in the world, the hardest is to find them...luckily, looks like you find yours, or one of yours ;)

    That sounds really cool! Lol what does kindred spirits mean? Lol at first I read kindred squirts. Stupid letters in the phone are so small!

  • Well, we were practicing a song for choir, and since I was pretty tall I always stood at the back... I had a solo, and when it was my turn to sing, I started to feel lightheaded and I couldn't really breathe and then I just sort of blacked out and the next thing I knew the music teacher was like leaning over me trying to wake me up. Apparently I fell down two whole steps. I don't really remember much after that, but my teacher gave my solo to someone else and I was mad about that for the longest time. >:(

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Why did little Woodbury faint?

  • Did you fall on anyone? Are you really that tall? xD

    Well, we were practicing a song for choir, and since I was pretty tall I always stood at the back... I had a solo, and when it was my turn t

  • Damn.

    I'm sorry but I just have to say this, what if you fainted but didn't wake up until like 10 minuets later and your mom Elmer in to see you slouched over The toilet passed out?

    Oh yeah and I almost fainted once. I was sick and throwing up and my mom called me. I was DOZED off and when she called my she screamed my name so I shoot up. I went from laying down to standing up in half a second. Then It felt like the room was turning side ways and I started leaning and just fell over on the floor. I had like no strength so I just let my body fall onto my side arm. It friken hurt. I was like"DAFAAQ "

    It hurt and I was to lazy to get up so I just layed there in the middle of the floor and eventually I fell asleep. after I woke up my mom thought I was on something. XD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Guys. For the first time ever I fainted. I was waiting for my mom at my dad's house. My mom told me she'll be there in 30 minutes. My dad

  • I started swaying a bit before I actually blacked out so I'm pretty sure people got the idea that I wasn't okay and they sort of avoided me. I don't think I fell on anyone, thank God.

    I was almost 5 feet tall when I was 8. I'm 5'7" now.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Did you fall on anyone? Are you really that tall? xD


    And Elmer?

    Damn. I'm sorry but I just have to say this, what if you fainted but didn't wake up until like 10 minuets later and your mom Elmer in to

  • Elmer?

    DAFAAQ you sayin?!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    "DAFAAQ" XD And Elmer?


    Elmer? DAFAAQ you sayin?!

  • You're an inch taller than me xD

    I started swaying a bit before I actually blacked out so I'm pretty sure people got the idea that I wasn't okay and they sort of avoided me. I don't think I fell on anyone, thank God. I was almost 5 feet tall when I was 8. I'm 5'7" now.

  • Pssh. Shrimp.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You're an inch taller than me xD

  • I didn't fall on anyone, thank God.


    I started swaying a bit before I actually blacked out so I'm pretty sure people got the idea that I wasn't okay and they sort of avoided me. I don't think I fell on anyone, thank God. I was almost 5 feet tall when I was 8. I'm 5'7" now.

  • Why dammit? xD

    I didn't fall on anyone, thank God. Dammit.

  • your mom Elmer in to see you

    Elmer? DAFAAQ you sayin?!

  • fight me irl m8

    Pssh. Shrimp.

  • Do you even lift brah?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    fight me irl m8

  • WTF IS ELMER?! Am I MISSING SOMETHING?! is it that Harry red doll thingamafuck or is it the glue brand?! Put me on the show lost because that what I am right now.


  • edited June 2014

    10 minuets later and your mom Elmer in to see you slouched over The toilet passed out?

    It's capitalized and everything, DLB xD

    WTF IS ELMER?! Am I MISSING SOMETHING?! is it that Harry red doll thingamafuck or is it the glue brand?! Put me on the show lost because that what I am right now.

  • You the name Elmer when you replied to me.


    WTF IS ELMER?! Am I MISSING SOMETHING?! is it that Harry red doll thingamafuck or is it the glue brand?! Put me on the show lost because that what I am right now.

  • because you didn't fall on anybody! :3

    Why dammit? xD

  • Actually, yes.

    Do you even lift brah?

  • Marshmallows on toothpicks?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Actually, yes.

  • The people in my choir group were nice, lol. Besides, I was 8, I don't think I would have done any real damage anyway. =P

    because you didn't fall on anybody!

  • Fuck yeah!

    Marshmallows on toothpicks?

  • I knew it.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Fuck yeah!

  • IM ON A FRIKEN PHONE OKAY? It's like mission impossible up in this bitch to post and see what the hell your reading!!

    10 minuets later and your mom Elmer in to see you slouched over The toilet passed out? It's capitalized and everything, DLB xD

  • Lol, you're so funny ^_^

    IM ON A FRIKEN PHONE OKAY? It's like mission impossible up in this bitch to post and see what the hell your reading!!

  • Yeah, but in each hand I have 3 million marshmallows on toothpicks, which weigh about 15 pound >:D

    I knew it.

  • Did you do the math yourself?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Yeah, but in each hand I have 3 million marshmallows on toothpicks, which weigh about 15 pound >:D

  • I estimated.

    Did you do the math yourself?

  • Oh, I see. lmfao.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I estimated.

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    Oh, I see. lmfao.


    lol, when I was 8, never played with dolls. Like, EVER. but one time someone thought sea to get me a Barbie dream house for Christmas, when I asked for pony like one thousand times. So I plowed that fucker down and cut all there hair off so they looked like Britney Spears when she shaved her head.

    U was a chaotic child.

    The people in my choir group were nice, lol. Besides, I was 8, I don't think I would have done any real damage anyway. =P

  • You don't even know.

    I used to beat up everyone at my day care and elementary school and I have 2 scars on the back of my head, because I was jumping around couches and I would mess up and land on the table.


  • Badass baby TDM.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You don't even know. I used to beat up everyone at my day care and elementary school and I have 2 scars on the back of my head, because I was jumping around couches and I would mess up and land on the table.

  • Yes. Do you want it now?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Welcome_To_Woodbury I forgot to ask you. Did you finish the season 2 Duck drawing?

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