The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • what the fuck. An elephant doing a guitar solo while fire comes out of his nostrils?

    Rigtail posted: »

    Here are some videos from my favorites that I'm gonna be kind enough to share with you all. You don't have to watch them all, but that'd be

  • edited June 2014

    I knew guys back in the day when me and the others were old as him and they had abs.

    OOHHHHH LOL sorry, im stupid. I didn't see his abs, lol he was in an interview and he said that he doesn't want to be the next shirtless person because he doesn't have abs. Id expect him not to have abs, hes skinny as fuck.

  • It's scarier than my brother's ass! XD

    I'm in a good mood right now so your lucky I'm not mad that you posted that pic because it's 2 in the morning and that picture is scaring the shit out f me out right now. It's scarier than the damn clown

  • To here a song from my favourite movie series, THIS MAKES IT EVEN MORE AWESOME!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Best one hands down.

  • I appreciate your help but I think you gave too much effort.I was just asking about the "forum" of the dead

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    This forum is the TellTale forum, where people can talk about TWD and TWAU. This thread is for the people that are part of the Forum of The Dead story where we can put random shit here. I'm glad to help you.

  • The Hershel raps amazing XD

    Rigtail posted: »

    Here are some videos from my favorites that I'm gonna be kind enough to share with you all. You don't have to watch them all, but that'd be

  • How I imagine you lifting weights.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • How?

    How I imagine you lifting weights.

  • no xD I meant it. Bob wirer.

    its that pointy shit at the top of prison fences. I ran strait into that shit. one scratched me RIGHT NEXT to the outer part of my right eye. it was literally like, the width or the end of a tooth pick from scratching my eye. But that didn't leave a scar. I got scratched in the scalp and my head was bleeding, it was gross. I don't know if that left a scar cuz I cant remember were it was.

    The only one that left a scar was one tha went into by bicep. Looks kinda bad ass though. ;p

    this stupid devil ass shit right here. >:/

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    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Bob? Fist Elmer and now bob?

  • yes. lets seriously make this a thing! xD ELMER. sounds like a ratchet way to say Elmo.

    She invented a new term !! Elmering in : The action of someone being a Elmer by entering a doorway or personal space to "chase the wabbit". brilliant...10 out of 10, would Elmer again !!

  • YOOOOOOO that is like, totally friken wicked! <whatever the hell wicked means.

    That's looks really good! awesome job!


  • This is practically a thread were we talk about crazy as shit that's happened In our lives.

    poplee posted: »

    Just a random comment passing by... I am so confused what kind of forum is this.

  • edited October 2014

    Ignore this

  • Its the weirdest damn thing. I do like, nothing. and I have massive biceps. Along with my cavlfs(when I flex them) and my fore arm. I don't have hard core abs but you can kida see em. and I do nothing but eat, sleep, and sit here all day.

    I guess its the typing is like the #1 workout. :p

    I knew guys back in the day when me and the others were old as him and they had abs.

  • haha you cant. I wont let you.


  • I'm bored, somebody wanna be my girlfriend?

  • I think that when there are more people on the forums, it happens more often. because when im on at the am hors, it barley ever happens. but then at like 1pm or 2pm it starts doing it again. and that's when most people are one and the forums are the least quite.

    Yeah it happens to me a lot too, even before the update! Sometimes I disconnect my internet and reconnect to get it working again.

  • That's something you don't see everyday...

  • edited June 2014

    I am a mix of three body sizes really. Barely chubby, biceps and some abs, but I'm mainly skinny. I still eat a lot and don't get out much and I still look the same for a year now!

    Wait a minute... didn't you say you were a girl? O_O

    Its the weirdest damn thing. I do like, nothing. and I have massive biceps. Along with my cavlfs(when I flex them) and my fore arm. I don't

  • Pretty please with Pizza on top?

    haha you cant. I wont let you.

  • didn't you say you were a girl

    Ever sense I was born.

    why is it bad for girls to have kinda big muscles?! and its normally when I flex my arm is when you notice.

    I am a mix of three body sizes really. Barely chubby, biceps and some abs, but I'm mainly skinny. I still eat a lot and don't get out much and I still look the same for a year now! Wait a minute... didn't you say you were a girl? O_O

  • What kind of pizza?

    Pretty please with Pizza on top?

  • edited June 2014

    I don't think it's bad actually, um... I kinda find it... sexy. -////-

    I think I will shut up now...

    didn't you say you were a girl Ever sense I was born. why is it bad for girls to have kinda big muscles?! and its normally when I flex my arm is when you notice.

  • Meat lovers with some Hawaiian on it.

    What kind of pizza?

  • X,DDDD


    I don't think it's bad actually, um... I kinda find it... sexy. -////- I think I will shut up now...

  • edited June 2014

    Cold pineapple or hot?
    spicy meat?

    Meat lovers with some Hawaiian on it.

  • Sorry... I tend to be honest a bit too much sometimes.

    X,DDDD -awkwarddddd-

  • Did you say pizza?

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    What kind of pizza?

  • xD it fine!

    haha I do the same thing all the time!

    Sorry... I tend to be honest a bit too much sometimes.

  • edited June 2014

    Hot, and spicy meat.

    Cold pineapple or hot? spicy meat?

  • Oh okay. Glad to know that I'm not alone on that. :)

    xD it fine! haha I do the same thing all the time!


    Alt text

    Did you say pizza?

  • Alt text

    Hot, and spicy meat.


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  • Alt text


  • You do realize I was quoting The Walking Dead season 1 right? the old cop?

    Azlyn posted: »

    You can't ZAP me, genius, i'm underage. I don't even have an identity card yet. YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE. And, for the record, words are not a strong drug, and they're legal in 59 out of i dunno-how-many states. So yeah. Screw you, too.

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