two people that share a special bond on a higher level of consciousness, it can be because they experienced similar circumstances in life or… more because they shared the same experience together. Since you two didn't really know each other prior, in your case it's a very special bond. I believe we all have someone like that out there in the world, the hardest is to find them...luckily, looks like you find yours, or one of yours
You know what I also realized? that we have the same name but its spelled differently, yours has "chelle" at the end and mine is just Rachel... but my middle name is has-> "chelle" at the end...
Goooood morning, everyone! ^^
I just climbed a tree and jumped down and my ass hurts like it's on fiyah, i think i broke something. But y… moreeah. I can't even sit, so i'm more like lying down typing this. I'm sharing because i want you all to think i'm THAT stupid. And i am.
Here's a pretty song i'm trying to learn right now!
Hey, Puncake. Could you put the a link to the Forum Of The Dead, since some people are asking what it is. Also, I rather call it a story instead of a fan fic, lol.
wait, wait ,wait... you mean ME or woodbury? WTW drawing is like a trillion times better than mine.
and wait a min, is wtd making another account?!?!?!?
Well I'm in Quebec and they have this weird system where after the 6th grade you're in High School, I moved here when I was 13 and I was supposed to be in the 8th grade. Anyway after 6th grade the names of the grades change, instead of grade 7 it's Sec 1, instead of grade 8 it's Sec 2 and so on. Until sec 5, which is the eleventh grade and then you go to CEGEP which is your last year of high school and your first year of university, so you go there for two years then you go to college or university so it's really weird. So anyway I was supposed to be in the 8th grade, but people here, especially my principal (She was evil) are kind of xenophobic towards English speakers, so they sent me to Sec 1. Because we didn't know the system, I spent two weeks in the wrong grade. We eventually had to force our way back into the proper grade, but then all the teachers started failing me and my older brother on purpose, except for my nice English teacher. So long story short we eventually went to an English school in Quebec (which still follows the Sec rules), and they couldn't fail me anymore. So what I'm saying is stay away from psychotic principals, that's my advice.
[Tobi, SweetPeaClem, Don't_Look_Back eats pizza together]
It better be cheese!
There better be no olives in it!
Here ya go! AND NO OLIVES
I did this the other day.
Cops couldn't catch this!
Ronal McDonald isn't taking your shit anymore.
that's something you would say after this happens
Wikipedia over here
Ha ha that's cool.
You know what I also realized? that we have the same name but its spelled differently, yours has "chelle" at the end and mine is just Rachel... but my middle name is has-> "chelle" at the end...
What's your favorite color?
This is how I met WhatTheDuck. Memories
Hey, Puncake. Could you put the a link to the Forum Of The Dead, since some people are asking what it is. Also, I rather call it a story instead of a fan fic, lol.
Seeing the old profile pictures brings back so many memories... :,)
Hey TDM I finished that sketch yesterday but I guess you didn't see the PM. I saw WtW's one and it came out almost the same lol!
I actually don't know how to see my PM
sorry I'm new at this...
You have to check notifications, PM's are colored purple. I'll just post it here even though WtW's is better.
I'm going to tell WhatTheDuck to use yours and Rachel's drawings. This is amazing. Thank you.
My name is Grimes, Rick Grimes, sorry it's just Skyfall theme made me think this.
wait, wait ,wait... you mean ME or woodbury? WTW drawing is like a trillion times better than mine.
and wait a min, is wtd making another account?!?!?!?
no, i didn't use Wikipedia, i'm just very knowledgeable :P
WTW and when Duck comes back.
Oh, sorry I didn't know who you were talking about since me and woodbury have the same name.
When you say when duck comes back, are you saying wtw is making another profile?
Well I'm in Quebec and they have this weird system where after the 6th grade you're in High School, I moved here when I was 13 and I was supposed to be in the 8th grade. Anyway after 6th grade the names of the grades change, instead of grade 7 it's Sec 1, instead of grade 8 it's Sec 2 and so on. Until sec 5, which is the eleventh grade and then you go to CEGEP which is your last year of high school and your first year of university, so you go there for two years then you go to college or university so it's really weird. So anyway I was supposed to be in the 8th grade, but people here, especially my principal (She was evil) are kind of xenophobic towards English speakers, so they sent me to Sec 1. Because we didn't know the system, I spent two weeks in the wrong grade. We eventually had to force our way back into the proper grade, but then all the teachers started failing me and my older brother on purpose, except for my nice English teacher. So long story short we eventually went to an English school in Quebec (which still follows the Sec rules), and they couldn't fail me anymore. So what I'm saying is stay away from psychotic principals, that's my advice.
That's cool how you know all of that from the top of your head. Its a friken gift.
Nah, it's called having a high IQ mixed with a chill personality
You guys, I have bad news... My pet rock died. :,(
R.I.P, Pet Rock
Was his name Pete?
How did it die?
His first name was Elmer and his middle name was pete. :.(
I don't know I just walked into the room and he was just dead on his pillow, i think he had a rockattack.
Lmfaoo your on that patrick shit...