Telltale need to seriously stop killing people. I'm gonna look back at them as the most depressing time of my life. Judging by the reactions… more of Bigby's voice actor I'm not looking forward to this episode. I always found The Wolf Among Us as a relief after dealing with The Walking Dead but oh well. Telltale never changes I guess.
Telltale in a nutshell:
Look, I wrote a story!
-Great! But kill everyone and you may publish it.
I know this is early to ask. But do you guys have any plans releasing a DLC or something after season finale just like you did with TWD Season 1? May be this will be a reward to us for the all the disappointment you caused for us with episode 3 and 4?
I know this is early to ask. But do you guys have any plans releasing a DLC or something after season finale just like you did with TWD Seas… moreon 1? May be this will be a reward to us for the all the disappointment you caused for us with episode 3 and 4?
I know this is early to ask. But do you guys have any plans releasing a DLC or something after season finale just like you did with TWD Seas… moreon 1? May be this will be a reward to us for the all the disappointment you caused for us with episode 3 and 4?
true that truly loved the whole world of fables with this game and big up to bigby on my legends list next 2 lee,clem,big boss,shepard and many more good job TTG
I'm very excited for this season finale but also sad at the same time, knowing this is the last time(at least for the time being) when we ge… moret the chance to play as our favorite,hairy,chain-smoking sheriff with a short fuse.
With that being said, I hope Telltale delivers the best episode so far, with most of the plot lines tied up and a satisfying ending. I've pretty much forgotten about Telltale after the S1 ending of The Walking Dead. But as soon as I played TWAU, I was hooked right back in and I found myself being more excited and hyped about TWAU than TWD on every occasion. I found myself liking all the episodes, I also ended up getting the comics which are also very well done. I wouldn't mind to wait longer if I knew they would put enough work and time and deliver us an 120 minutes finale, making up for all the criticism regarding the last episode.
I know this is early to ask. But do you guys have any plans releasing a DLC or something after season finale just like you did with TWD Seas… moreon 1? May be this will be a reward to us for the all the disappointment you caused for us with episode 3 and 4?
Wow! Chill the hell out guys....I was disappointed with length of the episodes 3 and 4 not the story line. I wish I want to play this game hours and know what I mean!
Wow! Chill the hell out guys....I was disappointed with length of the episodes 3 and 4 not the story line. I wish I want to play this game hours and know what I mean!
I'll not be surprised if TT finishes TWAU before releasing TWD Ep.4
Well, it is being updated daily since the release of ep 4. I don't know if we will actually get it before TWD, but there is certainly progress being made.
I'm not sure how I feel about getting the episode very early,though. I would be happy but at the same time I'll be worried about getting a rushed or short episode...and God knows we do not want that.
Hey, at least Cry Wolf keeps getting updates on SteamDB...
By the way thing are going, I'll not be surprised if TT finishes TWAU before releasing TWD Ep.4
I'll not be surprised if TT finishes TWAU before releasing TWD Ep.4
Well, it is being updated daily since the release of ep 4. I don… more't know if we will actually get it before TWD, but there is certainly progress being made.
I'm not sure how I feel about getting the episode very early,though. I would be happy but at the same time I'll be worried about getting a rushed or short episode...and God knows we do not want that.
I hear ya, brother. With how short episode 4 was, I'm expecting episode 5 to be double the length of a usual episode. I'm willing to wait 3-4 months for that if need be. I just want the conclusion to Wolf Among Us to be just as enjoyable as the ride (ignoring the bump between Ep.1 and Ep.2)
i do not really like these ''early'' updates... i could be wrong, but what if that means the episode is being rushed?
i'd rather have an … moreextremely exciting finale, even if it takes 3 months for it.
and actually? if ep.5 of twau gets released b4 twd ep.4 (thats unlikely), that's bad news to me.
Oh, I see. Thanks for the response, and keep up the epic work! :-)
i hope you guys are not rushing it and giving it as much time as you gave to first ep , this game has potential to be your cashcow honestly
man I love this game that I check this topic everyday for news
am I alone or I'm just sick ;(
It's perfectly normal well when it comes to fan standards
feels better.
It worries me that they already uploaded ep5 but no ep4 of twd yet
Hey look at it this way maybe there putting ALOT of effort into episode 4 of TWD
Bigby isn't going to die. He IS in the comics after all.
We're counting on you guys!!!
I know this is early to ask. But do you guys have any plans releasing a DLC or something after season finale just like you did with TWD Season 1? May be this will be a reward to us for the all the disappointment you caused for us with episode 3 and 4?
How was episode 3 a dissapointment?
You're not doing your username any justice.
true that truly loved the whole world of fables with this game and big up to bigby on my legends list next 2 lee,clem,big boss,shepard and many more good job TTG
Don't worry, this game and its universe in general is an exception to be constantly checking for news and stuffz. You're not the only one!
My thoughts more or less.
Yeah, hopefully.
Nah, if done right, and for what it's worth, they have done it right.
EDIT: Here, in TWAU.
i hope TWAU gets a second season like The Walking Dead has.. and i know it's going to be painful to wait..
What are you on about? Episode 4 was awesome, they all were.
Wow! Chill the hell out guys....I was disappointed with length of the episodes 3 and 4 not the story line. I wish I want to play this game hours and know what I mean!
Okay, okay, we won't send Bloody Mary after you. What a shame for her, she was really itchin' to hang a Mundy head on her wall.
They were all awesome, but I would argue that episode 2 was less awesome than the others
Hey, at least Cry Wolf keeps getting updates on SteamDB...
By the way thing are going, I'll not be surprised if TT finishes TWAU before releasing TWD Ep.4
true but eglust there was a fight init but yeah true
(?) Bloody Mary very depresive
Perhaps some strawberry-flavored ice cream would cheer her up?
Well, it is being updated daily since the release of ep 4. I don't know if we will actually get it before TWD, but there is certainly progress being made.
I'm not sure how I feel about getting the episode very early,though. I would be happy but at the same time I'll be worried about getting a rushed or short episode...and God knows we do not want that.
Yeah, but I think that Telltale knows that f*cking up the finale would be a bad move
Patiently waiting... -_-
i do not really like these ''early'' updates... i could be wrong, but what if that means the episode is being rushed?
i'd rather have an extremely exciting finale, even if it takes 3 months for it.
and actually? if ep.5 of twau gets released b4 twd ep.4 (thats unlikely), that's bad news to me.
twd s3 confirmed
I hear ya, brother. With how short episode 4 was, I'm expecting episode 5 to be double the length of a usual episode. I'm willing to wait 3-4 months for that if need be. I just want the conclusion to Wolf Among Us to be just as enjoyable as the ride (ignoring the bump between Ep.1 and Ep.2)
lol. Where did the idea of strawberry ice cream come from?
I assumed that B.M. would like anything that's colored red, so I went along with strawberry-flavored ice cream. :P
Oh I see. cool.
Yes. Very.
Thank you for your great work! And please make this episode longer than 4 so that all (or almost all) questions can be solved.
Yeah! We have to find out what happened to Pixel the cat!
What, when?
He wasn't being serious.
I send you to jail