didn't in your very first pic we could see your eyes? I think.
I know you had that one pic were you had your hand down the middle of your face and the shot was taken from the side.
Holy shit, you got to play it? I pity you. I've always avoided these jumpscares and shit, but there are screamers everywhere on the internet… more. I remember one time when I was a kid, probably 9 years old, I was watching a fake video with a screamer in it. Couldn't sleep for 1 week or so.
Yeah, I'm not sticking my face into the computer just to see a necklace xD
I love it. It makes me appear more badass than I really am.
Are the spikes actually metal?
-_- you JUST noticed that! XD
Do push ups everyday
You too?
I was a dangerous child.
Yeah, I'm not sticking my face into the computer just to see a necklace xD
Are the spikes actually metal?
That is for you to figure out
No! I'm Glenn, mixed with Johnny. Ask DLB, she has seen me from the shadows.
OH YA I remember now.
Where I come from doesn't matter, but no i'm not Korean nor Chinese or Japanese.
So, you're Korean?
I'm a Mexican that looks like an Italian Mobster
Ok, so what makes you so "badass"? xD
Alaskan?! the fuck...no !! XD
Alaskan, I knew it.
i love it, it's kinda sexy in my opinion
Now its your turn. >:D
Hey Jon, why don't you join these guys and change your profile picture? You've already shown your face once, so it won't be a problem.
@JonGon You look like Matthew Greene aka the guy from TheTurningDead
That she's still wearing a spike necklace.
Woah, slow down there buddy.
Sorry, my husband wouldn't let me, lol.
We got a badass over here. Did you show it to other people? If you did, that would be enough proof you were a dangerous child.
Bad asses don't need bad ass proof to prove their bad asses.
-walks away-
I can't allow you to fall in love with me again Rafoli.
Alaskan?! the fuck....no!! xD
Woah, don't go that far. Bro love, remember?
what? it adds a bit of style...i never meant to offend anyone on that..
.>.< hes so ugly now.
who? Drake ?
Lol, okay, almost married.