i think i know who did....it's just a term people , it has nothing to do with kinkiness or whatever....you never saw a beautiful car and thought it was sexy looking ?
i think i know who did....it's just a term people , it has nothing to do with kinkiness or whatever....you never saw a beautiful car and thought it was sexy looking ?
My cousins showed me one with a car being driven on a road. You keep watching the car going through the green hills and all, with some cool music and JUMPSCARE. I was only 7 when this happened ;-;
meh, i expected it, so it just made me jump a bit. The one that got me the most is the one where they tell you to spot something in the pict… moreure, like an illusion or something, then BAM jumpscare galore up in this bitch...i forgot to thank my father for that.... xD
My cousins showed me one with a car being driven on a road. You keep watching the car going through the green hills and all, with some cool music and JUMPSCARE. I was only 7 when this happened ;-;
Damn, it's my twin :O
then you're not the one who downvoted my comment? That's why i thought you were offended...
To far dude. To far.
You can use the word: pretty. But not sexy, Sext crossing the line.
Im watching you dude. Im Watching you. ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
i think i know who did....it's just a term people , it has nothing to do with kinkiness or whatever....you never saw a beautiful car and thought it was sexy looking ?
sorry, double post. Ignore this or else.
Drake & Josh
Yeah, sexy is only used for kinky shit.
I thought you were 16!
Hey Matt and DLB, you guys wanna play GTA V again?
yeah, drake.
Josh is perfect now..
JonGon is a sexy beast.
(?) Rafoli will remember that.
I remember the first time I played it, I think it was one of my worst jump scares
For some reason he reminds me of a better looking version of the guy in the movie ratatouille... He's got the Italian in him.
You girls are taking this too seriously. It's not completely true.
Cries in the corner
Can i join ya?
He just needs some thinner glasses and BAM, you've got your twin.
heck yeah !!
just don't leave me in a prison full of rapists this time....xD
Are you sure you don't know who it is?
yeah, why not!
Haha, fuck you! -kicks you-
I'm kidding, I'm kidding! If you have gta 5 for PS3, you can join too...more fun
well apparently not everyone agrees...
looks at DLB and TDM
My cousins showed me one with a car being driven on a road. You keep watching the car going through the green hills and all, with some cool music and JUMPSCARE. I was only 7 when this happened ;-;
Oh, he's talking about the necklace? Yeah, I'll tap that.
hahaha !! That's terrible xD
Sure. More people
Lol, you can easily find out by yourself.
-sits here with xbox in corner-
you thought i was defining Rachelle by using the term IT....really?
Ps3 is at my dad's and my dad broke my GTA5 disc in half ;-;
Can I join?
xD xbox sucks!
Sure, man!