xD there was this boy in my class and I would always take his phone so i could be on the forums. But I didn't have him in my class everyday so it kinda sucked.
Well you guys are doing it so why not. This is what the outside of my cave looks like.
its really wide. And that's not all of it. I just looked out of my window and took the pic.
Well you guys are doing it so why not. This is what the outside of my cave looks like.
its really wide. And that's not all of it. I just looked out of my window and took the pic.
Well you guys are doing it so why not. This is what the outside of my cave looks like.
its really wide. And that's not all of it. I just looked out of my window and took the pic.
Well you guys are doing it so why not. This is what the outside of my cave looks like.
its really wide. And that's not all of it. I just looked out of my window and took the pic.
That they're having technical difficulties or some shit.
That's happened to my twice this morning already...
yeah, fuck that.
You wont fit. ( Not calling you fat so don't get it twisted xD )
haha, mine to. I think ALL wifi in any school sucks.
A unused file of clem saying dammit!!: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Larze6Baw1
credit to: privatejoe
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic right now. Aren't you in school right now? xD
she's so cute... XD
That's all I do at school tbh
We'll be quiet...
Of course, I'm Batman.
I'm so boooooored. ;_;
Anyone wanna see Rafoli Nips ^
Your school also hands out laptops? We got macs, how about you?
xD there was this boy in my class and I would always take his phone so i could be on the forums. But I didn't have him in my class everyday so it kinda sucked.
Well you guys are doing it so why not. This is what the outside of my cave looks like.
its really wide. And that's not all of it.
I just looked out of my window and took the pic.
I like your cave.
Oh, so THAT'S AWESOMEO's true form.
PS3 and just add me, i'm the host 100% of the time xD I use the same name i use here, i just use it everywhere llol
(?) Rafoli always thought it was Toby. He will remember that.
Yeah, it's been happening to me.
Nice cave.
I thought Canada was heaven.
My lake keeps on going to the left, and then connect to two other lakes through a tunnel. I don remember the last time i was in it. O_O
lol, I have a BOAT!
depends where you live :P
That's awesome!
hehe thanks!
Yeah, since everyone's been doing it, I decided to post some pictures of my view and shit.
were do you live? if you don't mind me asking...