True, I'm a fair player as well, at least I try to be. I accidentally hit somebody when making a sharp turn and the end up wanting revenge and they ruin the whole race for me. My driving skills must suck. What also sucks is that I am at a disadvantage because I don't own any super cars or any expensive shit like that, therefore, whenever custom vehicles are enabled for races, I 9/10 lose most of them.
No need to worry, I'll be getting money soon. Hopefully.
Same way as Xbox pay $50 a year to get multiplayer access and you get free games every month. The PS4 has better Hardware than the Xbone so Games will look and run butter on the PS4.
True, I'm a fair player as well, at least I try to be. I accidentally hit somebody when making a sharp turn and the end up wanting revenge a… morend they ruin the whole race for me. My driving skills must suck. What also sucks is that I am at a disadvantage because I don't own any super cars or any expensive shit like that, therefore, whenever custom vehicles are enabled for races, I 9/10 lose most of them.
No need to worry, I'll be getting money soon. Hopefully.
Yes and No Sony is working on something called Playstation Now which allows you to Stream PS3 games to your PS4 but i think it might be Extra cost and its in Beta so its not officially out yet. And no you cant interact with PS3 players i think.
My mom tells me to go to sleep at 10:30, but I end up staying on here to about 11:30 or 12. I know I'm a badass right...
Maybe I can use… more the ps3 in my room tonight and play. IF my brother doesn't have a pissy fit about I. Damn, if iwas at my dads I could be on ALL NIGHT.
So I found out all the fan-fics moved except mine.... I don't exactly feel proud about that.....
Anyway I might show my face sometime today or tomorrow to join ya'll.
I wish I had a mic. I had a fucking awesome headset about a month ago. Fucking thing broke and now I have to buy a new one. I hate not being able to talk.
Same way as Xbox pay $50 a year to get multiplayer access and you get free games every month. The PS4 has better Hardware than the Xbone so Games will look and run butter on the PS4.
I wish I had a mic. I had a fucking awesome headset about a month ago. Fucking thing broke and now I have to buy a new one. I hate not being able to talk.
REALLY? Isn't it on the 15th?
True, I'm a fair player as well, at least I try to be. I accidentally hit somebody when making a sharp turn and the end up wanting revenge and they ruin the whole race for me. My driving skills must suck. What also sucks is that I am at a disadvantage because I don't own any super cars or any expensive shit like that, therefore, whenever custom vehicles are enabled for races, I 9/10 lose most of them.
No need to worry, I'll be getting money soon. Hopefully.
My mom tells me to go to sleep at 10:30, but I end up staying on here to about 11:30 or 12. I know I'm a badass right...
Maybe I can use the ps3 in my room tonight and play. IF my brother doesn't have a pissy fit about I.
Damn, if iwas at my dads I could be on ALL NIGHT.
Does the ps4 have backward compatibility and can you interact with ps3 players on it?
That's not that late. My mom usually goes to sleep at about 9.
Not me, I'm not a bad sport, but I still like to fuck around with people :P
I agree. I don't are for Xbox at all. If she does burn it, I hop she records that shit. I want to see it!
I know you know it's a joke
I did that shit to one guy because he had a faster car than me, then for the entire race all he tried to do was spin me into the fucking dirt. >:(
Not yet.... But you can talk to ps3 players.
That's my humble self.
Yes and No Sony is working on something called Playstation Now which allows you to Stream PS3 games to your PS4 but i think it might be Extra cost and its in Beta so its not officially out yet. And no you cant interact with PS3 players i think.
Count me in. I only have 120 bucks.
ill add you when I get the chance.
Hopefully you can.
Get the fuck out you serious you can talk with a ps3 playet with your ps4?
PasswordSuck sounded way different than I expected. DLB sounded like I imagined and so did TWDFan.
I'm getting a Wii U first. Then a PS4 when more games come out.
I wish I had a mic. I had a fucking awesome headset about a month ago. Fucking thing broke and now I have to buy a new one. I hate not being able to talk.
IVE NEVER HEARD TWDFAN ! I wana hear him... -_-
You bet! I beat the game. I got millions of dollars!
So can you talk to them or not? lol
Xbone and butter? BWAHAHAHA! XD
That's how I imagined him tho... Quiet and shy lol!
Do you have a mic?
Did you check if it had a warranty?
He sounds like Reggie
xD Yeah id expect him to sound like that.
I'm going to lecture in the best form possible. pc musta race.
A friend gave it to me.
I dont know i think maybe messaging but not voice talk TDM has the answers for that.
Yea I was talking. >:(
Goddammit, I'm losing all this shit because I don't have a GODDAMN CONSOLE
He isn't as high pitched as Reggie. He has a lower voice.
Lmfao Thank you Thank you im here every night.
wtf? I didn't hear anything?!? I heard no one talking. That's weird.