The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • REALLY? Isn't it on the 15th?

    Rigtail posted: »

    All this talk about GTA caused me to forget that Issue 128 of TWD released today.

  • True, I'm a fair player as well, at least I try to be. I accidentally hit somebody when making a sharp turn and the end up wanting revenge and they ruin the whole race for me. My driving skills must suck. What also sucks is that I am at a disadvantage because I don't own any super cars or any expensive shit like that, therefore, whenever custom vehicles are enabled for races, I 9/10 lose most of them.

    No need to worry, I'll be getting money soon. Hopefully.

    I try to play as fair as possible, but some turns and small spaces are inevitable

  • My mom tells me to go to sleep at 10:30, but I end up staying on here to about 11:30 or 12. I know I'm a badass right...

    Maybe I can use the ps3 in my room tonight and play. IF my brother doesn't have a pissy fit about I. :/ Damn, if iwas at my dads I could be on ALL NIGHT.

    Hopefully around 10 or 11 for i can join.

  • Does the ps4 have backward compatibility and can you interact with ps3 players on it?

    Same way as Xbox pay $50 a year to get multiplayer access and you get free games every month. The PS4 has better Hardware than the Xbone so Games will look and run butter on the PS4.

  • That's not that late. My mom usually goes to sleep at about 9.

    No idea, as soon as i get back from helping my father renovate the neighbour's house :P so maybe around 5pm or something

  • Not me, I'm not a bad sport, but I still like to fuck around with people :P

    Rigtail posted: »

    Were you there when I was on? I'm not sure who you were. Wait a minute, were you that fucker who kept trying to kill us on Trevor's Airfield?

  • edited June 2014

    I agree. I don't are for Xbox at all. If she does burn it, I hop she records that shit. I want to see it! :3

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm buying it soon, I say you should burn your xbox and join to us ps lovers. I hope I'm not going to get some lectures for this opinion -_-

  • I know you know it's a joke :p

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I know :P

  • I did that shit to one guy because he had a faster car than me, then for the entire race all he tried to do was spin me into the fucking dirt. >:(

    Rigtail posted: »

    True, I'm a fair player as well, at least I try to be. I accidentally hit somebody when making a sharp turn and the end up wanting revenge a

  • Not yet.... But you can talk to ps3 players.

    Does the ps4 have backward compatibility and can you interact with ps3 players on it?

  • That's my humble self.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Oh, so THAT'S AWESOMEO's true form.

  • Yes and No Sony is working on something called Playstation Now which allows you to Stream PS3 games to your PS4 but i think it might be Extra cost and its in Beta so its not officially out yet. And no you cant interact with PS3 players i think.

    Does the ps4 have backward compatibility and can you interact with ps3 players on it?

  • PS3.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Xbox or Play station?

  • Count me in. I only have 120 bucks.

    We'll do some missions and other stuff and thangs to earn you guys more money :P I'm always happy to help

  • ill add you when I get the chance.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Can I join? Add me and we'll play when we get the chance, my name's "golani511"

  • Hopefully you can.

    My mom tells me to go to sleep at 10:30, but I end up staying on here to about 11:30 or 12. I know I'm a badass right... Maybe I can use

  • Get the fuck out you serious you can talk with a ps3 playet with your ps4?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Not yet.... But you can talk to ps3 players.

  • PasswordSuck sounded way different than I expected. DLB sounded like I imagined and so did TWDFan.

  • I'm getting a Wii U first. Then a PS4 when more games come out.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm buying it soon, I say you should burn your xbox and join to us ps lovers. I hope I'm not going to get some lectures for this opinion -_-


    So I found out all the fan-fics moved except mine.... I don't exactly feel proud about that..... Anyway I might show my face sometime today or tomorrow to join ya'll.

  • I wish I had a mic. I had a fucking awesome headset about a month ago. Fucking thing broke and now I have to buy a new one. I hate not being able to talk.

    JonGon posted: »

    PasswordSuck sounded way different than I expected. DLB sounded like I imagined and so did TWDFan.

  • IVE NEVER HEARD TWDFAN ! I wana hear him... -_-

    JonGon posted: »

    PasswordSuck sounded way different than I expected. DLB sounded like I imagined and so did TWDFan.

  • You bet! I beat the game. I got millions of dollars!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I only have over $400k, but I've seen people with millions and it makes me feel like a filthy poor faggot too

  • So can you talk to them or not? lol

    Get the fuck out you serious you can talk with a ps3 playet with your ps4?

  • Yep.

    Get the fuck out you serious you can talk with a ps3 playet with your ps4?

  • edited June 2014

    Xbone and butter? BWAHAHAHA! XD

    Same way as Xbox pay $50 a year to get multiplayer access and you get free games every month. The PS4 has better Hardware than the Xbone so Games will look and run butter on the PS4.

  • That's how I imagined him tho... Quiet and shy lol!

    IVE NEVER HEARD TWDFAN ! I wana hear him... -_-

  • Do you have a mic?

    JonGon posted: »


  • Did you check if it had a warranty?

    Rigtail posted: »

    I wish I had a mic. I had a fucking awesome headset about a month ago. Fucking thing broke and now I have to buy a new one. I hate not being able to talk.

  • He sounds like Reggie

    IVE NEVER HEARD TWDFAN ! I wana hear him... -_-

  • xD Yeah id expect him to sound like that.

    JonGon posted: »

    That's how I imagined him tho... Quiet and shy lol!

  • I'm going to lecture in the best form possible. pc musta race.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm buying it soon, I say you should burn your xbox and join to us ps lovers. I hope I'm not going to get some lectures for this opinion -_-


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    He sounds like Reggie

  • A friend gave it to me.

    JonGon posted: »

    Did you check if it had a warranty?

  • I dont know i think maybe messaging but not voice talk TDM has the answers for that.

    So can you talk to them or not? lol

  • Yea I was talking. >:(

    Do you have a mic?

  • Goddammit, I'm losing all this shit because I don't have a GODDAMN CONSOLE

    Alt text

    JonGon posted: »

    PasswordSuck sounded way different than I expected. DLB sounded like I imagined and so did TWDFan.

  • He isn't as high pitched as Reggie. He has a lower voice.


  • Lmfao Thank you Thank you im here every night. :D

    Xbone and butter? BWAHAHAHA! XD

  • wtf? I didn't hear anything?!? I heard no one talking. That's weird.

    JonGon posted: »

    Yea I was talking. >:(

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