The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'm talking to you! :D

    Deceptio posted: »

    Yo what's up

  • Exactly! Good job Sardines.

    sardines posted: »

    Minecraft, Terraria, Left 4 Dead 2 :P ??

  • Carmelo sucks! Just kidding! Best shooter in the league.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Someone please talk to me. I'm so fucking bored.

  • How was your day?

    I'm talking to you!

  • I do, only because I want to play with people on both platforms :/

    Deceptio posted: »

    You don't wish you had an Xbox.

  • You better be kidding!

    Carmelo sucks! Just kidding! Best shooter in the league.

  • We should get the xbone and ps4 so next time we can play with everybody.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I do, only because I want to play with people on both platforms

  • He can't even beat Zach Randolph in a 3pt contest! XD

    Deceptio posted: »

    You better be kidding!

  • Did absolutely nothing but talk to you guy. That's what I've been doing for the last 2 weeks. And it rained out side. Good thing my hair didn't get wet. Its not like I went outside any way... :p

    Deceptio posted: »

    How was your day?

  • Oh. But I honestly hate it when people say "PS3 IS BETTER XBOX SUCKS" and vice versa. I don't see the difference. Just different controllers and that you have to pay on Xbox.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I do, only because I want to play with people on both platforms

  • I can't afford an Xbox One or a PS4 :(

    We should get the xbone and ps4 so next time we can play with everybody.

  • Haha! Okay, I'll take your word for it :P

    Well back then, I was really desperate to have a PS3, so my bro-in-law gave me one with a messed up hardrive and a missing cover. He said all I had to do was take it to someone to fix it. But I was too lazy and broke, lol. So, about 6 months later, my mom bought me one for Christmas...except that it was still Thanksgiving xD

    Lol, its ok. He DOES suck. Like, major cojones. Lets just hope I can play. How did you break your other one?!

  • What's up Deceptio? Doing good?

    Deceptio posted: »

    Someone please talk to me. I'm so fucking bored.

  • Wow, isn't that odd? It rained for me too! And lucky you, because I've barely been able to be get on here because of recent business of school. Fuck that place. The only reason why I've been on here all day was because I stayed home. :P

    Did absolutely nothing but talk to you guy. That's what I've been doing for the last 2 weeks. And it rained out side. Good thing my hair didn't get wet. Its not like I went outside any way...

  • Shut your mouth while you can, Cluke.

    He can't even beat Zach Randolph in a 3pt contest! XD

  • Nope. Been stressing out because school decided to pile stacks of work during the final 2 weeks. Because that makes so much fucking sense.

    Rafoli posted: »

    What's up Deceptio? Doing good?

  • I will get a PS4 in about 2 years when there's a price drop/slim version and more games.

    We should get the xbone and ps4 so next time we can play with everybody.

  • Yo anyone wanna hmu on SnapChat or ooVoo?

  • Yeah, I just want to have fun, really, lol. But the thing that drove me to obsess over a PS3 was the fact that I have to pay for online on Xbox.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Oh. But I honestly hate it when people say "PS3 IS BETTER XBOX SUCKS" and vice versa. I don't see the difference. Just different controllers and that you have to pay on Xbox.

  • xD my school ended about a week ago. I stayed home for some of the last days of school also. I just couldn't take it! Most of those days I slept cuz my brother wasn't waking me up. >:| But I'm here now!

    Deceptio posted: »

    Wow, isn't that odd? It rained for me too! And lucky you, because I've barely been able to be get on here because of recent business of school. Fuck that place. The only reason why I've been on here all day was because I stayed home. :P

  • O_O haha. I got no room to talk shit. I'm a freaking Memphis Grizzlies fan even though I live in Iowa. I have been to one of there home games though.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Shut your mouth while you can, Cluke.

  • My brother does, but I don't even know how to use it. Lol.

    Who has a 360? Everyone has PS3, I barely play the 360 but if people want to play I don't mind. My live expires on the 22nd anyway, so I could play with a few of you for a bit.


    Alt text

    xD my school ended about a week ago. I stayed home for some of the last days of school also. I just couldn't take it! Most of those days I slept cuz my brother wasn't waking me up. >:| But I'm here now!

  • xD OMG That thing probably looked so ratchet without the cover.

    Well your lucky you got another one. My mom said she wasn't going to get me my own for my birthday. So I was really pissed. I had a good reason to get my own but she said no so I was really assy to her and didn't talk to her. Come to find out she did get me my own so I felt like a real douche canoe for acting the way I did.. OH WELL I STILL GOT ONE! :P

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Haha! Okay, I'll take your word for it :P Well back then, I was really desperate to have a PS3, so my bro-in-law gave me one with a messe

  • Good move. And that's interesting, and I wish I can go to a basketball game one day. :)

    O_O haha. I got no room to talk shit. I'm a freaking Memphis Grizzlies fan even though I live in Iowa. I have been to one of there home games though.

  • Okay errybodys like "This thread is bad b/c they don't even talk about The Walking Dead!" and that is 97.69% true but I do actually want to know something TWD related. What did you guys choose in your main play through? (This is gonna be long but if you answer it all then your awesome)

    Did you leave during the day, or did you wait until it was dark?

    Did you lie to Hershel, or did you tell him the truth?

    Did you save Duck, or did you save Shawn?

    Did you give Irene the gun, or did you refuse to give it to her?

    Did you save Doug, or did you save Carley?

    Did David come back to the Motel, or did Travis come back to the Motel?

    Who did you give food to, and what food did you give them?

    Did you give Mark the ax, or did you give Larry the ax?

    Did you kill Jolene, or did you wait?

    Did you stop Clementine from eating the meat, or did you fail to stop her?

    Did you help Kenny kill Larry in the meat locker, or did you help resuscitate him?

    What weapon did you choose- scythe, pitchfork, or stun gun?

    Did you kill Danny, or did you spare him?

    Did you kill Andy, or did you spare him?

    Did you loot the car, or refuse to loot it?

    Did you shoot Beatrice, or did you leave her to the walkers?

    If you had a Carley play through, did you tell the others your secret? If so, who did you tell and were you blunt or careful with your response?

    Did you leave Lily, or did you bring her with you?

    Did you use words to make Kenny stop the train, or did you use your fists?

    Did you kill Duck, did Kenny kill Duck, or did you leave Duck to reanimate?

    Did you try to help Omid get on the train, or did you try to help Christa?

    Did you kill Fivel, did Kenny kill Fivel, or did you leave Christa to kill him?

    Did you threaten Vernon, or did you talk him down?

    Did you take Clem with you to Crawford, or did you leave her back at the house?

    Did you let Ben fall, or did you pull him up?

    Did you reveal your bite, or did you keep it a secret?

    Did you ask anyone to help you find Clementine, and if so, who?

    Did you have Lee's arm cut off, or did you leave it?

    Did you lose your temper with Kenny in the attic, or did you keep your cool?

    Did you give the Stranger your weapons?

    Did you kill the Stranger, or did Clem kill him?

    What did you tell Clem to do in your final moments?

    Did you tell Clem to shoot you, or to let you reanimate?

  • Damn man, I feel you. This has to be the worst week I've ever had in 3 months. I hate my school. They put a geometry test on saturday and a portuguese test on friday. I'm so fucked.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Nope. Been stressing out because school decided to pile stacks of work during the final 2 weeks. Because that makes so much fucking sense.

  • Post your Steam account here, we have a Steam group where we can chat and play together. Most of the people have these games.

    sardines posted: »

    Oh, and Gmod.

  • I may play it.

    Twistee posted: »

    Will you guys be playing GTA tomorrow? Can't make it tonight.

  • I'll answer the first one. Left in the day for two reasons. Why the hell would you travel at night during an outbreak?!? Plus I didn't want Clem to get scared because of the dark.

    Okay errybodys like "This thread is bad b/c they don't even talk about The Walking Dead!" and that is 97.69% true but I do actually want to

  • *Pakistan

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I don't have an Indian accent, lol.

  • Sorry to hear that.

    Try not to die from boredom!

    Deceptio posted: »


  • Wow, that's probably something I'd do, so it's okay, lol

    Alt text

    ~That's the broken phat one.

    Alt text

    ~And here's my baby ^-^

    xD OMG That thing probably looked so ratchet without the cover. Well your lucky you got another one. My mom said she wasn't going to get

  • Ha! Got out May 29th :D

    Deceptio posted: »


  • O.O

    Okay errybodys like "This thread is bad b/c they don't even talk about The Walking Dead!" and that is 97.69% true but I do actually want to

  • I feel you, I get off on June 20th.

    Deceptio posted: »


  • edited June 2014

    They're making a Dumb and Dumber To. That's not a typo, Its really called Dumb and Dumber To.

    Here's the trailer:

    I'm SOO watching this shit!!

  • You have a 360?

    Deceptio posted: »

    I can't afford an Xbox One or a PS4

  • Oops, my bad. But i still don't have that accent, lol.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • Yeah, right now Ps4 has no games that interest me. In the end, PS4 will probably have the better games in the long run. The only reason I want the Xbone now is for Halo 2 anniversary, lol. I was going to wait for a slim version, but Idk.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I will get a PS4 in about 2 years when there's a price drop/slim version and more games.

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