"Mikey and some other boys went to a girl's house after class, and that she showed them her breasts. He says it was cool and all but he kind of had a crush on her, but after this he's not sure."
They need to do a different place. Like Canada or London. We had liberty city twice and San Andreas. Vice city was kinda small, I doubt they would go back there, unless they make the place bigger. They just need to make the game somewhere else though.
uuughhh, tell me about it. I just want to play the damn game, lol. "Introducing GTA 6, available on October 14th, 2017 for PS4, PS5, and Xbox One and Two. Rated M for mature."
Nope. :c But that's okay, I'll just stay here with the guys that can't play as well. I'd ask my brother to teach me, but I don't think he has the games you guys play.
They need to do a different place. Like Canada or London. We had liberty city twice and San Andreas. Vice city was kinda small, I doubt they… more would go back there, unless they make the place bigger. They just need to make the game somewhere else though.
97.69%? Seems legit.
Clem, Duck (only because Kenny made me), Kenny and Mark (w… moreaste of food since he died like an hour later).
Stopped her.
Tried to save him.
Left him 4 dead.
Left him 4 dead.
Shot her.
Told everyone about my past ("It wasn't for touching kids right?" XD).
Left that bitch.
Whooped his ass.
I let Kenny do it, because I thought it'd close a circle (I was dumb).
Helped Omid.
Killed him.
Talked to him.
Took Clem.
Pulled him up.
Revealed it.
Everyone, Kenny didn't come because he was butthurt about me telling him to finish off Duck
Ruined that dude's face.
Kept the cleaver I think.
Killed him myself.
Not sure... I think it was "keep your hair short".
Told Clem to kill Lee.
wipes sweat
Tackles ATR
But anyways I'll tell you my choices.
Did you leave during the day, or did you wait un… moretil it was dark? Leave when it was dark
Did you lie to Hershel, or did you tell him the truth? Lie
Did you save Duck, or did you save Shawn? Duck
Did you give Irene the gun, or did you refuse to give it to her? Refuse
Did you save Doug, or did you save Carley? Carley
Did David come back to the Motel, or did Travis come back to the Motel? David
Who did you give food to, and what food did you give them? I gave Clem the apple, and it turned out to be her favorite fruit. I gave Kenny the beef jerky, because rednecks eat beef jerky, right? And I gave the cheese and crackers to Ben and Duck, because they are kids. Kids love cheese & crackers
Did you give Mark the ax, or did you give Larry the ax? Mark, obviously
Did you kill Jolene, or did you wait? Wait
Did you stop Clementine fr… [view original content]
* Left during the day
* Lied (At the time, I didn't know what he would've done, so I played it safe)
* Shawn
* I gave it to her (Why shou… moreld I hold somebody back on their own personal decision? As long as it doesn't affect us, we're fine)
* I saved Carley
* David
* I don't remember which food I gave to who, but I did end up feeding Clem, Duck, Kenny and Mark. I think. Actually scratch that, I don't remember that either.
* Mark (I loved seeing Larry get irritated XD)
* I let her speak
* I stopped her
* I helped Lilly
* I thought it was called a Sickle, anyways I chose that.
* I killed Danny
* I spared Andy
* I loot it (We NEEDED the food, and an opinion of a little girl doesn't outweigh something that humans need to survive)
* I left her (But god that fucking screaming was annoying as shit)
* I told everybody Lee's secret, I was very direct about it. (At least with some people, others I was a little vague)
* I left Lilly (She f… [view original content]
I chose 9 differently, not including the "no answer" ones. The bringing back David or Travis choice happens in the very beginning of episode 2, when Mark and Lee are hunting.
But really, you gotta play it. What are you waiting for? DROP EVERYTHING AND MARATHON IT!
I didn't really play season 1 but I will say what I would have done.
Did you leave during the day, or did you wait until it was dark? Le… moreft during the day
Did you lie to Hershel, or did you tell him the truth? truth
Did you save Duck, or did you save Shawn? Duck
Did you give Irene the gun, or did you refuse to give it to her? refuse
Did you save Doug, or did you save Carley? Carley
Did David come back to the Motel, or did Travis come back to the Motel? (don't remember this happening)
Who did you give food to, and what food did you give them? clem(apples) duck(the cheese things) Larry(jerky) I would eat some
Did you give Mark the ax, or did you give Larry the ax? Mark
Did you kill Jolene, or did you wait? killed her
Did you stop Clementine from eating the meat, or did you fail to stop her? Id more than likely stop her
Did you help Kenny kill Larry in the meat locker, or did you help resuscitate him? Id try … [view original content]
Alright people of the Forum of the Dead, i'm hosting another session party on GTAV tonight on PS3, I'm just waiting for people to join. The more the merrier
Alright people of the Forum of the Dead, i'm hosting another session party on GTAV tonight on PS3, I'm just waiting for people to join. The more the merrier
Alright people of the Forum of the Dead, i'm hosting another session party on GTAV tonight on PS3, I'm just waiting for people to join. The more the merrier
We're not allowed...
don't tell me don't tell me... its collecting puffy stickers isn't it. -_-
I hope Magna doesn't fuck things up for Rick similar to how Michonne did for Philip in the TV Series.
"Mikey and some other boys went to a girl's house after class, and that she showed them her breasts. He says it was cool and all but he kind of had a crush on her, but after this he's not sure."
They need to do a different place. Like Canada or London. We had liberty city twice and San Andreas. Vice city was kinda small, I doubt they would go back there, unless they make the place bigger. They just need to make the game somewhere else though.
Heh, ah well that's okay. Don't worry about it. B]
I can guarantee that they'd make Vice City bigger. Then after that some place different like you said.
K. Tell me exactly when your going on.
Post a new comment don't reply to this one so the other can see.
I didn't like the other one that much.
And why the hell did people dislike your comment?
Lol, I'm not!
You guys aren't missing anything, I'd just be a quiet person doing dumb things.
K guys ima be off for a bit because im going to go read the latest comic. BRB, I read fast anyways.
Im bored out of my fucking mind so anyone remember this...
Thank you TDM
All of mine were the same except for 15 choices.
Thanks Rigs!
I did 10 choices differently.
I gave him some good arguments and he gave up, don't worry
I chose 9 differently, not including the "no answer" ones. The bringing back David or Travis choice happens in the very beginning of episode 2, when Mark and Lee are hunting.
But really, you gotta play it. What are you waiting for? DROP EVERYTHING AND MARATHON IT!
I do.
I miss this show.
Remember the huge jawbreaker they would always buy?
Alright people of the Forum of the Dead, i'm hosting another session party on GTAV tonight on PS3, I'm just waiting for people to join. The more the merrier
dafaq is E3 ?
Wait I thought you meant episode 3. If it's the thingy were upcoming games are revealed, then not really.
aaww fuck. This new chick is going to mess shit up for everyone.
And then rick not letting carl do anything except make little unicorns Is going to bite him in the ass.
Well...do you have a PS3 ? I could make a chat party for those who don't own GTAV, so you don't feel completely left out
Does anyone remember those three sisters that had a crush on them and would bother them? I think they lived in a trailer park or something.
My favorite character.
He was my friend too. :,(
Awesome, I'll join once I get the invite.
That's why you don't do drugs kids! The SWAT will be coming for yo ass.
Kool Kidz Table: Day 2
Yep, jawbreakers bigger than their stomachs
The Kankers! xD
SweetPea, stop running into the wall!
Nah, i'll probably make one for everyone to join, since not everyone as a mic and it's easier on me. Also communication is quite important for me :P