The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Should I answer what I really did in my first playthrough if my first playthrough wasn't blind, so I just picked things for the hell of it? Or answer what I picked in my 'true' playthrough (what I would really pick)? Lol. This is late anyway :P

    Okay errybodys like "This thread is bad b/c they don't even talk about The Walking Dead!" and that is 97.69% true but I do actually want to

  • Don't hate me 'cause you ain't me

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Da fuq.......

  • edited June 2014


    I want to get in on this too....

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2014


    First community member ever to spontaneously address me in Finnish today. Had me confused until I remembered my user name's origin story. ;)

    God, I knew a Finnish girl once, Kirsi. Sooo sweet. But she was with that damn Luxemburger who promptly ditched her while she wrote her master thesis, all because she didn't want kids that fast. Aaaaand back she went to Finland after eight years. Should have made a pass... juuuust a single pass.

  • Can non-forum members submit themselves? :P I'm assuming not, since its FORUM of the Dead... lol. My older brother's submitted himself to a lot of fics already, but I told him he needs to sign up before he can submit himself to this one... :P Since it's Forum of the Dead, not Random People of the Dead. He's lazy, though.

    Just started the search for the Ch.3 people. Let's see how it goes, since people can't see it on the front page...

  • Paraná

    Which state are you from? If you don't mind me asking, of course.

  • Oh my God....... Rachel, this gif is awful D:


  • Are you sure it's fake?

    its not real its a fake belly! you think id post it if it were real?!!?

  • its not real its a fake belly! you think id post it if it were real?!!?

    Oh my God....... Rachel, this gif is awful

  • Get on my level

    Alt text

    I want to get in on this too....

  • Are you sure it's fake?

    its not real its a fake belly! you think id post it if it were real?!!?

  • why don't you?? :p

    Alt text

    Get on my level

  • yeah. You can see a part were she leans and the belly is flat. Its fake.

    Are you sure it's fake?

  • Guys, learn to RELOAD.

    It tends to bring up lost posts. ;)

  • true playthrough!

    sardines posted: »

    Should I answer what I really did in my first playthrough if my first playthrough wasn't blind, so I just picked things for the hell of it? Or answer what I picked in my 'true' playthrough (what I would really pick)? Lol. This is late anyway :P

  • Okay, I believe you. Gosh.... that really freaked me out. o_o

    yeah. You can see a part were she leans and the belly is flat. Its fake.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Time to avoid this place like the plague. I've got to study for a math exam, and if I don't pass it... well let's not think about.

    Alt text

  • Poor hypotenuse...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Time to avoid this place like the plague. I've got to study for a math exam, and if I don't pass it... well let's not think about.

  • a2+ b2=c2

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Time to avoid this place like the plague. I've got to study for a math exam, and if I don't pass it... well let's not think about.

  • edited June 2014

    I ACCUALLY know how to do this. xD

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Time to avoid this place like the plague. I've got to study for a math exam, and if I don't pass it... well let's not think about.

  • God dammit GOUSTTT.... Now I'm hungry!

  • Does anyone else get replies that never show up on your feed then you realize it hours later and feel like a dick? :\

  • Hmm, sure I guess, haha. People won't know who he is though, it'll be like "Random guy #1" or something, lol.

    sardines posted: »

    Can non-forum members submit themselves? :P I'm assuming not, since its FORUM of the Dead... lol. My older brother's submitted himself to a

  • Yes! I thought I was the only one that happened to.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Does anyone else get replies that never show up on your feed then you realize it hours later and feel like a dick?

  • Pythagorean theorem is the easiest thing ever.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Time to avoid this place like the plague. I've got to study for a math exam, and if I don't pass it... well let's not think about.

  • Yea a lot of replies dont show up on my feed so if i dont respond my bad but its like nobody wants to talk to me anyways.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Does anyone else get replies that never show up on your feed then you realize it hours later and feel like a dick?

  • Me. But most of the time I don't get a reply.

    Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Does anyone else get replies that never show up on your feed then you realize it hours later and feel like a dick?

  • what is on my mind? This damn contest I entered my Dog in , She was winning easy and now some guy has taken the lead . If she wins she will get a magazine cover . I tried to post before but it was deleted . Am I not allowed to post URL's in here? Anyways if you can please help me it's long island pet lover is the name of the site . Pet of the month contest and my Dog is Brooke Lynne just 1 click to vote thank you guys!!

  • It's really annoying me.

    Yes! I thought I was the only one that happened to.

  • edited June 2014


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Does anyone else get replies that never show up on your feed then you realize it hours later and feel like a dick?

  • "The girl on fire!"

    Get on my level

  • The whole forum has been buggy for me lately. My comments won't post, and when they do sometimes I post things twice by accident, replies don't show up in my feed, sometimes the forum itself will just crash, like "Oh Crumbs..." like stfu I don't want your crumbs I want the forums, ASSHOLE.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    It's really annoying me.

  • I'm sorry :(

    Yea a lot of replies dont show up on my feed so if i dont respond my bad but its like nobody wants to talk to me anyways.

  • edited June 2014

    Okay, so in my actual playthrough, I'd already seen someone play episodes 1-4 by the time I bought it... so I chose things entirely based on 'lol what will this do??' (I sided with Kenny every time in fact, and got the Bro Speech. :P) But here is a more 'true' answer on what I would have chosen...

    Did you leave during the day, or did you wait until it was dark? During the day, of course. Waiting til dark sounds more dangerous... not to mention scary. :P

    Did you lie to Hershel, or did you tell him the truth? Tell him the truth. No point in lying to the man.

    Did you save Duck, or did you save Shawn? Duck, he's a child. I can't just watch a child die. Sorry Shawn.

    Did you give Irene the gun, or did you refuse to give it to her? I would give it to her. She deserves to go out the way she chooses, and to prevent herself from becoming a monster.

    Did you save Doug, or did you save Carley? I would have chosen Doug had my playthrough been blind, I really liked him even just as of Episode 1 :P

    Did David come back to the Motel, or did Travis come back to the Motel? David

    Who did you give food to, and what food did you give them? Apple to Clem, crackers and cheese to duck, beef jerky to Kenny, and crackers and cheese to Mark

    Did you give Mark the ax, or did you give Larry the ax? Mark

    Did you kill Jolene, or did you wait? Wait

    Did you stop Clementine from eating the meat, or did you fail to stop her? Stopped her!

    Did you help Kenny kill Larry in the meat locker, or did you help resuscitate him? In my first playthough I made sure he didn't turn... and I might actually have done it in a blind playthrough, too. Oops. Can't risk Clem getting hurt or bitten.

    What weapon did you choose- scythe, pitchfork, or stun gun? Stun gun

    Did you kill Danny, or did you spare him? Spared him, even in my 'real' first playthrough

    Did you kill Andy, or did you spare him? Same, spared him and would have chosen to anyway

    Did you loot the car, or refuse to loot it? I looted it in my game but probably would have chosen to refuse, and listen to Clem. I mean, it was obvious they were taking it anyway, so it'd be more for her benefit than mine :P

    Did you shoot Beatrice, or did you leave her to the walkers? Leave her. Sorry.

    If you had a Carley play through, did you tell the others your secret? If so, who did you tell and were you blunt or careful with your response? I would have chosen Doug, but in my actual Carley playthrough I told everyone. Including Lilly. Was as blunt as I could be about it without making anyone hate me,

    Did you leave Lily, or did you bring her with you? Left her, would have left her. Can't have someone like that around Clem ): Sorry Lilly.

    Did you use words to make Kenny stop the train, or did you use your fists? Words, and would have used words

    Did you kill Duck, did Kenny kill Duck, or did you leave Duck to reanimate? I killed Duck.

    Did you try to help Omid get on the train, or did you try to help Christa? Omid, he was hurt.

    Did you kill Fivel, did Kenny kill Fivel, or did you leave Christa to kill him? I killed Fivel.

    Did you threaten Vernon, or did you talk him down? Talked him down

    Did you take Clem with you to Crawford, or did you leave her back at the house? Would have reluctantly let her go. Very dangerous, but I can't let her down either ):

    Did you let Ben fall, or did you pull him up? I would have pulled him up. No matter how much of a liability he is, I can't just have someone's life in my hands and then let them die. I couldn't do it.

    Did you reveal your bite, or did you keep it a secret? Reveal

    Did you ask anyone to help you find Clementine, and if so, who? Everyone (who was alive, since in my first game Ben was dead) went

    From here on out, it was blind! :D

    Did you have Lee's arm cut off, or did you leave it? Fuck it, cut it off.

    Did you lose your temper with Kenny in the attic, or did you keep your cool? Lost my temper ): Regretted it. Sorry Kenny.

    Did you give the Stranger your weapons? Yes.

    Did you kill the Stranger, or did Clem kill him? Clem killed him.

    What did you tell Clem to do in your final moments? Find Omid and Christa / keep that hair short / don't be afraid.

    Did you tell Clem to shoot you, or to let you reanimate? Shoot me. I regret it, though. Wish I'd just let her leave me. ): I feel bad for making her do that...

    Okay errybodys like "This thread is bad b/c they don't even talk about The Walking Dead!" and that is 97.69% true but I do actually want to

  • Oh God, those Forum crashes happen like everyday. >:(

    The whole forum has been buggy for me lately. My comments won't post, and when they do sometimes I post things twice by accident, replies do

  • It seems the dark days are not completely gone.

    The whole forum has been buggy for me lately. My comments won't post, and when they do sometimes I post things twice by accident, replies do

  • I DIDN'T SEE THIS REPLY ON MY FEED. Lol, this happens to all of us I think. Ever since the site update, things have gotten very annoying around here.

    The whole forum has been buggy for me lately. My comments won't post, and when they do sometimes I post things twice by accident, replies do

  • edited June 2014

    ? dafaq. I don't mind talking to you. I get the feeling no one want to talk to me all the time. v_v

    Yea a lot of replies dont show up on my feed so if i dont respond my bad but its like nobody wants to talk to me anyways.

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