Oh, wait, DON'T!
I will be having a hard time imagining you as somebody else, i've literally thought of your avatar every time your name popped up.
And even if you were, you're righteous to do so now that I understand your life story.
It's been proved that the most appreciated trait by others is forgiveness, and i do my calculations, you didn't hurt me and we're always a blast to talk with, so even if I was hurt I wold forgive that.
I may not believe in god or Christianity, but I think forgiveness is something all people should adopt to their behavior to some extent.
That's good...
Thanks. For not hating me and all that. And for taking in my bitchiness, because i've been a bit like a bitch to you, haven't i?
Or maybe i just wasn't cheerful, i dunno...
Do you look anything like your profile picture? B/c that's how I imagine you, and I was quite disappointed when I found out that Pro wasn't a 37 year-old black man.
If only my ass was tanned XD. (dunno if I wrote that correctly, but fuck english) And no, I know I shouldn't have told you about the disease. What comforts me is that you're happy to know about it, it makes me happy. I could cry right here, but I won't, because I know there's no reason for that, since you're cool. I think...
I just gotta say this has been the worst week I've had this year. Had to stay awake at dawn because I almost suffocated again, beat up my friend (he deserved it), my dad was an asshole to the whole family, and now this... I'm glad you teached me how to feel without feeling a really hard pain. I should go back to my studies.
It wasn't your fault, Raf. I just... I LITERALLY just wanted to know what Bipolar Disorder is all about. I'm a curious person. You know that… more. And when i saw it... I cried. I cried not because it makes me sad, because i finally know what is up with me. I can see in the dark. So don't feel bad, because imma take a plane ticket to Hueland and freaking kick your tanned Brazilian ass, you hear?
Do you look anything like your profile picture? B/c that's how I imagine you, and I was quite disappointed when I found out that Pro wasn't a 37 year-old black man.
Do you look anything like your profile picture? B/c that's how I imagine you, and I was quite disappointed when I found out that Pro wasn't a 37 year-old black man.
That is a long story. But you told it well. It reminds me of a line, "Ain't no saints in all of this." And it's the most true thing I've ever heard. No one's ever ever completely good, but no one's ever completely bad either. People just don't always show who they are. I hope it all works out for you.
This is a long-ass comment, and it’s personal and shit, so don’t bother if you’re not going to pay attention, i just want this out there. Al… moreright, so, what i’m ‘bout to say is VERY personal and i guess dark? I dunno, but... I want people to know. I just do. You can judge me all you want, i can take it. I. Just. Need. You. To know.
So i’ve been thinking a lot. About me (because you’re a self-centred b-word /0/) and my life. About my problems. And, yeah, it’s kind of bad.
It started on my way home, this week, i think it was Thursday. And... There were these beggars that passed through cars. Just demanding that they get food and money and all that. I may sound like and arsehole, but... I suddenly felt this overwhelming burst of hatred towards them. I literally felt my eyes burn with it. I was so angry at them, i wanted to...
What marked me about them was their... Passiveness. They don’t fight. They’re not survivors. They’re weak, and th… [view original content]
I wanna know how they expect to have enough money for Lebron, Wade, Bosh, and Melo, because that's a lot of fucking money.
And let's be honest here. Could Carmelo actually coexist with Lebron? I don't think so.
yes! (This is really creepy because in the Forum of the Dead you are TWDFan's younger brother and from what I could tell in that picture you do look like you could be his younger brother).
If only my ass was tanned XD. (dunno if I wrote that correctly, but fuck english) And no, I know I shouldn't have told you about the disease… more. What comforts me is that you're happy to know about it, it makes me happy. I could cry right here, but I won't, because I know there's no reason for that, since you're cool. I think...
I just gotta say this has been the worst week I've had this year. Had to stay awake at dawn because I almost suffocated again, beat up my friend (he deserved it), my dad was an asshole to the whole family, and now this... I'm glad you teached me how to feel without feeling a really hard pain. I should go back to my studies.
Well, a lot of other people here want me to post a picture of myself, I don't know what to do!
I know it's a movie.....But, why here? xD
When? I don't remember.
And even if you were, you're righteous to do so now that I understand your life story.
It's been proved that the most appreciated trait by others is forgiveness, and i do my calculations, you didn't hurt me and we're always a blast to talk with, so even if I was hurt I wold forgive that.
I may not believe in god or Christianity, but I think forgiveness is something all people should adopt to their behavior to some extent.
Do you look anything like your profile picture? B/c that's how I imagine you, and I was quite disappointed when I found out that Pro wasn't a 37 year-old black man.
Unrelted: What are your thoughts on talk about Miami wanting to get Carmelo?
If only my ass was tanned XD. (dunno if I wrote that correctly, but fuck english) And no, I know I shouldn't have told you about the disease. What comforts me is that you're happy to know about it, it makes me happy. I could cry right here, but I won't, because I know there's no reason for that, since you're cool. I think...
I just gotta say this has been the worst week I've had this year. Had to stay awake at dawn because I almost suffocated again, beat up my friend (he deserved it), my dad was an asshole to the whole family, and now this... I'm glad you teached me how to feel without feeling a really hard pain. I should go back to my studies.
That's really not the time.
Haven't heard of those news yet, but if that's the case...
Fuck Miami. I'm glad they're down 3-1!
No, not at all. I'm not urban haha. But here's the link if you wanna see!
Leave. Now.
I wanna know how they expect to have enough money for Lebron, Wade, Bosh, and Melo, because that's a lot of fucking money.
And let's be honest here. Could Carmelo actually coexist with Lebron? I don't think so.
You live in a cave? (And when I say cave, not the kind that the wild ATR lives in). The pic is so dark!
I should be studying right now. But I'm sitting here, feeling.
Sadly, I look nothing like "judging you Snow White" or "wide eyed Omid".
You are absolutely right.
I know, it's dark around here. I live in a fucking jungle! I can post outside of my house if you want me to
I'm sorry, I just have a deep hatred for Miami.
That is a long story. But you told it well. It reminds me of a line, "Ain't no saints in all of this." And it's the most true thing I've ever heard. No one's ever ever completely good, but no one's ever completely bad either. People just don't always show who they are. I hope it all works out for you.
I don't think so either. Everyone saying he's going to the Lakers too, but I don't think he'll work well with Kobe at all.
I think i do...
Why don't you post a picture of yourself too?
yes! (This is really creepy because in the Forum of the Dead you are TWDFan's younger brother and from what I could tell in that picture you do look like you could be his younger brother).
We're on the same... BOAT.
I think the only logical destination, other than New York, would be Chicago. His presence could give D-Rose a break.
I see people talking about everything and nothing in here. They say that they slept well, what they ate, tell everyone about their day...
So I say that I went to see a movie and it was really good
This is not cool, she just took the courage to post this and you're asking her out? How the hell is she supposed to take it?
lol, seems like a lot of people are crying here, but I'm just sitting here, being all philosophical and shit.
How do you think I felt after the 2006 Finals?
Becaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssseeee............I'm not a fan of putting my picture on the internet.
Miami heat is my favorite team. -_-
You guys write deep stuff... So deep I can see Adele rolling in it.
My sense of humor has hit a new low.
Same... I cried to hard. I friken down poured.
Forget this.