This guy gave a homeless 10k, gave him a home, and the homeless man help another homeless man get a hotel room for an entire month. Makes me… more happy to know that there's still nice people in this world
This guy gave a homeless 10k, gave him a home, and the homeless man help another homeless man get a hotel room for an entire month. Makes me… more happy to know that there's still nice people in this world
This guy gave a homeless 10k, gave him a home, and the homeless man help another homeless man get a hotel room for an entire month. Makes me… more happy to know that there's still nice people in this world
You guys kept going after I left ? Sorry if I left btw, I mean i'm the host and all....It's just that i'm being paid 20$ an hour to renovate… more the neighbour's house with my Dad so i'm back with my family for the time being ( I kinda miss my apartment...) My mother has to wake up for work at 5am so as soon as I heard her going up the stairs I couldn't really do anything anymore without her hearing me and judging me....xD
Ain't nobody got time for that...llol
Azlyn, there are more than enough places to contribute for people who luck didn't really shine for, you can go to special education and just play with the kids and talk to them, those are kids who are also going through hell and not everyone are tough like you.
Who knows, you may prevent someone suicidal from ending his life?
I must say... What you wrote is almost perfect! The last sentence is just a little weird, I would write it like that: "J'adore le français, … moredonc je suis triste de ne pas pouvoir bien le parler" but this one is a little bit complex if you want a more simple one: "J'adore le français, donc je suis triste de ne pas bien le parler".
Le français est une langue difficile à apprendre but you are doing really well!
There's something you need to understand, they didn't just give up, most of them were born into this world, they were out of luck and ended up on the streets, they are miserable and while it's easy to despise people who look like burdens, you really don't know what's going through their heads.
I don't hate them. I don't pity them.
But they...
I don't know how i should feel. I don't know how i feel, either. I despise them, and… more yet i feel like i should help. But that's the thing, i CAN'T help, the only ones that can help are themselves.
I really want to hear the voices of the users in this community... Oh well. I'll head over to webkinz. Believe it or not I still remember my log in xD
Dammit! It doesn't work
I really want to hear the voices of the users in this community... Oh well. I'll head over to webkinz. Believe it or not I still remember my log in xD
Dammit! It doesn't work
I really want to hear the voices of the users in this community... Oh well. I'll head over to webkinz. Believe it or not I still remember my log in xD
Dammit! It doesn't work
I really want to hear the voices of the users in this community... Oh well. I'll head over to webkinz. Believe it or not I still remember my log in xD
Dammit! It doesn't work
This was so sweet! ^-^
This is so awesome.
is this any Harry Potter joke ?
My bad that was literally the last thing i wanted to do to you.
I actually don't have a home, I live with my parents.
Yes. Yes, it is.
Filthy little muggle. You don't know the half of it.
Oh Crumbs.
Some responses never come up on my notifications just saw this now where I must SEE
Nah, we didn't keep going, I did though xD I just stayed up on my own. So there's really no one to blame but me :P
You're welcome friendo
DAMN IT I KNEW I MESSED SOMETHING UP ): 4 years of studying and I still don't know it very well :P but it's also been a few months since I used it
Hopefully i didnt piss anybody off with the homeless thing.
Azlyn, there are more than enough places to contribute for people who luck didn't really shine for, you can go to special education and just play with the kids and talk to them, those are kids who are also going through hell and not everyone are tough like you.
Who knows, you may prevent someone suicidal from ending his life?
oh... oops :P
I feel kind of bad that it's been 4 years but I still don't know it very well xD Oops.
I really want to hear the voices of the users in this community... Oh well. I'll head over to webkinz. Believe it or not I still remember my log in xD
Dammit! It doesn't work
There's something you need to understand, they didn't just give up, most of them were born into this world, they were out of luck and ended up on the streets, they are miserable and while it's easy to despise people who look like burdens, you really don't know what's going through their heads.
And don't you go to the toilet
ive heard the voice of some. Some have heard mine. Sadly. Im sorry to whoever heard mine!!!! :P
We could all record a video of our voice singing
I probably sing like ass. So I will pass.
double post. Because I felt like it.
Let's not and say we did
I don't know how to post anything besides plain old text
I'll post one on vine though 
I'm sure your voice is fine
Cough wrong Cough Yournotsure Cough
You guys will hear my voice...someday.
now i'm curious to hear you sing
good idea
Make that today!
If you want to go deaf, ill sing for you!
Luke: "well that's a thing to say."
My friends say i sound like... This kid from shrek i hate these guys lmfaoo
Let me borrow your headset
If y'all really want to hear it, I'll pm you my vine account
i'm probably already half-deaf of having to hear my science teacher 3 days for week, so I think I can handle you singing
Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!