The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Is anyone else suffering from Forum of the Dead withdrawal? I need to see what happens next! But we have to wait for 20 people >_<


  • Once you get a PS4 we'll be able to hear your beautiful voice and join us in the fun of randomness and madness that is my skills as a host xD

    My voice.... you do not want to hear it.

  • Thanks Azlyn hopefully you dont hate me.

    Azlyn posted: »

    ^^ It's alright, homie.

  • Anyone have an Ifunny account on here?!??

  • Alright, I'm racing in GTA IV right now. I'll get on 5 when you guys go :)

    Do it, so you'll rank from MuteJoe to only Joseph I just came back from work, so i'll be ready to hold another crazy session very soon :P

  • I'll probably actually be there today... you guys aren't rid of me yet! :P

    Do it, so you'll rank from MuteJoe to only Joseph I just came back from work, so i'll be ready to hold another crazy session very soon :P

  • Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, everyone, this was an eventful day! I'm gonna go try and get some sleep, i'm slobbering all over my keyboard. G'Night! Sleep tight!

  • edited June 2014


    Do it, so you'll rank from MuteJoe to only Joseph I just came back from work, so i'll be ready to hold another crazy session very soon :P

  • How exactly do those things work?

    Is anyone else suffering from Forum of the Dead withdrawal? I need to see what happens next! But we have to wait for 20 people >_< ForumOfTheDeadPeopleProblems

  • What things work?

    How exactly do those things work?

  • Fanfics

    What things work?

  • Oh jolly !! It's Friday the 13th !!

    Join us in the fun tonight as I host another crazy session on PS3 !! I've been working on a ladder all day, we'll see how that pans out...

    For those who haven't joined us yet, just pm me your PSN username and I shall add you so you can join us in the randomness that is GTAV online with a bunch of utterly crazy people! Oh goody xD Probably featuring two stabbing maniacs tonight...

    Alt text

    A piece of advice....never trust WhatTheDuck....he's a lose cannon that one...

  • im coming.

    Oh jolly !! It's Friday the 13th !! Join us in the fun tonight as I host another crazy session on PS3 !! I've been working on a ladder al

  • STAB

    Oh jolly !! It's Friday the 13th !! Join us in the fun tonight as I host another crazy session on PS3 !! I've been working on a ladder al

  • Well with Pro's (though I'd say that it is more of an interactive story) he puts up usually 2 parts from 2 different POVs with choices at the end that people vote on. The choice that gets the most votes is used in the story, which can have severe consequences.


  • Ill join during the night shift again.

    Oh jolly !! It's Friday the 13th !! Join us in the fun tonight as I host another crazy session on PS3 !! I've been working on a ladder al

  • I wouldn't wish to get rid of ya, you're one of the highlight of every session I held so far :D

    You and your stabby habit....those poor fruit vendors...

    sardines posted: »

    I'll probably actually be there today... you guys aren't rid of me yet! :P

  • My area is currently getting raped with thunderstorms. Its_That_Guy knows what I'm talking about :P

  • Word but it calmed down now.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    My area is currently getting raped with thunderstorms. Its_That_Guy knows what I'm talking about :P

  • I see. Thank you for the explanation.

    Well with Pro's (though I'd say that it is more of an interactive story) he puts up usually 2 parts from 2 different POVs with choices at th

  • I had those too.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    My area is currently getting raped with thunderstorms. Its_That_Guy knows what I'm talking about :P

  • I'm down to play today, missed a couple of psn's tho.

  • Haha cool man !! You and me against the world again :D

    Bring some ammo this time...xD

    JonGon posted: »

    I'm down to play today, missed a couple of psn's tho.

  • Wait.... Do you live in new york?

    I had those too.

  • Yep. Still a lot of lightning where I live, though.

    Word but it calmed down now.

  • I don't have a Dominican accent either, bro, lol.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Again, he sounds like Reggie, except with a lower voice and Dominican accent

  • No but close...I won't say where, because everyone will make fun of me lol

    Wait.... Do you live in new york?

  • Again, he sounds like Reggie, except with a lower voice and Dominican accent

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I don't think there's anything bad about it, I'm just shy, lol. Only TDMshadow and WTD have heard me before.

  • Dang then you must live a bit up northern than me.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yep. Still a lot of lightning where I live, though.

  • When are YOU going to get a ps4?

    Once you get a PS4 we'll be able to hear your beautiful voice and join us in the fun of randomness and madness that is my skills as a host xD

  • Alright, fine. I'll tell you. I live up in Eastchester, last stop of the 5 train :P

    Dang then you must live a bit up northern than me.

  • I don't have a Dominican accent either, bro, lol.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Again, he sounds like Reggie, except with a lower voice and Dominican accent

  • "Soon" hehe xD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    When are YOU going to get a ps4?

  • Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts ?

    No but close...I won't say where, because everyone will make fun of me lol

  • Holy Shit you're way up north bro.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Alright, fine. I'll tell you. I live up in Eastchester, last stop of the 5 train :P

  • Well, we talked for 2 hours and you only said 7 sentences, but yeah :P Guess I'm wrong.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I don't have a Dominican accent either, bro, lol.

  • This show is not suitable for children :D

  • Yeah, it's more of a New Yorkish Northeast U.S. accent.

    Call = Cauw

    walk = Waulk


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, we talked for 2 hours and you only said 7 sentences, but yeah :P Guess I'm wrong.

  • Yeah, but I go everywhere, lol

    Holy Shit you're way up north bro.

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