OMG! I was eating spaghetti today and one of those fuckers went down my throat but wouldn't go down all the way. So its like I swallowed half of it. I thought I was going to die. My life flashed before my eyes xD
and then my mom sat there and watched me like I was a fish out of water gasping for air.
OMG! I was eating spaghetti today and one of those fuckers went down my throat but wouldn't go down all the way. So its like I swallowed hal… moref of it. I thought I was going to die. My life flashed before my eyes xD
and then my mom sat there and watched me like I was a fish out of water gasping for air.
xD STOP MAKING ME LAUGH! whenever I laugh I cough. And its 12 in the morning.
Eh.. whenever I breath I want cough.. fml. And my lungs started making that noise again. ALOT more now because I'm coughing more. I better not get pneumonia or some shit.
xD STOP MAKING ME LAUGH! whenever I laugh I cough. And its 12 in the morning.
Eh.. whenever I breath I want cough.. fml. And my lungs sta… morerted making that noise again. ALOT more now because I'm coughing more. I better not get pneumonia or some shit.
Hmmm.... maybe it'll be like that scene in The Walking Dead, when Rick wakes up from his coma after Shane sends him the flowers, and the zombie apocalypse starts and Elmer and Basket Head can rule the world at last.
You'll still be able to look at them xD
Hmmm.... maybe it'll be like that scene in The Walking Dead, when Rick wakes up from his coma aft… moreer Shane sends him the flowers, and the zombie apocalypse starts and Elmer and Basket Head can rule the world at last.
I've never felt like I was falling in my sleep. o_O
I hear people talking about how that happens to them all the time, but I can never share the pain because that never happened to me before.
I've never felt like I was falling in my sleep. o_O
I hear people talking about how that happens to them all the time, but I can never share the pain because that never happened to me before.
I am but America gets rocked every time -_- besides I can't watch a 90 minute match. Also, does it piss anyone else off that they count up instead of counting down?
Why can't this thread get big during the day rather than at night!?!?
That scary moment when you choke on your own spit and your life flashes before your eyes.
We need something to talk about.
What is your weapon of choice for the apocalypse? Mine is either a stickle or a weed whacker
Two machetes and a hatchet, with a pistol on the side.
Or when you leaning In your chair and it almost falls back.
A katana, or a baseball bat with barbed wire on it!
Oh my God yes, or when you accidentally miss a step when you're walking down the stairs and you just know you're going to fall.
2 of these, one in each hand.
If we all got together in the apocalypse we would be unstoppable.
OMG! I was eating spaghetti today and one of those fuckers went down my throat but wouldn't go down all the way. So its like I swallowed half of it. I thought I was going to die. My life flashed before my eyes xD
and then my mom sat there and watched me like I was a fish out of water gasping for air.
Good plan, Rachel, good plan. We'll kick ass.
Why do I always miss out on the fun?!??
Rachel, whilst choking on spaghetti: B-b-but..... I never even got a chance to live yet.
i'd be the guy in the bear custom XD
xD STOP MAKING ME LAUGH! whenever I laugh I cough. And its 12 in the morning.
Eh.. whenever I breath I want cough.. fml. And my lungs started making that noise again. ALOT more now because I'm coughing more. I better not get pneumonia or some shit.
I'll send you flowers at the hospital.
But I haven't been able to break through my nose for 3 weeks. I wont be able to smell them.
Give me this now!
Lawn mower
nah but in all seriousness, I would pick Hilda
So is someone here interested in The Wolrd Cup?
lol NO.
You'll still be able to look at them xD
Hmmm.... maybe it'll be like that scene in The Walking Dead, when Rick wakes up from his coma after Shane sends him the flowers, and the zombie apocalypse starts and Elmer and Basket Head can rule the world at last.
That's what i supposed ,i'm not really a fan of it but i'm bored and i don't know what to talk about.
The hell is The Wolr Cup?
xD I still don't fully know what Elmer means, but some how it makes sense.
shhhhhh just let it happen
Wow, that sounded so freaking creepy v.v
You know what you call "soccer". Oh and the logo looks like a facepalm
Ohhhh, WORLD CUP. Okay. Yeah, not really interested in soccer.
Yeah me neither
How about that moment when your sleeping and it feels like your falling?
xD Yes I did sound creepy, mainly because it reminded me of this.
I've never felt like I was falling in my sleep. o_O
I hear people talking about how that happens to them all the time, but I can never share the pain because that never happened to me before.
I'm c r y i n g.
That poor, poor cat. xD
I saw a video and I listened to it and that how I did it. I'm going to try to find it now.
It feels like your falling back first into a bottomless pit.
Edit: It last for like 1-2 seconds
Well, that sounds lovely.
Bet you didn't know that ATR fed me to a damn tiger in my dream once.
I am but America gets rocked every time -_- besides I can't watch a 90 minute match. Also, does it piss anyone else off that they count up instead of counting down?