The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I did that once, I don't remember how though

    How did you do that?? (: B] ;o IT DOESNT WORK ;-;

  • Lol oh.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Lol, she edited to try again! Do you want to know? Do you really want to know?!

    How did you do that?? (: B] ;o IT DOESNT WORK ;-;

  • That's good, you wouldn't want what we have though, it takes years of experience to tame, but pays off when you're able to master it XD

    It depends on the girl, though. Everyone is different. My mood swings aren't that bad.


    He looks nice.

    You look scary in the last picture. Like you're going to kill someone o_o

  • People tell me that irl too :\

    You look scary in the last picture. Like you're going to kill someone o_o

  • lmaoooo "master it"

    Like taming a bear or some shit.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    That's good, you wouldn't want what we have though, it takes years of experience to tame, but pays off when you're able to master it XD


    Lol, she edited to try again! Do you want to know? Do you really want to know?!

  • People tell you that you look like you're going to kill someone??

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    People tell me that irl too

  • Yeah, sometimes. But that's obviously not my intention EVER!

    No wonder I never get jumped or mugged xD

    People tell you that you look like you're going to kill someone??

  • Heh, okay.

    Alt text


  • He goes apeshit if you scratch his car.

    You look scary in the last picture. Like you're going to kill someone o_o

  • Damn....... do people get mugged a lot in New York?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yeah, sometimes. But that's obviously not my intention EVER! No wonder I never get jumped or mugged xD

  • Not nearly as much as back in the day, but yeah sorta...and shot/stabbed too.

    Damn....... do people get mugged a lot in New York?

  • Cool, thanks for the info.

    ~adds New York to list of places never to go~

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Not nearly as much as back in the day, but yeah sorta...and shot/stabbed too.

  • It's really not that bad, honestly. If it was the 1960s or 70s, then yeah, I would hate it here. A lot of people think that going to NY is suicide -_-

    Cool, thanks for the info. ~adds New York to list of places never to go~

  • StillNeverGoingToNYC
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    It's really not that bad, honestly. If it was the 1960s or 70s, then yeah, I would hate it here. A lot of people think that going to NY is suicide -_-

  • It's supposed to be hot as hell tomorrow too
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    It's really not that bad, honestly. If it was the 1960s or 70s, then yeah, I would hate it here. A lot of people think that going to NY is suicide -_-

  • Lol, eww, but yeah baskethead. I agree! B]

    Dude we're so freaking awesome with this pink shit

  • Dude we're so freaking awesome with this pink shit

    It's supposed to be hot as hell tomorrow too

  • I'm not kidding you, he has it's own will, it's creepy.

    lmaoooo "master it" Like taming a bear or some shit.

  • Whatever sinks your boat, I guess ._.


  • Not nearly as hot as it always is every summer. Only going to get up to the low 90s. To me, hot is upper 90s and 100s :P

    It's supposed to be hot as hell tomorrow too

  • I'd go if summers were longer and hotter.

    Come to Canada, we have free healthcare

  • Come to Canada, we have free healthcare
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Whatever sinks your boat, I guess ._.

  • "he"?


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm not kidding you, he has it's own will, it's creepy.

  • You remember the black out of 03? Shit, that was a hot summer as well. I'm sure it affected NYC, and yeah. I remember there was a heat wave, forgot what year though. It was blazing! Over 100, man.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Not nearly as hot as it always is every summer. Only going to get up to the low 90s. To me, hot is upper 90s and 100s :P

  • I'm so cool
  • Doesn't it get over 100 every summer, though? lol. Yeah, of course I remember the blackout of '03. I remember watching Pokemon at around 4pm and everything suddenly turned off. It was an awesome day for me.

    You remember the black out of 03? Shit, that was a hot summer as well. I'm sure it affected NYC, and yeah. I remember there was a heat wave, forgot what year though. It was blazing! Over 100, man.

  • I would go if the summers there were longer and warmer.

    Come to Canada, we have free healthcare

  • Facepalm

    I'm so cool

  • Pssh. >.>

    We get like 6 months of winter here. It's pretty awesome.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I would go if the summers there were longer and warmer.

  • I hate winter. But I love snow, isn't that weird? lol

    Pssh. >.> We get like 6 months of winter here. It's pretty awesome.

  • Don'tHateMeCuzUAintMe
    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Yeah, he's an individual entity with its own will and preferences, you basically say that our penis is our so called "devil" sitting on our shoulders and giving us trouble. He's my bro though.

    If you only knew how much awkward situations he got me in...

    "he"? O_O

  • edited June 2014

    Well, in LI it really hasn't . The city definitely gets hotter. These last two summers, the highest was probably 90. This summer, I have a feeling that it will probably be hot, though. It's already been over 90 a few days back.

    Lol, I couldn't sleep that day, it was burning up in my room, man! It sucked for me, haha.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Doesn't it get over 100 every summer, though? lol. Yeah, of course I remember the blackout of '03. I remember watching Pokemon at around 4pm and everything suddenly turned off. It was an awesome day for me.

  • Ah ok, LI. Yeah, I live in the city. It has reached or got past 100 the past 3 summers where I live. I kinda enjoy, tbh :)

    Well, in LI it really hasn't . The city definitely gets hotter. These last two summers, the highest was probably 90. This summer, I have a f

    edited June 2014


    Who the fuck disliked us?


  • edited June 2014
    Just realized my comment didn't show up... Lol, eww, but yeah baskethead. I agree! B] 

    Dude we're so freaking awesome with this pink shit

  • Yeah, you're a weirdo. Lol, jk :D

    I love snow but the cold sucks. Sometimes it'll snow in April, and that's pretty sweet.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I hate winter. But I love snow, isn't that weird? lol

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