The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Ugh, I'm so bored. I should probably lay off the forums for a while and do something productive.

  • Its_That_Guy: You post funny pictures and I like the face you're making in your Gravatar.

    Im bored again.... Random Discussion Time(RDT) I'll give credit to TWDfan as he gave me the idea for this question. What do you think of ea

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'm probably the most distrusting of everyone here, I don't trust people on the internet... Sorry!

    Im bored again.... Random Discussion Time(RDT) I'll give credit to TWDfan as he gave me the idea for this question. What do you think of ea

  • Hahaha, really? xD

    I keep thinking he watches me sleep at night ever since you posted those -__________-

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Don't come back until you cure cancer or create world peace!

    Ugh, I'm so bored. I should probably lay off the forums for a while and do something productive.

  • Uhhh... Is that a compliment? Lmfao

    Its_That_Guy: You post funny pictures and I like the face you're making in your Gravatar.

  • You want me gone that bad? Well when I find the cure to cancer and you get cancer at some point later on in your life, I won't tell it to you! How about that?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Don't come back until you cure cancer or create world peace!

  • A lot of people are even on real life people dont trust anyone.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm probably the most distrusting of everyone here, I don't trust people on the internet... Sorry!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    You're not going to be the only one who knows how to cure cancer. If you don't tell anyone, how do you cure cancer?

    You want me gone that bad? Well when I find the cure to cancer and you get cancer at some point later on in your life, I won't tell it to you! How about that?

  • Which part?

    Uhhh... Is that a compliment? Lmfao

  • Lmfao the gravatar one.

    Which part?

  • Legit serious. O_O

    Hahaha, really? xD

  • I said I like it. How would that be an insult? lol

    Lmfao the gravatar one.

  • I'll tell everyone but you, and the world would know not to say a word about it in your presence.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You're not going to be the only one who knows how to cure cancer. If you don't tell anyone, how do you cure cancer?

  • edited June 2014

    I'll do it just give me the names of all the members if I forgot anyone I'll feel like an assh**le lol but just be nice things :)

    Im bored again.... Random Discussion Time(RDT) I'll give credit to TWDfan as he gave me the idea for this question. What do you think of ea

  • Seriously, has no one seen Enter The Dragon?

    He looks scared...

  • I've seen it and I think your Avatar is awesome :)

    Seriously, has no one seen Enter The Dragon?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Perhaps the twist is... That I've already discovered the cure!

    I'll tell everyone but you, and the world would know not to say a word about it in your presence.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Where is this located?


  • Which would be...?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Perhaps the twist is... That I've already discovered the cure!

  • Uhh.. My bad i had a Manny Moment lmfaoo

    I said I like it. How would that be an insult? lol

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Cheddar cheese mixed with a special neurotoxin created by GLaDOS. Very difficult to find, but it works. Wait why did I tell you that!? Welcome back to the thread.

    Which would be...?

  • Any one you want and can remember its not like youre gonna wake up with a gun to your face if you forget someone.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'll do it just give me the names of all the members if I forgot anyone I'll feel like an assh**le lol but just be nice things

  • edited June 2014

    Valve made another animation for their new update.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Or will he...?

    Any one you want and can remember its not like youre gonna wake up with a gun to your face if you forget someone.

  • Lmfao

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Or will he...?

  • Sorry >:D

    ....... not

    Legit serious. O_O


  •  Ok, but... why did your exam even ask that? Lol. 


  • Idk I think my teacher was trying to be witty. It wasn't really working though, because the test was so stressful and then suddenly "what's your teacher's name" and I was confused out of my mind.

    Ok, but... why did your exam even ask that? Lol.

  • You. I like you.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I've seen it and I think your Avatar is awesome

  •  Should have just been like."Fuck this!" And threw the exam on the floor, after that you should have just jumped out the window, no matter what floor you were on. Maybe then he would get how dumb that question was!

    Idk I think my teacher was trying to be witty. It wasn't really working though, because the test was so stressful and then suddenly "what's your teacher's name" and I was confused out of my mind.

  • lmaooo I would have died if I jumped out the window, we were like 3 floors up. xD Maybe that's a part of it: the question was so stupid that I just proceeded to commit suicide. LIKE I KNEW WHAT HIS FREAKING NAME WAS. God, he was such a dork. -_-

    Should have just been like."Fuck this!" And threw the exam on the floor, after that you should have just jumped out the window, no matter what floor you were on. Maybe then he would get how dumb that question was!

  • What does that even mean??!

    Ugh, I'm so bored. I should probably lay off the forums for a while and do something productive.

  •  Oh yeah? Bet you weren't expecting to land on a giant inflatable trampoline! Exactly the point, haha. B]  He would realize how stupid it was, like who does that?! Lol.

    lmaooo I would have died if I jumped out the window, we were like 3 floors up. xD Maybe that's a part of it: the question was so stupid that I just proceeded to commit suicide. LIKE I KNEW WHAT HIS FREAKING NAME WAS. God, he was such a dork. -_-

  • "HURR DURR it's the very last final exam and all the kids had to drag their sorry asses out of bed to come to school and write this super hard history test HURR let's finish it off with the most ridiculous question ever DURR." Like NO whatever your name is, that's not cool. It's just not cool.

    Oh yeah? Bet you weren't expecting to land on a giant inflatable trampoline! Exactly the point, haha. B] He would realize how stupid it was, like who does that?! Lol.

  • Never, ever, ever stay up till 4 AM on the night of a 9 AM exam.

    Worst decision of my life.

  •  Lmao, oh man. WtW is funny today. B]   I'm on the second character for the next part. Soon. 

    "HURR DURR it's the very last final exam and all the kids had to drag their sorry asses out of bed to come to school and write this super ha

  • Its summer vacation for me, but i'm still gonna remember this.

    quinnics posted: »

    Never, ever, ever stay up till 4 AM on the night of a 9 AM exam. Worst decision of my life.

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