Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • This is meant to be a little shout-out for a particular user that has been an avid poster in the discussion here - most of you may know him as Markd4547. If you guys haven't noticed earlier, he has been banned for reasons I'm not aware of.

    I figured it would be best to give him a mention since he has been nice to nearly all of us, that is all.

  • Part 2 of the summer story challenge!

    "Wake up, time for dinner in an hour," Tim bellows from across the room, on the couch.

    I sit up abruptly and stretch my arms out, yawning. The sky is dark and the stars are crystal clear through the window.

    "Did you go out while I was asleep?" I ask.

    "Nah. I mean, Mary came back, poked you a few times. Asked me if I wanted a drink but I declined. I wasn't ready to carry her home alone again, not since last time."

    "Ha, I know what you mean. Sorry about that. Again."

    "It's no big deal. Just a bum leg, is all."

    We laugh again, and I start picking up the mess of clothes Mary was too lazy to put back when she arrived. I pick up my yellow sun dress and sandals. Paired with new underwear, I change my outfit in our glorious bathroom. I'm so glad I picked this hotel in the brochure, it's much nicer than the other ones I saw online.

    Tim escorts me downstairs, wearing his nicest pants and button down shirt. He told me he called the nearest restaurant and made late reservations for us. We made sure we had our Mundy ID's and took a stroll for 3 blocks before we reached the outdoor cafe-style bar. It was lit up with lanterns on strings that hung above everything, supported by the walls of the neighboring buildings. We stood at the entrance gates as a waitress greeted us.

    "Tim, Si?" She asked.

    "Yes, Tim," He said. She smiles and nods, gesturing for us to follow her to a table for two.She placed a menu down for each of us and we studied each food carefully. A lot of spicy things, all delicious looking. After 20 minutes, we chose our meals and the courses began.

    "So," Tim said, lifting some of his dinner to his mouth.

    "So," I said back, moving the Pisto around on my plate. I was already getting full. The music there was joyful and a bunch of couples danced with the beat of the music. It felt very festive and I was surprised we hadn't gotten up to enjoy ourselves. Ever since Tim met me, he started to dance more often. It's hard, but we've got it down to a science, of sorts.

    I tipped my glass of Sangria to my mouth as Tim spoke again," It's so beautiful here. I don't ever want to leave."

    "Me either. The weather is perfect, the people are nice. The food is good. Perfect."

    "Lets dance," He finally said. I got up and helped him from his chair and he used me as his crutch as we entered the dance floor. Couples subconsciously gave us room and I draped my arms on his shoulders and he grabbed my waist with his hands. They were strong and sturdy. Whatever strength he lacked in his legs he made up for in his arms. He kept himself steady as we swayed with the crowd of young and old lovers. I could barely understand all the Spanish spoken there, but it didn't matter.

    A few more minutes and the pace slowed down. Everyone divided into small cliques of two, all swaying just like us. Looking around, I seen some people kissing, some leaning on each other. I longed for that feeling of love. I kept my eyes over Tim's shoulders. Just then, his hand left my waist and reach for my face. He pushed a blue colored strand from my face and set it back with the black strands of my hair. I watched him smile, his eyes staring into mine. I must have looked dumbfounded because he stifled a laugh.

    "You're gorgeous. More beautiful than Spain." And with those words, he planted his lips loosely onto mine. We were connected for a brief moment, the drumming of the music beating across my head. Thump Thump Thump.

    Then he let go and looked at my face. He frowned. I panicked.

    "Is...Something Wrong?"

    "No. No, nothing. It's just-"

    "Just? Just what?"

    "You looked...disappointed." He shrugs.

    "I am by not means, disappointed! Tim! I loved it! I loved the kiss!" I could feel my face get hot and tears began to boil.

    He shrugs again,"Let's bag our meals and get back to the hotel. It's 1 AM. I think."

    We got our food and hobbled home. I couldn't help but feel miserable. What if he didn't ever want to kiss me again? I've wanted that kiss for so long, how could my face have come off as...disappointed?

    I fumbled with the keys, as usual, and pressed them into the door handle. It swung open and the room was dark. He went into the bathroom and I sat on the edge of the bed, distraught. He came back out, and slowly made his way toward his bed. He sat, like me, on the edge of his bed and we sat together in the silence.

    I got up and walked over to him. I kissed him on the lips, much more passionately, yet still gentle. Through the dull moonlight, I saw a flicker in his eyes and his mouth crinkled upward. He wrapped his arms around me.

    "Are you tired?" He asked.

    "No. You?"

    "Not really."

    We both hesitated. Will we really...?

    The door slammed open. We jumped in our spots and the lights flipped on.

    "It's the fuckin' police! Hehe, just kiddin'. Oh, shit." Mary said. Her voice slurred and she fell onto the floor clumsily," I fuckin' knew you two would get it on at some point. Fuckin' knew it. Don't worry, I'll pass out and you two can...." She passed out, cold. Tim and I got up, lifting her onto my bed, and heaving a sigh.

    "I guess we should rest. Might as well get used to the time change."

    "Yeah." I crawled onto his bed and we lay next to each other. It was the most peaceful moment of rest I'd ever had.

    THAT took a romantic turn! I hope you liked it. This is so far, my favorite chapter. BY FAR. I hope you guys liked it, as usual. I wasn't sure if I should have gone this route before, but I believe it was totally worth it. <3

  • I noticed that. I hope it wasn't for something major, that would suck. I absolutely loves when he reads my stuff, he's so nice and funny.

    This is meant to be a little shout-out for a particular user that has been an avid poster in the discussion here - most of you may know him

  • No problem. :) Glad to make smiles and fun images in people's heads. XD I too, can see

    Now I can picture Georgie making a makeshift slingshot out of sticks to fight the seagulls with. Thanks for the laugh, pudding_pie.

  • Yeah, noticed that. :( Hopefully we will see him again. He was so sweet and kind to me as well.

    This is meant to be a little shout-out for a particular user that has been an avid poster in the discussion here - most of you may know him

  • Awww I liked that. :) If you have not noticed, HUGE sucker for all that love stuff. Tim is too cute with Harm. :) Great summer vacation, if you ask me!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Part 2 of the summer story challenge! "Wake up, time for dinner in an hour," Tim bellows from across the room, on the couch. I sit u

  • edited June 2014

    Hey guys am back .Sorry about my long departure but I had thinks I had too sort out now for part 5

    The story of Phil aka The Harbinger part 5

    Phil: So what are you waiting for lets go(Phil charged at bigby nocking him off his feet and on too the floor)

    Phil: come on is this all you got, at least give me a fucking challenge (Phil began beating bigby) you aren't so tough hahahah

    Bigby: (Bigby's eyes glowed red with anger)

    Phil: what the fuc- (Bigby took Phil by the throat and threw him a cross the block)

    Bigby-(Bigby transformed into his full on werewolf form)Where the fuck do you think your going am just getting started

    Phil:(Wow that's never happed to me before that that's the spirit come on hurt me some more big guy

    Bigby-(Bigby cracks his fist's) with pleasure

    Phil:(I like this guy maybe after I turn him maybe we could have drinks together that would be new) Come on you big bad bitch am ready for you

    Bigby:(Bigby jumped onto Phil's chest sinking his claws into Phil's flesh ripping out his guts and other organs )

    Snow:Bigby stop what! what are you doing!

    Bigby: (Bigby looked at snow with sad eyes and blood on his hands) Snow I couldn't

    Phil:(out of nowhere Phil took a huge bite on bigbys left arm nearly ripping it off) am just getting started, you don't taste that bad sheriff I wonder if your lady friend over there taste's better ( like a snake Phil slide over too where snow was and grabbed her)

    Bigby:let her go!

    Phil: yeah I don't know, she just looks so delirious, all call you a frosted snow with sprinkles on top all I need are the sprinkles.

    Snow:(snow try's with all of her might to get a word out too bigby but nothing comes out)

    Bigby: put her the fuck down

    Phil: one move and all break her neck, come on bigby even with that drug I gave you this still isn't your full power, show me the true big bad wolf and all let her go

    Bigby; your lying you'll kill her anyway

    Phil:(Phil made a quick smile on his face) I wonder if I were too kill her now would you go all out on me right now?

    Bigby: if you kill her it well be the last fucking thing you well ever do you hear me

    Phil: Lets see shall we hahahahha

    End of part 5

  • Have to say that I really like your description of the sea - it paints a beautiful image.

    MasterStone posted: »

    I can't swim Dragon Family Holiday Part 2 The group sat down and began chowing down on the delicious steak and beef cooked over the gr

  • edited June 2014

    What a great tale! Powerful descriptions, witty remarks, and a great pace. Plus the Night Springs/Twilight Zone/Alan Wake references. I really enjoyed that game; I'm tempted to go back to your other posts and try and find the references haha.

    The other characters were an interesting addition, as has been said, though it's entirely up to you if you bring them back, as has also been said.

    Finally, I'd like to join in the Barry Wheeler appreciation with a quote:
    'Al, please tell me that we're headed for the nearest "You're now leaving Bright Falls. Come back soon!" sign.'

    What an agent.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Hope you like the little bit I added at the end. A little nod, a little homage. The Invitation Part 3: The Beast Rough knuckles str

  • You're really selling Portugal haha.

    I don't know if I've ever commented on your pictures, so will do so now and say that they're great at capturing the characters. Really brings them to life, and it's quite the skill you've got, along with the writing.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Summer Vacation Part 3 "First Georgie....let's take a selfie!" Next morning I awoke early the next morning to call the k

  • edited June 2014

    Have a click on his name and he's explained why in his bio. I think the ban was an extreme reaction, and as you've all said he's a really nice guy. He'll be missed, unless he ca be un-banned.

    This is meant to be a little shout-out for a particular user that has been an avid poster in the discussion here - most of you may know him

  • edited June 2014

    Double post.

    This is meant to be a little shout-out for a particular user that has been an avid poster in the discussion here - most of you may know him

  • edited June 2014

    It feels like a challenge now. I have an idea how I could give him a cameo, though only if you're okay with me doing it. Wouldn't want to get into an intellectual property lawsuit :P

    I've been meaning to ask someone this, and seeing as you seem an upstanding sort of fellow, I thought I'd ask you.
    How do you get that line break in posts, such as the ones around your edits to the thread starter?

    Sure? You can certainly try to get Tezoth in there, if you really wanted to. I would be surprised if you do consider it. :P

  • It's a top class series. I agree, at moments it's oddly surreal to be wandering around Rapture and seeing references to the first game, when the Booker and Elizabeth we've come to know are from an ostensibly very different place. If you'll excuse me getting all philosophical here, I think Elizabeth sort of mirrors the cities. At first, Columbia is brightly coloured and curious, like Elizabeth when you first meet her. Then, after the incident with Fink and Daisy Fitzroy, Columbia is in all out war and Elizabeth has lost most of her curiosity and become much more pragmatic. Finally, when in Rapture, she's taken on that self-orientated pursuit of goals that Andrew Ryan promotes. It's a far cry from the beginning, yet you sort of want that beginning to come back, like you say.

    Like I say, sorry if I went all philosophical there. I'm sad enough - depending on your view - to have a Ken Levine signed poster of the game xD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I've played all the Bioshocks, they were amazing. It's hard to get over the fact that Elizabeth and Booker are in Rapture, as well as Elizab

  • edited June 2014

    I think they'd make a great couple :) another superb bit of writing! (I don't mind if you don't thank me for saying so, by the way, as I basically say it every time haha)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Part 2 of the summer story challenge! "Wake up, time for dinner in an hour," Tim bellows from across the room, on the couch. I sit u

  • Keeping us in suspense for the next part! Hope Bigby can keep his arm on.

    Hey guys am back .Sorry about my long departure but I had thinks I had too sort out now for part 5 The story of Phil aka The Harbinger pa

  • I'm glad you think so. I was worried the cliche party would have netted me some negative points. Probably still did, but it's satisfying to know that the story came out on top overall.

    No other references in my other posts on this thread, I'm afraid. One or two in the Meme thread, but they're pretty much buried in the pages. As for the Wheeler fandom, one strong contender for my appreciation will always be Carl Stucky. I love how the atmosphere, gameplay, and story all complement each other, and the way its told keeps me coming back. It's like living next to an ocean and I can't wait to dive in.again.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    What a great tale! Powerful descriptions, witty remarks, and a great pace. Plus the Night Springs/Twilight Zone/Alan Wake references. I real

  • While true that it's a cliche, if done right it can still prove entertaining. Consider, that it must have been entertaining and popular enough a setting to begin with or else it wouldn't have become a cliche.

    That's okay - I was a little annoyed that I might have missed the references before so I'm pleased in a way. Though at the same time, references in the future are fine by me. Stucky is memorable for his unnerving presence, and didn't he come out with odd one-liners about minding things when out walking, or something? I may be getting confused with another character. The atmosphere is excellent in that game, and here's hoping it gets a full-blown sequel. You're quite right about it being like an ocean, because, after all, it certainly isn't a lake.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I'm glad you think so. I was worried the cliche party would have netted me some negative points. Probably still did, but it's satisfying to

  • I think he can, but he didn't seem to mind that he was banned, which was surprising.

    Oh well, maybe he'll come back without us knowing, lol.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Have a click on his name and he's explained why in his bio. I think the ban was an extreme reaction, and as you've all said he's a really nice guy. He'll be missed, unless he ca be un-banned.

  • Everything was terrific in this part, Em. Everything.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Part 2 of the summer story challenge! "Wake up, time for dinner in an hour," Tim bellows from across the room, on the couch. I sit u

  • edited June 2014

    Of course you can! I'm curious now to see how you're going to go about it, since I haven't really given him that much depth yet. I'll provide you with a little summary about him so far - he's greedy, polite when he needs to be, and a thief, still getting used to his 'dragon side'.

    I'll also be glad to help you out! The line break can be done by holding down the shift and hyphen key down at the same time, keep on holding it until a reasonable line is created. Keep in mind though, that it doesn't have to reach across the entire text box for the full line to appear, as it will be created automatically once you post your comment. Hope that helps!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    It feels like a challenge now. I have an idea how I could give him a cameo, though only if you're okay with me doing it. Wouldn't want to ge

  • Yeah, my own grandparents are from here, so I wanted to take what information I know and put it in writing.

    Thank you. :) I like adding pictures now and then, even little silly ones like the bird one. Puts images in the readers head. XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    You're really selling Portugal haha. I don't know if I've ever commented on your pictures, so will do so now and say that they're great a

  • edited June 2014

    I did wonder if you had some sort of connection to the country - you've done a good job with it :)

    Purely out of curiosity, does Portugal have many birds, or is Georgie just particularly irritated by birds?

    I find Georgie oddly cute in the bird one haha

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yeah, my own grandparents are from here, so I wanted to take what information I know and put it in writing. Thank you. I like adding pictures now and then, even little silly ones like the bird one. Puts images in the readers head. XD

  • Yeah, it is a little. Perhaps he's taking it on the chin, so to speak?

    He might be here right now, watching like that cat in the picture ^_^ probably not, I admit; still, it'd be great to have him back if he did.

    I think he can, but he didn't seem to mind that he was banned, which was surprising. Oh well, maybe he'll come back without us knowing, lol.

  • Excellent! Thank you for those points, I will certainly keep them in mind, and I shall also re-read your posts to try and get a handle on how he speaks.

    Aha, I thought it was some reply-box button or the like I was missing. Thank you, sir!

    Of course you can! I'm curious now to see how you're going to go about it, since I haven't really given him that much depth yet. I'll provid

  • Holy shit, you may be right! I honestly wouldn't know how I would feel about that. :S

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Yeah, it is a little. Perhaps he's taking it on the chin, so to speak? He might be here right now, watching like that cat in the picture ^_^ probably not, I admit; still, it'd be great to have him back if he did.

  • Thanks :) all bring up the suspense more next time.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Keeping us in suspense for the next part! Hope Bigby can keep his arm on.

  • Thank you :) I was trying for the longest time to arrange a scene that would be totally romantic, but still maintaining some sort of innocence in Harmony. Tim is a sweet guy (even seems like it in game) so I decided to carry that out in my own story. Mary is really just there for comic relief. I might write another chapter filled with a little more adventure. I suppose we'll see. And also, I really like your stories about the quads! They're so awesome. I think my favorite is Emily (And it's not only because we share the same name, lol.)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Awww I liked that. If you have not noticed, HUGE sucker for all that love stuff. Tim is too cute with Harm. Great summer vacation, if you ask me!

  • I thought they were an adorable match too. It took me a while to think of a Fable for Harm, but then TWAU came out with ep. 4 and Tiny Tim was in it and I was like,"OH. MY. GAWD. He's perfect!" And then, I went down with that ship. Lol

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I think they'd make a great couple another superb bit of writing! (I don't mind if you don't thank me for saying so, by the way, as I basically say it every time haha)

  • I honestly thought it was my greatest chapter yet. Most of the time, when I write, I get a general idea of what I want to happen and then it happens. The part where Tim was upset was actually made up on the spot. I originally planned for them to kiss and have a great time afterwards. I decided to play with everyone's emotions and make it seem like there was the possibility of the whole thing being ruined. That changed! And then, BM entering was just to prove that nothing can go absolutely perfect. She was also there to make people laugh xD

    Everything was terrific in this part, Em. Everything.

  • Same character. Close on the quotes. Recommended a specific type of exercise. It's the latest thing.

    They do want to make another game, but they are working on Quantum Break instead, because the title wasn't successful enough to get the funding they wanted for a sequel. I imagine that once they get that funding through other means(Quantum Break?), they will start working on Alan Wake's next game in earnest, but they haven't said anything else on the matter.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    While true that it's a cliche, if done right it can still prove entertaining. Consider, that it must have been entertaining and popular enou

  • Thanks. :) Tried to show the beauty in Portugal.

    ACTUALLY, yes...there are MANY birds there! I personally do not like them, which is why poor Georgie feels such hostility towards them! XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I did wonder if you had some sort of connection to the country - you've done a good job with it Purely out of curiosity, does Portugal h

  • Nah you wouldn't want to just rush these kids in like that. :) Time comes off as a sweetheart both here and the game and as far as Mary goes, someone jumping from mirror to mirror alone is comical. Thank you. :) I've had people question Lyla's sanity for having children with Georgie! XD Emily is slowly growing to be my favorite one out of the 4 as well....I have no idea why. Must be her abrasive personality. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Thank you I was trying for the longest time to arrange a scene that would be totally romantic, but still maintaining some sort of innocence

  • Summer Vacation

    Part 4

    'Let's go to the Bairro Alto'

    NOTE: There is a large section in regards to religious items and descriptions. I'm not offending anyone; just showing the culture and sites of Portugal. :) Again, I apologize if this offends anyone.


    Alt text

    We awoke from our nap two hours later. Georgie slowly opened his eyes and stretched, while I carefully made my way to the restroom. As I turned on the shower, I noticed three messages. As I scrolled through, I noticed one was from my sister Gina, the other two from Snow White. They both demanded pictures, and like a good dog should, I obeyed.

    First, I sent them images of our meals, hotel room, our trip to the beach and the bike ride from earlier. As I finished sending each message, Georgie walked into the bathroom, continuing to rub his eyes. I tried not to laugh; he was had a red hue along his cheeks and around his shoulders. They reminded me of tomatoes sitting in groups at the grocery store. It didn't take him long to notice his rapidly changing skin.

    "The fuck," he shrieked, as he leaned closer towards the mirror. "I fuckin' layered this shit on! You saw me love! What the hell..."

    He continued to complain, as I kissed the back of his neck and entered the shower. I had planned our evening out and was thrilled to continue our vacation. I was impressed with Georgie; his ability to humor me and my fascination of the sites was noticeable. Even he was feeling at ease and taken back by such magnificent treasures. The sunburn, however, may set him back to day one.

    While he showered, I called a cab and thirty minutes later, dressed and ready for the day, we were on our way. Georgie continued to ask me what I had in store; I wanted to tell him but it was a surprise.

    During the day, the streets of Bairro Alto are quiet; the 16th century building and cobblestone roads are silent and the working class citizens go about their business. As the sun sets, however, the city becomes the complete opposite; it is packed with tourists, music, lights, food aplenty and various bars and shops stay open until later in the evening. The cab dropped us off at a little cafe called Miradouro de Santa Catrina. Portuguese music played, as the waitress sat us outside. We ordered a bottle of red wine and shared an appetizer of Clams in white wine and garlic, while our dinner consisted of various cuts of meats cooked in different ways.

    Georgie had a hard time walking, as we continued down the streets. He was taken back by the lights and city, as I captured a few more pictures. The city was so elegant and full of life; the theater was performing Hamlet, as we stood and watched briefly. They actors were brilliant; hearing it in another language was breathtaking. We were both surprised to find a local art museum opened; we walked around for an hour, looking at the contemporary art and various sculptures. I had Georgie pose with a few; I wanted not only my parents to see this but the children to witness their father enjoying himself.

    Alt text

    Georgie and I continued walking down the street; the lights were bright now, as large crowds of people made their way beside and behind us.

    "Is it like this all the time," asked Georgie.

    "For the most part," I said. "This is like Mardi Gras...just without the beads and drunken stupidity. My mom told me stories about this place. My great grandfather would always be at this place for two hours after work. She said it made him relaxed."

    Georgie fished around in his pocket until he found some money. He walked up to a small bar selling beer. He picked up a Sagres, the most typical and well liked beer in Portugal. He opened the top, took a sip and seemed pleased.

    "Mmm. Not bad. That's one thing about Portugal I will give them-beautiful city with a pretty fuckin' good tastin' beer."

    As we came to a corner, I noticed his eyes went to a tiny merchant and his ram shacked area. He had many souvenirs located on poorly built shelves. Georgie walked over and was greeted by a very old Portuguese man. He greeted Georgie; poor thing could only smile, as he looked over the items.

    "I wanted to get the quads something," he said, as he continued to look. "I know they are too little to understand the gesture but when they get older..."

    My item was choice was found dangling on a hook; rosary beads, a simple jade, shimmering under the night sky. The man explained the rosary was blessed and would protect my family and absorb my prayers. I bought the beautiful item for my mother and another for myself. Georgie picked up four little oval shaped medals. The picture was of a single dove with a twig in its beak. I was surprised he picked up that one.

    "What is this, love," he asked.

    "This is the Holy spirit," I replied, as I held two of the medals. "The Holy Spirit symbolizes love, understanding, knowledge and strength within. We have a celebration for this alone every year."

    Georgie smiled, as he paid for the four medals. The man carefully wrapped them up, as we thanked him and continued walking.

    "Glad we didn't go to London," whispered Georgie, as he kissed the top of my head. "This place has so much...these streets alone."

    We came across a tiny cathedral. The door was a dark cherry wood; the brick walls ancient against the stained windows painted with different saints. Earlier in the day, my encounter with the abandoned church on the bike ride hit me like a fast moving vehicle. My family was very religious; this was something I wanted to share with Georgie.

    "I want to go in there," I said, pointing to the church.

    "Right now," he asked confused. "But, why a church?"

    "I want to experience the beauty and what it symbolizes. I want you there beside me..."

    Georgie seemed concerned; since I've known him, he had been in a church four times. In the past one hundred years, though, he had not seat foot in one. But the music and marvelous structure of the building was calling and although he said no, his curiosity was getting the best of him.

    The old church had been her since the 1500's; over the years, the government fixed it up and redid a lot of the interior work but the history and stories continued to echo inside. We walked in and sat at a pew. Georgie did not say a word; his eyes were focused on a statue of the Virgin Mary. He slowly walked up to her and placed his hand against her feet. I watched, for the first time, Georgie kneeling and praying. His lips slowly moved, his head bowed down the entire time. I looked around; the paintings, the building, the enormous crucifixion along the walls. It made me feel at ease; Georgie, too, seemed to be feeling that way.

    We stayed for a few more minutes, then left. Before we did, I snapped a picture of the outside of the church.

    We took a cab back to the hotel; our feet were beginning to hurt and it was getting late. We had a long day ahead of us in the morning. Georgie had actually taken the time to look into what Portugal had to offer and insisted the day was up to him. Normally, this sent red flags everywhere; Georgie Porgie planning a day was like handing a child a loaded gun-you were not sure what the results would be. But, he seemed to lighten up when he told me, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

    We arrived back to our rooml; both of us were giggling and trying to find the room key. Perhaps the Sarges and wine was a bit much tonight. Georgie finally opened the door; as I walked to the balcony door and opened it, I heard the bed squeak. I turned to find Georgie naked on the bed; a large, radiant smile across his face.

    "C'mon, love," he mumbled, beckoning me over. "Let's make love under the moon that hangs above this country of Portugal..."

    I didn't hesitate jumping into bed; our bodies entwined and lost in the sheets. We really should have been sleeping; the morning would be here soon. But we were on vacation and rules were meant to be broken.

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned

    LOL No, not yet! XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Has he actually collected any money? :P nice job though!

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned

    I feel bad for Georgie

    I can see you, pie, waving hysterically at the birds, too!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Thanks. Tried to show the beauty in Portugal. ACTUALLY, yes...there are MANY birds there! I personally do not like them, which is why poor Georgie feels such hostility towards them! XD

  • JonesJJonesJ Banned

    I swear sure know how to set the mood! You're description of Portugal have been vivid and I've enjoyed every minute of it.

    I love the picture, as well. :)The church scene was beautiful, actually. (And I'm part Jewish on my mom's side! XD) The description of the town they went to, the gifts they bought-even that tiny brief moment of Georgie and Lyla in the hotel. <3

    Good work like always, Pie. Can't wait to see more and how it ends.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Summer Vacation Part 4 'Let's go to the Bairro Alto' NOTE: There is a large section in regards to religious items and descriptions.

  • Sounds like someone would fit in over at Telltale, in the 'playing with emotions' department.

    Seriously though, you are doing great, I absolutely love this!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I honestly thought it was my greatest chapter yet. Most of the time, when I write, I get a general idea of what I want to happen and then it

  • In what way? If you don't mind me asking, of course.

    Holy shit, you may be right! I honestly wouldn't know how I would feel about that. :S

  • Nordic walking?

    Let's hope so, though if Quantum Break is a success I can see the profits from that going towards another Quantum Break, if they sequel it.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Same character. Close on the quotes. Recommended a specific type of exercise. It's the latest thing. They do want to make another game, b

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