Lol omg, so you DID remember Gustavdines! xD if that even gets a joke made about it in the story, i will be SO excited. lol.
i know some … morepeople might prefer ... other sardines boats ... but shhh, gustavdines is where its at! even gustav agrees, lol. (it WAS his suggestion. :P i just went along with said suggestion because the idea is funny as hell xD)
Going to try to go to sleep, but...
Just realized, I probably won't be on tomorrow, maybe late at night, so maybe no new part and I'll miss the live stream.
.... Well. I'm losing my voice, it turns out. I was all, yaaaaay I'm gonna sing a song!!! Only to discover... my voice is going. I'm sick. … more;_;
I sung anyway, but it sounds HORRIBLE (i sound in pain, because i am, lol) so I probably shouldnt upload it xD
do you mean get a mic EVER before you leave? ;_; because i will be upset then for sure
i will be a little disappointed if u dont manage to get one tomorrow, but i will understand ;_;
.... Well. I'm losing my voice, it turns out. I was all, yaaaaay I'm gonna sing a song!!! Only to discover... my voice is going. I'm sick. … more;_;
I sung anyway, but it sounds HORRIBLE (i sound in pain, because i am, lol) so I probably shouldnt upload it xD
i hope i dont end up too sick to get out of bed tomorrow ;_; if i dont show up and it gets REALLY late, you might have to just go on without me and host the session ;____; and assume that i have died. lol.
Just in case you humans didn't know, we have our own steam group - Telltale Games Forum Members. We should probably hang out in the group chat some time.
i hope i dont end up too sick to get out of bed tomorrow ;_; if i dont show up and it gets REALLY late, you might have to just go on without me and host the session ;____; and assume that i have died. lol.
Please don't spoil anything once you play it without using spoiler tags! What made the game so cool was the twist O_O (and yes thats kind of a spoiler, but i figure it'll hook someone into playing, lol)
Lol, nooS! B]
Going to try to go to sleep, but...
Just realized, I probably won't be on tomorrow, maybe late at night, so maybe no new part and I'll miss the live stream.
Awwww nooo!!! Okay...
Goodnight Pro.
Hope I can get that mic later today. Good morning c:
Lol, damn it WtW! That reminded me of Rick.
I'll try to put a part, but we'll see. Later. B]
The sun aint even out yet xD
I'm actually getting a little tired, can you believe that?? Besides, I probably gotta go somewhere tomorrow.
bro, u wanna 1v1 meh. ill kil u gud.
Make coffee or 5 Hour Energy Or Monster Or Red Bull.
What about GTA ;_;
I think it's fake. xD But I don't know for sure.
The world may never know. Well, it probably already does, but that's not important :P.
Nah, I'm staying up for another 30 mins or more talking to you guys, then I'll go to sleep
I'm going out during the day. Not at night
If I'm going out at all, that is. I still don't know..
Oh lol :P
Well. I'm losing my voice, it turns out. I was all, yaaaaay I'm gonna sing a song!!! Only to discover... my voice is going. I'm sick. ;_;
I sung anyway, but it sounds HORRIBLE (i sound in pain, because i am, lol) so I probably shouldnt upload it xD
Just don't get upset if I don't get a mic
You can let me listen if you want c:
do you mean get a mic EVER before you leave? ;_; because i will be upset then for sure
i will be a little disappointed if u dont manage to get one tomorrow, but i will understand ;_;
If I don't get a mic later today I mean. Thank you ^-^
okay then xD
today IS tomorrow... i will sleep before then, so for me its tomorrow, lol xD
wait, were you hosting tomorrow/today or me?
We agreed on you hosting Saturday and me hosting Sunday
I want to hear too!
okay, I'll send you it too !
How do you have more comments than me??
Well...... um..... I like to talk a lot I guess?
whoa, you guys are crazy. ive been here over a year... i have less fifth of the amount of comments you guys have. ;_; WHAT THE HELL???
We just comment a lot, lol
Not fair :c
and i thought i had no life ;3c
It's the summer and I don't have a job, okay?
I'm getting a job in a couple of weeks probably, so I won't be on much.... =/
i hope i dont end up too sick to get out of bed tomorrow ;_; if i dont show up and it gets REALLY late, you might have to just go on without me and host the session ;____; and assume that i have died. lol.
Just in case you humans didn't know, we have our own steam group - Telltale Games Forum Members. We should probably hang out in the group chat some time.
it was a joke, i get you woodbury. :P its the summer and i dont have a job yet either... ;_; despite my attempts so far.
I'm sure you'll be fine
Hey guys, I found a really cool underappreciated like 5 minute indie game that you should try!
It's about a mystery. It's called Moirai.
Please don't spoil anything once you play it without using spoiler tags! What made the game so cool was the twist O_O (and yes thats kind of a spoiler, but i figure it'll hook someone into playing, lol)