The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Goddammit, Rig! You and your damn ideas xD

    Yeah, i hate that shit too. It's even worse during rainy, snowy, or very hot days.

    Rigtail posted: »

    That skyline, it's- it's. Ooh, new idea. Instead of a destroyed city or a future city, how about a DESTROYED FUTURISTIC CITY! The futu

  • Honestly, I did that to my brother the other day and his ass went flying. xD I made him wear headphones and everything and he jumped back and almost made the computer fall off the counter. BUT my brother is my brother and I don't like him so I do that stuff to him. >:D

    Thank God....... I already get enough of those from my brother. "hey rachelle look at dis its sooo funny LOL"

  • I vote for Sharknado.

    sardines posted: »

    Hey guys, so I know I literally like just made a post in here but - It's been requested (by a few people, actually) that I do a livestrea

  • Oh, alright man. Sorry about that. Let me hear it before my trip, okay? x)

    Dude, idk what happened, lol. I was getting mad so I just left it alone. I'll just PM everyone later today if they want to hear my voice.

  • Anthony ^

    WtW ^

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text


  • Rain is awesome though. I fucking love rain. I've never seen snow in person before, only in pictures, videos and movies. The heat sucks, I fucking hate heat. I wish it would rain forever. I also wish the skies weren't as bright during the day, like I wish the skies always looked like it was nearing night, or dark clouds were always above. Just no storms though, storms are annoying. What's your favorite weather?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Goddammit, Rig! You and your damn ideas xD Yeah, i hate that shit too. It's even worse during rainy, snowy, or very hot days.

  • Ah, right! You leave tomorrow, damn. I have it ready, I'll just let you guys know later on, Idk if I should just PM everyone at once, or one by one, though.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Oh, alright man. Sorry about that. Let me hear it before my trip, okay? x)

  • Make that two votes.

    I vote for Sharknado.

  • Rachelle ^

    Anthony ^

  • edited July 2014

    Ler's see if i understood you're going to teabag your pillow 'till august?

    Anyways yo im off to teabag my pillow talk to ya in August.

  • He showed me this one video of like a hill or something and there was this car going down it and he's like "just watch the car, I just wanted to show you the car, isn't it nice?" and so I was watching this car come closer and closer and then suddenly a scary face popped up and scared the shit out of me. I pissed myself >.>

    If you want to watch it, here it is:

    Honestly, I did that to my brother the other day and his ass went flying. xD I made him wear headphones and everything and he jumped back an

  • Omg ^-^ <3

    K, I'm going to try it again... Edit: FFFUUUUUUU-- SCREW IT I GIVE UP

  • That's not fair Elmer must have helped you.

    Nah, I read it and was like "DAFAQ did I just read??!" so i went back and caught it. Then continued reading and figured out that it was supposed to trick me. :P Not today!

  • Nope, I've read this plenty of times prior to reading it now.


  • edited July 2014

    Fuck! Now I'm the one having a problem here. I'm able to press record and stuff, but it's not picking up any sound for some reason. It worked for me earlier today.

    Okay. Either way is fine by me, but idk about you :P

    Edit: Nvm, I got it.

    Ah, right! You leave tomorrow, damn. I have it ready, I'll just let you guys know later on, Idk if I should just PM everyone at once, or one by one, though.

  • my brain just died when I started reading and came back when I read the last line


  • edited July 2014

    xD Got to admit i got da chills!! xD

    NO JOKE, the scariest screamer I ever saw was about this video that wanted you to watch this hypnoses thing with a spiral spinning for like 12 minuets while it told you to do stuff like put your hands on your head or whatever. And then after 12 minuets, big bird, YES, big bird popped up at the screen screaming.

    I shat myself that day.

    He showed me this one video of like a hill or something and there was this car going down it and he's like "just watch the car, I just wante

  • I vote for Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2

    sardines posted: »

    Hey guys, so I know I literally like just made a post in here but - It's been requested (by a few people, actually) that I do a livestrea

  • I love rain too. But not when it interferes with my commute. I love snow, but I hate the cold. I also love the heat because I'm really weird. My favorite types of weather are intense thunderstorms, heavy snow, and heat waves. Sometimes it snows so hard that there's thunder and lightning with it, which is pretty awesome.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Rain is awesome though. I fucking love rain. I've never seen snow in person before, only in pictures, videos and movies. The heat sucks, I f

  • Elmer is always with me! :P

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    That's not fair Elmer must have helped you.

  • Like Big Bird from Sesame Street?? LMFAO!!!


    xD Got to admit i got da chills!! xD NO JOKE, the scariest screamer I ever saw was about this video that wanted you to watch this hypnose

  • Lol, okay, Sharknado added to the list.

    Make that two votes.

  • Poor little Rachel :P

    K, I'm going to try it again... Edit: FFFUUUUUUU-- SCREW IT I GIVE UP

  • xD But on your first time did it get you??!

    Rigtail posted: »

    Nope, I've read this plenty of times prior to reading it now.

  • I'm really tempted, just because of how funny it would be... xD

    At the very least, I'll get the first one... And Hostel, I forgot about that. Clubremix wanted Hostel.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Piss Password off. Put Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen, Transformers: Dark of The Moon XD Nah, I'll probably join if yo

  • Oh my god. Amazing.

    I think my brother and I used to watch the first Baby Geniuses as kids. I have to add this to the list.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    I vote for Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2

  • I'm not little.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Poor little Rachel :P

  • edited July 2014

    My mic doesn't want to pick up my voice ;-;

    EDIT: Unfortunately, I fixed the problem.

    @TWDFan86 Don't feel like a bad guy. I honestly don't really care if you sing or not. You do whatever you wanna do, and I'll be cool with it. ...... Just don't sacrifice any babies.

  • orly? How tall are you then? x)

    I'm not little.

  • edited July 2014


    Like Big Bird from Sesame Street?? LMFAO!!! I HATE BIG BIRD

  • Yeah, I was fooled the first time.

    xD But on your first time did it get you??!

  • edited July 2014

    Here's another one then, i found a decent instrumental version of "Mardy Bum" by Arctic Monkeys.

    Its less glorious in my opinion...but i ain't no Alex Turner xD Its all in the pronunciation and the way i say certain doesn't sound half as good in my humble opinion, but my voice is clearer on that one...the music is lower though...which makes it sound like i'm singing by my bloody self !!

    Which i admittedly am xD

    Its not too loud either, but like i said, i can probably do better...its all in good fun though :P

    Edit : i made another one, the previous version wasn't as good in my opinion...

    sardines posted: »

    i cant distinguish your voice from the background xD but sounds cool, i think!

  • Smuggler's run that game was just booooring.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    random question What is the worst game you have ever played? I would have to say infestation survivor stories (which used to be called

  • I tell you guys everything. But that, I wont tell you. ;)

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    orly? How tall are you then? x)

  • edited July 2014

    YAY! :D

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    My mic doesn't want to pick up my voice ;-; EDIT: Unfortunately, I fixed the problem.

  • Oh, okay :(

    I tell you guys everything. But that, I wont tell you.

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