The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited July 2014

    Yeah. ATR has something called "work" WHAT THE HELL IS WORK. Joe is......... being Joe and WTW is going to FREAKING Mexico.

    Did I miss anyone?

    This place will be pretty empty, heh.

  • c r i e s


  • I'm not coddling you!

    c r i e s

  • WTF? that was creepy lol

    Is this guy possessed? Lmao.

  • What is going on?! Bad luck for DLB today?

    Things keep on screwing up for me today!!! V_V

  • I think that's all. Freaking Joe leaving for like a month, and WtW leaving on Sunday when I start the second half of Ch.3. These people, bro, I tell ya!

    Yeah. ATR has something called "work" WHAT THE HELL IS WORK. Joe is......... being Joe and WTW is going to FREAKING Mexico. Did I miss anyone?

  • Really. I'll check the fridge right now and tell you everything i see......

    Okay, I saw half a bottle of dijon mustard, an empty jar of mayonnaise, some yogurt that's probably expired, two bottles of diet coke, and one egg. Literally, I opened the container and there was ONE egg left. I'm not allowed to go into my step dad's cupboards, even if I'm really hungry, because he'll probably beat me up if I tried to take any of his food. I already tried that once.... never again.

    I guess I could cook the egg, if I'm really desperate. I know if I ask my mom to go shopping she'll just be like "but we're leaving for Mexico in a couple of days. Just eat what we have here." BUT WE DON'T FREAKING HAVE ANYTHING JKGNDJNDAH

    Dafuq?! Nothing left. WtW... really?

  • Bro.. idk, man. He just stands there... staring... and his mustache twitching... lol.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    WTF? that was creepy lol

  • Yup. sigh it seems like a lot of bad luck jammed into today. X_X

    What is going on?! Bad luck for DLB today?

  • I had an idea for when I came back too! Y'all make me mad sometimes! ;_;

    I think that's all. Freaking Joe leaving for like a month, and WtW leaving on Sunday when I start the second half of Ch.3. These people, bro, I tell ya!

  • Alt text

    I'm not coddling you!

  • Okay you got me. Don't cry..... Here how bout I cry too ;_;

  • That doesn't help ;-;

    I need someone to make fun of, and Joe's not here to do that with.

    Okay you got me. Don't cry..... Here how bout I cry too ;_;

  • edited July 2014


  • That struggle, though! WtW, I'm telling you, you have to kick his ass. That mexican food, though, WtW. You'll be good with that. B] You should fry that egg up if anything.

    Really. I'll check the fridge right now and tell you everything i see...... Okay, I saw half a bottle of dijon mustard, an empty jar of m

  • They want to leave, man. No love for us. B^[

    I had an idea for when I came back too! Y'all make me mad sometimes! ;_;

  • Oh Joe.... That man I tell ya. XD start making fun of Pro. Jk he'll kill you off in the story :O

    That doesn't help ;-; I need someone to make fun of, and Joe's not here to do that with.

  • Well, you'll get through it, so don't stress about it too much. B]

    Later on, everything will probably be good again.

    Yup. sigh it seems like a lot of bad luck jammed into today. X_X

  • Hopefully tomorrow Is better.

    And thanks.

    Well, you'll get through it, so don't stress about it too much. B] Later on, everything will probably be good again.

  • -.-

    That doesn't help ;-; I need someone to make fun of, and Joe's not here to do that with.

  • Lol, yeah, kick his ass so he can throw me on the street again? No thank you. I guess I could stay with my real dad for a couple of days, but he's even worse off than we are. He doesn't even know how to shop for groceries, so he makes my brother do that for him, and he doesn't know how either! Seriously, the only things he buys are macaroni, canned beans, and kool-aid. >.<

    Eh, nah. I'll probably give that egg to my little sister instead. Maybe I'll see if I can find some change in the couches or something.


    Seriously, man. I'm poor. Big time.

    That struggle, though! WtW, I'm telling you, you have to kick his ass. That mexican food, though, WtW. You'll be good with that. B] You should fry that egg up if anything.


    ~trips joe~


    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Don't act like you don't love it. :D

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Lol, WtW can't make fun of me. She always loses. She knows how to joke around, though, so that's good. B]

    Oh Joe.... That man I tell ya. XD start making fun of Pro. Jk he'll kill you off in the story :O

  • Fan, what time do you leave?

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • You're still here!! :3

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • I have yet to see Joe win....

    Lol, WtW can't make fun of me. She always loses. She knows how to joke around, though, so that's good. B]

  • Yes, hopefully, and no prob. B]

    Hopefully tomorrow Is better. And thanks.

  • Alt text

    Oh Pro.... you liar.

    Lol, WtW can't make fun of me. She always loses. She knows how to joke around, though, so that's good. B]

  • Dafuq? Now I know why you hate him. Lmao, so go with you brother or something.

    Good girl Rachelle, always looking after others before herself. :p

    Meh, you'll be good soon enough. Just have to struggle a bit, but not for long. B]

    Lol, yeah, kick his ass so he can throw me on the street again? No thank you. I guess I could stay with my real dad for a couple of days, bu

  • He either gives up, or just lets her win, haha.

    I have yet to see Joe win....

  • ;~;

    HEY STUPID >:D ~trips joe~ HOW WAS YOUR FALL?

  • I'll be leaving before noon eastern time.

    Fan, what time do you leave?

  • Yes! :)

    You're still here!!

  • Alt text

    Oh Pro.... you liar.

  • BWHAHAHA! "I'm laying her for 10 minutes." XD

    My dog just snored so hard she woke herself up. And I'm laying here for ten minuets like an idiot laughing so hard I almost peed.

  • I thought you were gone already! ;_;

    Aren't you leaving quite early in the morning?

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • I'm leaving like at 11am or 12pm.

    I thought you were gone already! ;_; Aren't you leaving quite early in the morning?

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