I need a Hero to save me now! I need a hero (save me now!). I need a hero to save my life! A hero's got to save me just in ti-i-ime! Who knows that song lol
I need a Hero to save me now! I need a hero (save me now!). I need a hero to save my life! A hero's got to save me just in ti-i-ime! Who knows that song lol
I had a good run I can't complain. Got 8th which is pretty good. I did what I set out to do and eliminated all the most populars. I'd say this was pretty successful for me ;D
Edit: At the very least I at least lasted longer than papai46
I had a good run I can't complain. Got 8th which is pretty good. I did what I set out to do and eliminated all the most populars. I'd say this was pretty successful for me ;D
Edit: At the very least I at least lasted longer than papai46
Okay, new round then.. (I guess I'll change my vote to Maxbear as well)
New round! Contestants are..
2 votes for SuperChocoLatte (I think? Jimmy your vote that you edited was one of the ones used to kick out Maxbear, so do we need to go back a round or did you edit for this round?)
2 votes for SuperChocoLatte (I think? Jimmy your vote that you edited was one of the ones used to kick out Maxbear, so do we need to go back a round or did you edit for this round?)
Random Round Pick..... maxbear29.
Vote for him, we need to take down the opressor!
Yes i am, wanna join?
PoopBrown has 4 votes
I need a Hero to save me now! I need a hero (save me now!). I need a hero to save my life! A hero's got to save me just in ti-i-ime! Who knows that song lol
I vote for sardines
I have. But you've already been voted out, so you need God to intervene to save you.
Why do you hate Me so D':
I'm sorry but next out I pick Saltlick
I'm sorry but you betrayed me
I think that's from Kid Icarus.
I need a divine intervention! Palutena where are you?! (Get that reference?)
I think that's from Kid Icarus.
Betrayed? Everyone else was voting for you ,and I wanted to move on so you would've done the SAME....
A lot of people haven't been here, and that's because this was moved to forum games.
Fine I change my vote to Twistee. I have never seen him in this thread so he obviously doesn't care :P
BULLSHIT AND YOU KNOW IT! Last night you even talked to me about the time you WOULD betray me, lol sorry
Yeah but you still get it in your feed and it automatically brings you here
I had a good run I can't complain. Got 8th which is pretty good. I did what I set out to do and eliminated all the most populars. I'd say this was pretty successful for me ;D
Edit: At the very least I at least lasted longer than papai46
votes for maxbear, one vote for sardines, one vote for Twistee..
You should get a cookie of appreciation, a gift from all of us
Hey Saltlick you wanna join forces with the Poop Brown Armed Forces and create a complete MONSTER of an army? We could really use your saltlicks!
I vote for maxbear
You and your army should support Nonatastic for the win!
Max has been eliminated. Random Round Pick..... superchocolatte.
Okay, new round then.. (I guess I'll change my vote to Maxbear as well)
New round! Contestants are..
Does the Poop Brown Armed Forces have a religion, because the saltlicks do....
papai was eliminated a few rounds ago, sorry! and Max technically only had 3 at the time of your comment.
I vote for SuperChocoLatte
Let's vote guys!
2 votes for SuperChocoLatte (I think? Jimmy your vote that you edited was one of the ones used to kick out Maxbear, so do we need to go back a round or did you edit for this round?)
I thought maxbear got eliminated just before I voted for him, I'll edit the old vote back to maxbear and post a new for SuperChocoLatte.
3 votes for SuperChocoLatte!
SuperChocoLatte is my vote this round.
3 for ChocoLatte, 1 for HERO_1000