The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    edited July 2014

    That's why you gotta be stealthy, it's one of my specialties.

    Sadly it's not that easy, if you know aunts and grandmas you'd understand it really hurts them if you don't eat their food, I told her to get over it to some extent but she's on the verge of crying when I tell her I don't wanna eat something.

    that's like mad tissue paper for no reason just do this look at them in the face and be like I don't want this shit and walk out just walk out don't let them say anything if the door is far run for that shit or throw yourself out the window.

  • It's very risky though, don't do it if you can't commit to being stealthy ;)

    That's a good idea, actually. Because lately, I've just been taking more-than-necessary bathroom breaks.

  • YES!! They are 100000000% times better here. Also, my aunt's fajitas were AMAZING the first few times I tried them.... until she started making me eat more than everyone else, and then they started to lose their appeal.

    have you eaten Tacos and Nachos? how they taste directly from the homelands?

  • According to my aunt and grandmother, women are supposed to be "chunkier" than men. Whatever the hell that means.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    My great aunt actually thinks I'm starving myself, she doesn't believe that a skinny body structure can even exist >.>

  • Yeah, some people are naturally skinny. I don't get why people just don't understand that. They always assume that you're sick or something.

    Everyone in my school has asked me if i have an eating disorder. Some of the same people have even asked multiple times. And my family and p

    edited July 2014

    The term you're looking for is purging.

    And damn, I hate when people think I have a disorder just because I'm skinny, I EAT ALL THE TIME AND NEVER GET FAT >.>

    Everyone in my school has asked me if i have an eating disorder. Some of the same people have even asked multiple times. And my family and p

  • Hahahaha omg I just remembered... when I was little, I used to HATE my mother's cooking, and so whenever she made something that I just didn't like or want to eat, I would stuff as much food into my cheeks as possible, and then sneak off to the bathroom and spit it into the toilet. I think my dad knew what I was doing because I told him I didn't like my mom's food, and neither did he, but he always kept it a secret from my mom because otherwise she'd get mad at me. Lol. My brother ALMOST told her what I was doing behind her back, but my dad convinced him from doing it. I still don't know what he told him to this day.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It's very risky though, don't do it if you can't commit to being stealthy

  • Yeah Spanish people tend to overfeed the young xD I just learned to say no. But damn hopefully i'll get to go there thats my mission to eat Mexican Made tacos and Nachos and Italian made Pizza and lasagna.

    YES!! They are 100000000% times better here. Also, my aunt's fajitas were AMAZING the first few times I tried them.... until she started making me eat more than everyone else, and then they started to lose their appeal.

  • edited July 2014

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    I got back from a football tournament today and watched the match the first 25 minutes my reaction ^

    I wanted Brazil to win the world cup but when after 20 minutes they were 5 nil down and the it started showing the crowd crying XD it was insane so unexpected Germany beat Ireland by the same score in qualifying though :'(

    Rafoli posted: »

    Brazil getting raped by Germany made me feel depressed.

  • edited July 2014

    When I was little, I used to stuff as much food in my mouth as I could and then go to the bathroom and flush it down the toilet. I was an evil child.

    Edit: OH CRAP. Never mind, Rachelle just said she did it too. I thought i was the only one. v_v dammit.

    -just in case you ever read this mom, I don't do it anymore- :)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    That's why you gotta be stealthy, it's one of my specialties. Sadly it's not that easy, if you know aunts and grandmas you'd understand i

  • I DID THAT TOO! xD I commented it up there and then I refreshed the page and saw you said the same thing.

    I always did it when she made peccadillo. EEGHH.

    Hahahaha omg I just remembered... when I was little, I used to HATE my mother's cooking, and so whenever she made something that I just didn

    edited July 2014


    Yeah, I hate my aunt's cooking so damn much, I'm a fucking picky eater and no one seems to give two shits, they just serve me the most disgusting things and "Eat up!", so I just use my methods.

    Still, I can eat 8 slices of pizza without feeling a thing.

    Hahahaha omg I just remembered... when I was little, I used to HATE my mother's cooking, and so whenever she made something that I just didn

    edited July 2014

    I think she's right, women gain weight easier than men.

    I'm just like L (from Death Note if you're familiar), I'm skinny, yet I eat like a fat guy, mostly sweets (because I can :P)

    Something like that:

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    According to my aunt and grandmother, women are supposed to be "chunkier" than men. Whatever the hell that means.



  • I think it has something to do with childbearing or whatever.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I think she's right, women gain weight easier than men. I'm just like L (from Death Note if you're familiar), I'm skinny, yet I eat like a fat guy, mostly sweets (because I can :P) Something like that:

  • LOL, 8 slices of pizza? DAMN.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    XD Yeah, I hate my aunt's cooking so damn much, I'm a fucking picky eater and no one seems to give two shits, they just serve me the most

    edited July 2014

    Yeah, the hormone estrogen causes the energy in the female body to burn down slower than men, and by that making females have more fat still in their body and it's assumed to be for childbearing.

    I think it has something to do with childbearing or whatever.

  • So I ended up making the Skype account if ya wanna add me thatlazywhitekid

  • When I love something, I can eat it non-stop, especially pizza.

    LOL, 8 slices of pizza? DAMN.

  • Ooooo totally stealing that gif

    I'm tired. So..

  • edited July 2014


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  • Doctor Daniel has arrived everyone!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yeah, the hormone estrogen causes the energy in the female body to burn down slower than men, and by that making females have more fat still in their body and it's assumed to be for childbearing.

    edited July 2014

    So now every idiot with an internet connection is a doctor?!


    Doctor Daniel has arrived everyone!

  • -Throws pebble on track-

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • That's the same with me and Oreos.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    When I love something, I can eat it non-stop, especially pizza.

  • Well that's one way to get away from Tobi's community...

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Hey, there are some pretty dumb ass doctors out in the real world, so.... you're actually not that bad.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    So now every idiot with an internet connection is a doctor?! FUCK YEAH!

  • I hate to say it...but the Lounge has kinda gotten depressing for me lately ;-;

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    edited July 2014

    Shit, sun's rising, gotta scoot. Before I go, which song should I learn to play? I wanna try getting back into piano, or vocals, I dunno:

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    I hate to say it...but the Lounge has kinda gotten depressing for me lately ;-;

  • Why? Tell us the story.

    I hate to say it...but the Lounge has kinda gotten depressing for me lately ;-;

  • Okay, the owl does make me feel a little better :)

  • It's just because a lot of people are banned + left + on different timezones, don't worry, they'll come around :D

    I hate to say it...but the Lounge has kinda gotten depressing for me lately ;-;

  • I don't know why, I come on here and most of the time I get sad or upset. Some of it is because of what Awesomeo said, and I think the other part is that I feel....disconnected? I don't know, but I hope things will liven up soon :)

    Why? Tell us the story.

  • gotta scoot

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Shit, sun's rising, gotta scoot. Before I go, which song should I learn to play? I wanna try getting back into piano, or vocals, I dunno:

  • edited July 2014

    Bloody Kenny VS The Urban Among Us 10/10 GOTY

  • it will get better don't worry about it just the summer time everyone is out getting sunburned once school and the winter hits everyone will be back and as for being disconnected hell I think im more disconnected on what the fuck is going on in here then anyone else xD

    I don't know why, I come on here and most of the time I get sad or upset. Some of it is because of what Awesomeo said, and I think the other part is that I feel....disconnected? I don't know, but I hope things will liven up soon

  • edited July 2014

    Oh crap, I forgot that tonight whas that Walking Dead behind the scenes special at 10. Well, I missed it, I'll just watch the replay at 11, which now.

    So yeah, just in case any of you forgot, I wanted to remind you that it was tonight.



    This is what it looks like when you fail a model swap... or it can be worse...

    But Jav told me how to do what I was trying to do properly... from the true master that I will never be ;~;

    Model swapping is a fucking pain

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    So should I learn the vocals and notes of which song?

    gotta scoot

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