The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I just like horsing around. I get a blast out of it.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I love your spam


    Azlyn posted: »

    * What do you call Annie with an injury? Annie Leonhurt. * What do you name a convention of SNK fans? Attack CON Titan. * A fun new sp

  • The quote still stands, tho.

    Lol, hell yeah. Its not entirely mine though. I think a year ago I heard something like it quote. And my brother just walked in from outside and said "I hate the outdoors" soooo it made me remember and I commented that^. :P

  • Wat

    Azlyn posted: »

  • I feel like i should house train Eren to stop freaking screaming by squishing him with water every time he does it.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • edited July 2014

    "Darkness is where the power is hidden, in the blackest of areas. Find this power, and the blindness means nothing." ~Qwaarn the Dreadful

    Yes, I quoted from my own story. Don't judge me.

    (By the way, I am totally not secretly teasing you into curiosity about my story)

  • SnK, that's wat.

    Gobananas01 posted: »


  • Maybe, but he's still the best ;)

    Azlyn posted: »

    I feel like i should house train Eren to stop freaking screaming by squishing him with water every time he does it.

  • Is that what you told me you did in Greece?

    Azlyn posted: »

    *pulls peak of the hat over eyes * I think I'm going blind. Mother darling, everything's getting so dark in here. Mother darling, give me your hand, why won't you give me your hand? Mother darling, why won't you give me your hand?

  • Awesomeo! the link you gave me for attack on titan on steam doesn't work anymore!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    edited July 2014


    Azlyn posted: »

    *tap dancing * I'm the goddamn Governors son. He doesn't want me to be a tap dancer. He wants me to go the Oxford. But its in my goddam b

  • You are so nerdy sometimes.

    Heh. I'm one to talk. I feel like quoting from The Catcher In The Rye right now, for no real reason.

    It sounds interesting, though.

    "Darkness is where the power is hidden, in the blackest of areas. Find this power, and the blindness means nothing." ~Qwaarn the Dreadful

  • x3

    I told you, i drove my poor roomie nuts, but then she'd join in on my horsing around at times, too. Which is nice. I like horsing around, and it's funnier when i'm not the only one. The half nelson one wasn't that great, though >.>

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Is that what you told me you did in Greece?

  • I like how almost everybody up in this crib started watching SnK. That means the originals are hipsters. Booyah!

  • Uh lol is that good? xD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Yep. I almost puked a rainbow. Black UPS guys always crack me up.

  • Alt text

    You guys gossiped about me again

    No we were talking about a different Azlyn swear sssh simon XD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Really? :O -__- You guys gossiped about me again... It's nice to meet you, though! ^^ I enjoy some new friendly faces around.

  • I love Luigi... :(

    Luigi's Mansion was easily my favorite gamecube game...

    Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

  • I take that as a compliment though.

    Azlyn posted: »

    You are so nerdy sometimes. Heh. I'm one to talk. I feel like quoting from The Catcher In The Rye right now, for no real reason. It sounds interesting, though.

  • uh liek? On Computer or mobile.

    Anybody know a place where I can watch attack on titan, gotta keep up with the times.

  • Do you know about the creepy Easter Egg in Luigi's Mansion? At some point, you can see the shadow of a hanging Luigi. It's SO cool.

    Alt text

    Do you see it? The shadow, i mean. It looks as if Luigi committed suicide. It is AWESOME.

    I love Luigi... Luigi's Mansion was easily my favorite gamecube game...

  • Is Telltale a game?

    Giga anyone? Oh and what's your favorite game excluding telltale

  • So, uh, i made this letter for mum for her birthday. Knowing that her not understanding me lately really got to her and all, i thought maybe i should give her a sneak peak of what goes on in my mind. So the letter is really just an explanation for my silence, incompetence and uselessness. But i'm too scared to give it to her now... Do you guys think i should? What if she doesn't like what she hears? This is kind of pathetic... But i really don't want to mess this up!

  • What....the.....fuck......

    Azlyn posted: »

    Can we please take a moment to appreciate this.

  • Haha, I wonder how he reacted to LeBron returning to Cleveland.

    And I told you so, bitch!

    I wonder if Salt is pissed at us xD

  • Don't try explaining yourself to people, they never fucking understand.

    Azlyn posted: »

    So, uh, i made this letter for mum for her birthday. Knowing that her not understanding me lately really got to her and all, i thought maybe

  • Childhood = ruined.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Do you know about the creepy Easter Egg in Luigi's Mansion? At some point, you can see the shadow of a hanging Luigi. It's SO cool. Do you see it? The shadow, i mean. It looks as if Luigi committed suicide. It is AWESOME.

  • You're welcome. :3

    Childhood = ruined.

  • I just thought that, maybe... I mean, she's my mother. I love her a lot, and i know i made her suffer by pushing her away and all, so i thought maybe she'd understand...

    Don't try explaining yourself to people, they never fucking understand.

  • ...


  • This one works.

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    Awesomeo! the link you gave me for attack on titan on steam doesn't work anymore!


    Twistee posted: »

    ... WOBBLE!

  • Alt text

    ew Azlyn so gah :O

    Azlyn posted: »

    Can we please take a moment to appreciate this.

  • You know who did it? >.>

    Azlyn posted: »

    I like how almost everybody up in this crib started watching SnK. That means the originals are hipsters. Booyah!

    edited July 2014

    Control your urges.

    Twistee posted: »

    ... WOBBLE!

  • Do it.

    Azlyn posted: »

    So, uh, i made this letter for mum for her birthday. Knowing that her not understanding me lately really got to her and all, i thought maybe


    Twistee posted: »

    ... WOBBLE!

  • If you think she loves you, then I say give it to her.

    It's important to communicate with parents. That is a mistake I have been making lately. One way or another, it's best that she knows about this stuff.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I just thought that, maybe... I mean, she's my mother. I love her a lot, and i know i made her suffer by pushing her away and all, so i thought maybe she'd understand...

  • I am just scared that she won't take me seriously, that she thinks the only reason i'm giving that letter to her is to get her pity, use it as an excuse. I don't need her pity. And i have other excuses. But i want to give this to her because... I want her to feel better... And i want to feel better, too. But if she mocks me about it, i swear i'll never forgive her for it.

    If you think she loves you, then I say give it to her. It's important to communicate with parents. That is a mistake I have been making lately. One way or another, it's best that she knows about this stuff.

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