The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • right dammit I keep forgetting I'm supposed to be a dad

    That's right! You better be sorry! Um...... just for that, I'm taking your phone away for a whole week.

    -cries in corner- I'm sorry I disappoint you Dad.

  • Good Night, Great song btw.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I think I'm gonna go to bed now, it's 5 AM... @Welcome_to_Woodbury We need to arrange some more things with the Jadenism, it's not done

  • weghiowjsdg fine.

    Lol, late. Let's go on giga, no one is here. >B[

  • Well I guess its time to say goodbye for a week ;_; Bye loungers (hands phone over)

    right dammit I keep forgetting I'm supposed to be a dad That's right! You better be sorry! Um...... just for that, I'm taking your phone away for a whole week.

  • Keep trying. One day you will.

    I'm trying so hard, Rachel, but I just can't keep up

  • I've never seen anyone else with more likes tbh, but there are people with more then me though.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Over 20000 I never seen anyone with that much likes dayum bow

  • edited July 2014

    Your dad doesn't know what he's talking about, shes a bad parent and needs to learn from me.

    You can have your phone, but you are not allowed to sniff the sharpies tonight, k sweety?

    Well I guess its time to say goodbye for a week ;_; Bye loungers (hands phone over)


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    Your dad doesn't know what he's talking about, shes a bad parent and needs to learn from me. You can have your phone, but you are not allowed to sniff the sharpies tonight, k sweety?

  • Can Melissa draw like that? Nah, didn't think so.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    It's not often I can be satisfied with my "art", but I surprisingly can't wait for the speedart to go up for this... now I just need to take a looks through my songs...

  • NO! I SAID NO PHONE! >:(

    Don't fight with me in front of our son, Rachel. Remember last time when the cops were called? They almost took him away from us.

    Your dad doesn't know what he's talking about, shes a bad parent and needs to learn from me. You can have your phone, but you are not allowed to sniff the sharpies tonight, k sweety?

  • edited July 2014

    Lol wat? xD

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Ok... time to send my tired ass off to bed... but first: Raaa... so tired I accidentally put a youtube video up as if it were a picture... fixed ;p

  • Okay. I'll just switch to sniffing rubber cement.:D

    Your dad doesn't know what he's talking about, shes a bad parent and needs to learn from me. You can have your phone, but you are not allowed to sniff the sharpies tonight, k sweety?

  • Thanks Obama.


  • You're no son of mine. >.<

    Okay. I'll just switch to sniffing rubber cement.:D

  • I cant stop staring at this gif.

  • :O

    NO! I SAID NO PHONE! >:( Don't fight with me in front of our son, Rachel. Remember last time when the cops were called? They almost took him away from us.

  • :O

    You're no son of mine. >.<

  • edited November 2014

    Guuuurl I ain't be fighten. And I called the cops last time because you CHIPPED MY NAIL. DAT SHEET DONT FLY WITH ME. I needed major support up in that bitch.

    But NAH you don't understand cuz your dad nail be lookin ratchet as fuck.

    And de hell you be sayin he ain't your son? You better not leave me or ima be comin for your ass. And he be sniffin cement because he learned from the best. -coughYoucough- ;)

    You're no son of mine. >.<

  • Even Obama likes my comment. xD


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    I cant stop staring at this gif.

  • Damn, mom. XD

    Guuuurl I ain't be fighten. And I called the cops last time because you CHIPPED MY NAIL. DAT SHEET DONT FLY WITH ME. I needed major support

  • Oh yeah?!?! Is that how you wanna play?? Well, lemme tell you something, WIFEY. I only taught him how to sniff cement after YOU taught him how to pick locks. Do you think I taught him how to do that?? NO! YOU WANT OUR SON TO GROW UP AND BE A CRIMINAL SO THAT HE CAN ROB BANKS TO PAY FOR YOUR DAMN BOTOX AND YOUR MANICURES.

    My nails look ratchet as f***? At least I don't call the cops when I chip one. Our son learned every damn important life skill from ME. I TAUGHT HIM HOW TO PLAY BEER PONG GURL WHAT DID YOU TEACH HIM? HOW TO PUSH YOUR SHOPPING CART?

    Guuuurl I ain't be fighten. And I called the cops last time because you CHIPPED MY NAIL. DAT SHEET DONT FLY WITH ME. I needed major support

  • I told you that you were awesome. B]

    Even Obama likes my comment. xD

  • Yeah, that's a certain side of me that you guys haven't seen yet...

    Damn, mom. XD

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    Oh yeah?!?! Is that how you wanna play?? Well, lemme tell you something, WIFEY. I only taught him how to sniff cement after YOU taught him h

  • edited November 2014

    Ahhhhem, I had to teach him how to push a shopping cart because you were to lazy to walk in the store, so while he was pushing YOU in at at age 5, I was looking for coupons because your broke ass be buying beer every two seconds for beer pong. SO STFU

    And yeah I get Botox, but at lease I care about my appearance. You obviously don't. I mean for crying out loud, you wear NOTHING BUT a robe to go get the morning newspaper, and when you bend down to pick it up, THE NEIGHBORS DONT HAVE A VERY NICE VIEW. So if you don't want our son having to steal stuff so we can have money, how about you put on some mother freaking pants and GO GET A JOB.

    Oh yeah?!?! Is that how you wanna play?? Well, lemme tell you something, WIFEY. I only taught him how to sniff cement after YOU taught him h

  • edited July 2014

    Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me, DARLING but at least I know how to have fun!!! All you know how to do is complain and NAG ALL THE TIME. DO YOU THINK I LIKE LISTENING TO YOU PISS AND MOAN ABOUT HOW THE STUPID LAUNDRY ISN'T DONE OR HOW THERE'S DIRTY UNDERWEAR ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR??? NO. I can take care of my own shit, thankyouverymuch, i don't need your whiny voice in my ear 24/7. And SO WHAT if I wear my robe to get the morning newspaper, and I know that one woman down the street sits on her front porch every morning with her coffee just to see me, so ARE YOU JEALOUS OR WHAT?

    And don't talk to me about appearance, honey. While you're out SPENDING OUR DAMN MONEY on that bullcrap to look like some beluga whale or some shit, I'm sitting here with my robe looking damn fine and aging naturally, without having that plastic injected into my face. YOU LOOK 25 YEARS OLDER SWEETIE, WHERE'S YOUR SENSE OF PRIDE

    Ahhhhem, I had to teach him how to push a shopping cart because you were to lazy to walk in the store, so while he was pushing YOU in at at

  • Got more of chapter done, thought not complete. Better slow and sure than fast and crap.

  • OOOHHHH!!! She was like...

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    Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me, DARLING but at least I know how to have fun!!! All you know how to do is complain and NAG ALL THE TIME. DO YOU THIN

  • NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH!! Stop right there.

    I ain't jelly at all. That woman told me that she sits there every morning, watching you pick up the news paper because she can't comprehend WHY ITS THAT SMAAAAAAL.

    And I piss and nag because you don't do anything but eat and watch tv and have our son be your personal beer bringer. As a matter of fact I have a hidden camera the took a picture of you...

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    THIS IS YOU! When was the last time you saw yourself in the bathroom mirror? I think it was 4 years ago when you could still fit throughout the bathroom DOOR.

    And I am proud of the way I look. Ima still look 25 when I'm 40. But uhhh, honey, your not even 30 yet, and you walk people if you listen closely, you can hear them saying "damn that thing needs ironing"

    Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me, DARLING but at least I know how to have fun!!! All you know how to do is complain and NAG ALL THE TIME. DO YOU THIN

  • OOOOHHHHH!!! It's... It's done! It's over! this is it! She was like...

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    NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH!! Stop right there. I ain't jelly at all. That woman told me that she sits there every morning, watching you pick

  • Oh, so you have hidden cameras around the house too now??? WHAT ELSE ARE YOU HIDING FROM ME WOMAN? DO YOU HAVE A SECRET LOVER THAT I'M NOT AWARE OF TOO???

    Oh yeah?? WELL MAYBE I WOULDN'T BE FAT IF YOU KNEW HOW TO ACTUALLY COOK!!! All we do is order takeout because you couldn't cook a steak to save your damn life!! You don't even know how to make a salad! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GO ON A DIET IF NO ONE IN THIS DAMN HOUSE KNOWS WHAT A SALAD IS!?!?!?! Because of you, our son will have to go through life twice the size of the other kids because you can't cook a proper meal if someone held a gun to your head!

    NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH!! Stop right there. I ain't jelly at all. That woman told me that she sits there every morning, watching you pick

  • edited July 2014

    Pro, she trying to go up against me!! SHE MUST NOT KNOW ME!!!!

    OOOOHHHHH!!! It's... It's done! It's over! this is it! She was like...

  • edited July 2014



    OOOOHHHHH!!! It's... It's done! It's over! this is it! She was like...

  • Rachel is about to start stomping couches! Everyone move back!

    Pro, she trying to go up against me!! SHE MUST NOT KNOW ME!!!!

  • It's very close right now! It can go either way!



    And yeah, I don't cook, BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT A VACUME IS???! Does that word mean ANYTHING to you?? If you want something healthy, get in the car and go buy a apple!! Oh wait.... YOU DONT FIT IN THE CAR ANYMORE !


    Oh, so you have hidden cameras around the house too now??? WHAT ELSE ARE YOU HIDING FROM ME WOMAN? DO YOU HAVE A SECRET LOVER THAT I'M NOT A

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