The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Hi mark!!

    Aww man, I gtg, bai mark. ;_;

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Had to get up early and I'm wrecked from staying up late on the forum I just got up and everyone is still here I can't keep up dayum people does anybody sleep

  • edited July 2014

    A number of reasons. It was like it all happened at once. A few very good people that me and Noncy were close with left. And that sucked for a bit, but we all made it work. Then the mods, they just completely turned that site upside down. Banning and permabanning members just because they didn't want to only discuss the Bioware games. Very arrogant for Bioawre imo, BSN was more than just a site to discuss Bioware games to some of us. The mods removed the polls, blogs, and albums.

    Then they gave the site a "glorious" makeover that looks like something a 4 year old created on paint. The mods also lack conviction, banning people just because they're friends with certain people. Guilty by association.

    What happened over at the Bioware forums exactly?

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    XD brilliant but this kitty has claws and the punny name dayum nice :D

    @LeeTheProfessional is now LeeTheCatfessional

  • Haha, cool.

    Heh. No worries you guys. I know what that's like. Having people encroach and attempt to ruin things. Those kinds of people just have nothing else better to do than to stick their ugly noses in other people's symposiums and create bs.

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    The memories dem feels :'D but I was part of none of them :'(

    Lmao, the memories! B^] ht

  • I'm going to make it my personal goal to catify everyone in this thread. Pro was just the first one.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD brilliant but this kitty has claws and the punny name dayum nice

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    Alt text

    God it took forever just to post these, sorry WtW can't fight you right now. B[

    Dafuq is a shoobie, Pro? =_= watchu call me m8 i'll fight u

  • I still need to watch the third and fourth seasons. :p

    cough Game of Thrones cough

  • So wait..... a shoobie is someone who wears socks to the beach?

    God it took forever just to post these, sorry WtW can't fight you right now. B[

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    Awesome pic I knew it XD

    @LeeTheProfessional..... This is what a Canadian baby looks like:

  • Wtf? That's even worse! Fuck censorship!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Censorship!!but on the bright great excuse for AMC to hide behind to cut the budget again the gangsters you hear about the time they wanted


    You're missing out ;-;

    I still need to watch the third and fourth seasons.

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    DO IT NAW pls :'O

    I'm going to make it my personal goal to catify everyone in this thread. Pro was just the first one.

  • Holy.... Them mods went rogue that forum really did go downhill. Well welcome to the TTG forums hopefully the same won't follow.

    A number of reasons. It was like it all happened at once. A few very good people that me and Noncy were close with left. And that sucked for

  • I know, I will, WtW. B]

    DO ETTT PRO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FORRRR You're missing out ;-;

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    OH NO!! ok bai ;_; have a nice sleep :'(

    Hi mark!! Aww man, I gtg, bai mark. ;_;

  • Someone who wears socks with sandals basically, lol.

    So wait..... a shoobie is someone who wears socks to the beach?

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    I try though how u guy do dis :'(


  • I was skipping pages, I only put the things that I found.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The memories dem feels :'D but I was part of none of them

  • I don't know who to do next, tho :s

    Markd4547 posted: »

    DO IT NAW pls :'O

  • Pro !!!! >:O I've never done that before, ever. That's like the worst thing you could possibly do, aside from wearing leggings for pants.

    Someone who wears socks with sandals basically, lol.

  • We've got skills, Mark. Skiiiiiiiiillz.

    Lol, jk. Some people just aren't able to get to sleep until like 5 or 6 in the morning (like me), even if they try. Also, some people have insomnia. Like me.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I try though how u guy do dis

  • I see girls doing that all the time, lol! You're the first one to say that wearing leggings as pants is bad.

    Pro !!!! >:O I've never done that before, ever. That's like the worst thing you could possibly do, aside from wearing leggings for pants.

  • I knew this before the new season that why I didn't watch much of it even the only episode I watched after the governor finale consisted of a Carl episode already started off bad it was basically him throwing a tantrum for an hour then he ate cornflakes and over :/ WTF is this?

    Wtf? That's even worse! Fuck censorship!

  • Apart from batnips I think that's it XD

    I was skipping pages, I only put the things that I found.

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    Not sure don't tell me though I want it to be a surprise :'D

    I don't know who to do next, tho

  • edited July 2014

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    insomnia your so lucky my wish then the partay never stops :'O

    We've got skills, Mark. Skiiiiiiiiillz. Lol, jk. Some people just aren't able to get to sleep until like 5 or 6 in the morning (like me), even if they try. Also, some people have insomnia. Like me.

  • Lol, I dunno, that's just my opinion. I can see why someone would wear them for just chilling and stuff, but actually going out with them, noooooo. NOOOOOOO ;-; I see girls at my school wearing them, and some of them are like kind of see-through and stuff and ........ ~shivers~ Also.... cough wedgies cough

    I'm also not allowed to wear them without a dress or skirt over top, so I'm probably just jelly, lol. My mom is pretty strict about that stuff.

    I see girls doing that all the time, lol! You're the first one to say that wearing leggings as pants is bad.

  • I still pop on BSN sometimes, but mostly for reasons to staying in contact with some people that still roam there. Actually got into a contention with a mod the other day, he even initiated the confabulation. He basically wanted to know why some of us are so irked with the mods and Bioware as a whole, why some of us just go around making satiric jokes.

    I shut him down so bad in my response that he hasn't even replied and it's been about 10 days. Which was expected honestly. You corner them in something and they just ignore you and delete your post.

    Thus far, I am liking what I'm perceiving of the Telltale forums. This is the most I've posted in months besides group IM chats on Steam. And at least Telltale doesn't screw up their games like Bioware does. Really really really looking forward to Telltale's GoT.

    Holy.... Them mods went rogue that forum really did go downhill. Well welcome to the TTG forums hopefully the same won't follow.

  • It's not something you want, Mark! Lol, it's horrible.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    insomnia your so lucky my wish then the partay never stops :'O

  • I think that was way further in the beginning, lol, but I didnt go that far.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Apart from batnips I think that's it XD

  • Oooo me too! I'm so psyched for GoT!!!! ^-^

    I still pop on BSN sometimes, but mostly for reasons to staying in contact with some people that still roam there. Actually got into a conte

  • Lmao, Rachelle is too awesome today. B]

    Lol, ah, I see. That makes sense then.

    Lol, I dunno, that's just my opinion. I can see why someone would wear them for just chilling and stuff, but actually going out with them, n

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    But.....but partay all night long more stuff and thangs you can do and time to do them WINNING

    edit right have to go Rachelle see ya later <3

    It's not something you want, Mark! Lol, it's horrible.

  • Lol, yeah the second half of season 4 felt like a bunch of filler episodes. The finale was good but then that cliffhanger ending.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I knew this before the new season that why I didn't watch much of it even the only episode I watched after the governor finale consisted of

  • Just being honest, lmao. ^-^

    Lmao, Rachelle is too awesome today. B] Lol, ah, I see. That makes sense then.

  • BYE!!! <3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    But.....but partay all night long more stuff and thangs you can do and time to do them WINNING edit right have to go Rachelle see ya later

  • Lol, well going to sleep. Try to get some sleep as well before you become a zombie. See ya later, night. B^]

    Just being honest, lmao. ^-^

  • Goodnight, LeeTheCatfessional!!!! :D

    Lol, well going to sleep. Try to get some sleep as well before you become a zombie. See ya later, night. B^]

  • Way to go i am actually surprised the mod didn't ban you. Yea this forum is a good place it has its moments when its attacked by trolls but those pass by. As for the Mods i cant speak for all of them but the best one is Blind Sniper so if you need help ask him. So I'm guessing you're a big Mass Effect fan?

    I still pop on BSN sometimes, but mostly for reasons to staying in contact with some people that still roam there. Actually got into a conte

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