The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You have insomnia?

    We've got skills, Mark. Skiiiiiiiiillz. Lol, jk. Some people just aren't able to get to sleep until like 5 or 6 in the morning (like me), even if they try. Also, some people have insomnia. Like me.

  • Yes :(

    You have insomnia?

  • Oh my God.

    This one?

  • edited July 2014

    Well I was civil with him, but I have been permabanned before (over something really stupid honestly). But I just created a new account.
    Lol let those trolls come, I've been dealing with trolls for too long.
    And I use to be. Loved the ME universe and all. But Bioware really did mess up ME3, they did attempt to fix it via DLC but by the time that happened I already lost interest. Could never get into the ME3 MP either, which is another thing that happened to the forums. Got taken over by crazy MP people and Bioware drones.

    I do like Dragon Age though. But of course, Bioware messed up DAII, like wtf. But DA:I looks a bit promising but I'm not going to get it until I hear good reviews from people I trust. Or when it goes on a Steam sale.

    Way to go i am actually surprised the mod didn't ban you. Yea this forum is a good place it has its moments when its attacked by trolls but

  • Seems legit.

    @LeeTheProfessional..... This is what a Canadian baby looks like:

  • Math will be the death of me.

  • Is it like long term or it comes and goes?


  • Okay, okay, that was the last straw, i am freaking done.

    Steam doesn't work so... Can i just vent here?

  • I'm pretty sure it's long term, 'cause I've been that way since I was little. I even went to the doctor once when I was 13 and he prescribed me sleeping pills, but my mom doesn't like me taking medications so.... yeah.

    Is it like long term or it comes and goes?

  • Yeah i remember that ME3 ending caused riots and by the time they released that DLC a lot of people just said fuck it. I never really played DA so I got no idea what's about but waiting to purchase games is a smart idea mostly if its published by EA they fucked up my favorite franchise Battlefield.

    Well I was civil with him, but I have been permabanned before (over something really stupid honestly). But I just created a new account. L

  • Never freaking mind.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, okay, that was the last straw, i am freaking done. Steam doesn't work so... Can i just vent here?

  • You have to take those i know its bad to take sleeping pills as they are dangerous but its more worrying that you are being deprived of sleep.

    I'm pretty sure it's long term, 'cause I've been that way since I was little. I even went to the doctor once when I was 13 and he prescribed me sleeping pills, but my mom doesn't like me taking medications so.... yeah.

  • Yes! Go ahead!

    Azlyn posted: »

    Never freaking mind.

  • Yeah, we need to word a pledge, people can't just decide to join this.

    @AWESOMEO, I know you're sleeping, but.... I was rewriting the Commandments and I remembered this: "Thou shalt pledge to devote thy life

  • Math is the language of the Universe.

    Math will be the death of me.

  • Seems like there's a truce, but only for a few hours, so I think that after the truce is expired they will blast us with everything they can...

  • The first Dragon Age was pretty fun, good gameplay and character depth. DAII just didn't happen. It does not exist.
    And yep, EfuckingA. Literally ruins everything. And they wonder why more people use Steam than Origin as far as PC gamers go. Origin is a piece of a dead moose's last shit. Such is EA.

    Battlefield 4 was a disappointment honestly.

    Yeah i remember that ME3 ending caused riots and by the time they released that DLC a lot of people just said fuck it. I never really played

  • Because seeing a walker splitting in half and Rick biting a fucking jugular off wasn't "too violent"...

    And then, after all this, they still won't say the word fuck... "family friendly", yeah right.

    They're trying to censor some of the scenes on the premiere of season 5. BS!,manual



    Math is the language of the Universe.

  • I mean, I do sleep.... it just takes a really long time and it's difficult for me to do it. My sleeping patterns are all effed up even worse now that I'm not in school... like, I'll either not sleep at all, or I'll sleep only 2 or 3 hours, or I'll sleep all day long. Even when I was going to school I could rarely ever sleep the whole night, I always woke up two or three hours before my alarm went off, as if my body would only let me sleep so many hours before I had to wake up. Then I'd be tired all day at school and the next night would be the same thing.

    You have to take those i know its bad to take sleeping pills as they are dangerous but its more worrying that you are being deprived of sleep.

  • Yes, I already said that if they censor Negan I will lose my respect for Kirkman, he needs to be persistent when it comes to token characters from the comics.

    And the cursing too. I heard that Negan likes to drop the F bomb a lot. Will he just say something else instead? Because in the comics I kno

  • Stuff and thaaaangs is a very nice way to put it, they fucked them up.

    They're up to the cannibals, in the comics Rick and the grou) do some stuff and thaaaangs to them, but they didn't ahow it. You could tell w

  • AMC is all about the money, greedy bastards won't let anyone risk the chance of losing audience, which means losing money, Robert needs to stand up for the sake of his art and stop partnering with AMC, but I think he can't do it.

    He won't say the f word on the show, unless the move to HBO or something, then they can show whatever they want without worrying.

  • :( Daniel noooooooo

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Seems like there's a truce, but only for a few hours, so I think that after the truce is expired they will blast us with everything they can...

  • Yeah, they added CG zombies in season 2 to "save money".

    Fucking greedy bastards, it's a miracle that Mazzara isn't there anymore.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Censorship!!but on the bright great excuse for AMC to hide behind to cut the budget again the gangsters you hear about the time they wanted

  • I don't want to take pills, though. They're going to fuck me up.

    You are sleeping yes but not enough if you don't hit the 8+ hours mark.

  • You are sleeping yes but not enough if you don't hit the 8+ hours mark.

    I mean, I do sleep.... it just takes a really long time and it's difficult for me to do it. My sleeping patterns are all effed up even worse

  • Tell me a problem and I'll try and help you out.


  • Math already killed me on the inside.

    Math will be the death of me.

  • I'll be fine :)

    Good morning, I just woke up and... 284 new comments...

    Daniel noooooooo

    edited July 2014

    @Johnnie Welcome to the Telltale Community!

  • I don't want to take pills, though. They're going to fuck me up.

    You are sleeping yes but not enough if you don't hit the 8+ hours mark.

  • Lol, look at what they did to Simon.. xD

    I don't want to take pills, though. They're going to fuck me up.

  • There isn't a problem that I'm having trouble on, it's just that I have this distate in Math since I was 7. Thanks for your offer though :)

    Tell me a problem and I'll try and help you out.

  • This is my favorite Negan quote... Except one more that I won't tell some of you just yet.

  • Spill it gurl.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, okay, that was the last straw, i am freaking done. Steam doesn't work so... Can i just vent here?

  • That's why they keep getting voted worst company xD but damn still can't believe they burned and crashed the BF series that quick look at what they are doing now its a yearly series. :(

    The first Dragon Age was pretty fun, good gameplay and character depth. DAII just didn't happen. It does not exist. And yep, EfuckingA. Li

  • Good morning :) Hope you slept well.

    Lol, things have been.... exciting. :p

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'll be fine Good morning, I just woke up and... 284 new comments...

  • Anytime :)

    There isn't a problem that I'm having trouble on, it's just that I have this distate in Math since I was 7. Thanks for your offer though

    edited July 2014

    They have a habit of hoarding everything they have and then launching everything at once, there were like... 7 missiles (I think) last time, that's lame. It's funny because one of their missiles hit a power cable that shut down all the electricity in Gaza, what a cockblock..

    Good morning Hope you slept well. Lol, things have been.... exciting.

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